Chapter 26 (Remy)
I have decided I hate Emile.
He took away my COFFEE!
I was only on my tenth cup, too!
He pulled me out of the coffee shop, and down the road, but I wasn't thinking about anything other than that coffee.
There are 2 pianos outside the store. Weird, but ok. I don't remember them being there, but I was floating on the amazing smell of coffee beans.
Emile walks around them. I follow, feeling like half a person without my coffee.
Of course, I still have two cups in my hands, but we're walking away from heaven, babes!
Emile hurries down the street. I follow at a much more reasonable pace, seeing as I have pure joy in my hands.
He looks exasperated with me, but he can never stay mad.
He waits for me before running ahead again. I shrug and take a sip of my coffee. Say what you will about the Dark Sides, but they know how to make coffee!
Actually, the few I've met haven't been bad. They seemed to want the best for Thomas, including the coffeemaker, seeing as he gave me coffee, which definitely means he wants the best for Thomas.
Me without coffee... that would end with a few dead bodies.
Emile waits for me again. I walk a little faster, but not fast enough to spill my heavenly nectar.
He looks mildly disturbed, and when I give him a confused look, he just points down the street.
There's a maniac running around, jumping in front of cars, then out of the way.
He's grinning. What's wrong with him?
He gives me a slight glare. "Look at them. With your eyes and your brain."
I do and notice the person looks familiar. "Who is that?"
"I think it might be Logan. You know, the effects of the mirror?"
I look closer. He might be right. It's hard to tell from this far away.
"Let's get closer."
We walk down, and as we get nearer, his laughter rings out across the buildings.
We end up standing a few feet away, but he doesn't notice and jumps back in and out of the traffic.
Emile eventually gives up on having him notice us. "Hi! Who are you?"
The person looks up, even as they jump into traffic. A car comes, and they just stand there, staring it down. The driver slams on the brakes, and manages to stop the car just before it hits him. A few other cars are forced to stop, and it really causes chaos.
He grins. "I eat shampoo."
"The moon fell."
"The hairbrush is burning."
This time he says something unintelligible. I can't understand him, and neither can Emile.
"Sir, can just tell us who you are?"
He grins maniacally. "I brushed my teeth with a squirrel."
Emile looks at me like What-the-absolute-hell.
"Is your name Nonsense?"
"I will follow the white hare."
He's obviously not going to speak our language. It's time to speak his.
I hand Remy my coffee. I pop my knuckles and go into the dreamworld.
I can feel myself distort. Do you know those really weird dreams where nothing makes sense?
I'm one of those now.
I get on his level.
"Chia seed going to Japan. Shatter the quail."
He nods. "Dragons eating markers."
"Rose falls from the earth, time fades from the heart. Broken wounds heal, and shadows snap."
He smiles. "Water cuts, tables eat the blankets, and time fades from the heart."
I smile. He understands. "Follow the white hare, and break the book. Change your soul through letters. Blocks spilled upon blood. Turn the bag."
He nods, following me. "Pizza clocks breathe rocks."
I nod. "Rubber bands wound into a square."
He grins. "Pineapple on pizza, or no?"
"Always yes."
"Change the frozen wolf?"
"I don't understand."
"Nor do I."
"Did you remember?"
"Remember what?"
"The life you never left."
"I understand. Yes."
"That's wonderful."
"Patronize me."
"Don't follow."
We're almost to the mirror.
"Avoid the mirror. Don't touch."
He shakes his head and touches the mirror.
Good, he's Logan.
He looks at me, surprised. "Dr, must you appear that way?"
Oh, I'm still in the dream world. I reverse my brain, and my body turns back.
"I had to speak to you somehow."
Emile appears behind me, and seeing Logan, sighs in relief.
"Remy, here's your coffee. I forgot how weird it is when you go into the dream world!"
"How did you perceive it?" Logan asks.
"His whole form distorts, his words come out backward, and nothing he does makes any sense. It's pretty creepy."
Logan adjusted his glasses. "Interesting. This requires more research."
Never have I been so glad to see a nerd.
"Logan, we don't need to get to Thomas... sorry, brain clog. We need to get to Thomas."
It's hard to get back in forwards after being backward.
He looks alarmed. "What have I missed? WHERE'S PATTON?!"
I sighed and took a huge gulp of coffee. "We're not sure."
"I have to go back out the-"
"You can't."
"You'll just change back to Nonsense, and that won't help anyone."
He sighs. "Let's get to Thomas."
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