Chapter Twenty Eight
Hello this is 911, what's your emergency?
Me: Hi yeah I have writer's block help
GUYS idk why but this chapter took so so long to write. It may not seem like it, but most of the previous chapters were written probably two months before this one. BUT WHATEVER BECAUSE I DID IT. Lol I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ALSO I kind of changed the way I imagine Anastasia a bit? Probably because of the name, but I basically picture her as Dakota Johnson. Besides I was looking at the girl I had in mind before but like idk she just doesn't fit the part anymore for me. Ok but yeah so that's her above! ❤️❤️
The door swung open and Diana was standing there, looking between me and the bag that was in my hand. "Come in," She stepped aside and I walked past her into the house.
"Thanks for—"
"I knew you two wouldn't be good together." She said as she shut the door. Turning back towards me, Diana has a hint of a smile on her lips.
I bit my tongue to not say anything that'd give me away. "I'm going to put this upstairs," I walked up the stairs and as I got to the top, I nearly lost my balance as a toy helicopter came diving down towards my head. I quickly swatted it away and it landed on the floor with a thud and the top wings slowing down
"Hey," I heard a whiney voice.
I looked up to see Collin standing by his bedroom door scowling. "Sorry," I muttered.
His eyebrowas were furrowed as he stormed over to grab his now broken toy. "You broke the wing." He whined, sending a glare my way.
He's just like his father.
His face was a strong resemblance to Dimitri, but maybe he would be different. It makes me feel uneasy at the thought of another Dimitri in the world. Especially since I'd actually be related to him. My mom wasn't much a parent, clearly. Most likely Collin's closest thing to a parent would be the maid.
"It's not broken." I said, setting my bag down before examining the toy. He complained when I took it from him. I tweaked one of the parts and pushed the button on his controller and vuala it started working again. "Here," I handed it back to him.
"Thanks." He muttered before going back to his room
I went to the room I'll be staying in and set my bag down. The second I entered the house I wanted to run back to Alex, but I especially felt that way now. I checked my phone and smiled when I saw the ten texts he'd sent me. They were all saying that he missed me and that this is still a terrible idea. Now that I'm here I'm starting to think he's right. Either way I've got to go through with it. Finding actual evidence against him is our only way out of this situation.
An hour or so went by and there was a knock on the door. It slowly opened and a maid I didn't recognize walked in. She was younger, maybe a little older than I was. Her blonde hair was tied back into a bun and he uniform dress was shorter than any maid I'd seen.
"Dinner is ready, ma'am." I nearly cringed at her calling me ma'am.
"Okay... Where's Milly?" I asked. I didn't see her when I walked in either.
"She was... dismissed." She said with a sad expression "I'm Annabelle and happy to help you with whatever you may need." With that she shut the door. Dismissed? They fired her. I can't believe it. She'd been here since they first got married.
I went downstairs and into the large dining room where Dimitri, Diana, and Collin sat. They weren't saying anything, just sitting there eating their meal.
Mom glanced at me before looking back down at her plate. Dimitri didn't bother sparing a glance. Instead he ate and scrolled through his phone.
The sound of my heels were the only sound in the room as I walked and took a seat next to Collin. He gave me a weird look, but I ignored it and soon a plate was brought out.
I couldn't even imagine growing up in a household like this. My poor little brother doesn't even know any different. It makes me sick just thinking about it. My father may not have had money, but he sure as hell has happiness. I wouldn't trade my childhood for the world.
"When are you divorcing Knight?" Dimitri asked.
I looked up at him to see a sinister smirk on his face. My eyes narrowed. "We're not."
"But you're here." No shit, Sherlock.
"Good observation." I sarcastically said.
His smirk fell into a scowl. I knew he wouldn't bring anything up about trying to take over Alex's company in front of my mother. He wasn't that stupid. "You should leave him before it's too late." I knew what his words meant. They had a secret message that he knew I'd get.
"I could say the same for you." I said as sweetly as possible.
His jaw was hard as his eyes turned into slits. I swear if looks could kill I'd be dead by now. "Anastasia—"
"Desert?" Annabelle came out with a tray of assorted deserts, cutting him off. She passed out each plate and I took note on how he was watching her every move. Not watching— checking her out. I also noticed the not so subtle wink she sent his way.
My mother and Collin were oblivious to the obvious flirting going on right in front of them. Of course Collin is too young to really even know what flirting is. My mom was looking down for an awfully long time and I had a feeling she wasn't so oblivious to it after all.
After dinner we all went to our rooms. I felt my phone buzz and answered quickly when I saw Alex's name.
"Hi, baby. How is everything?" I wanted to melt at the sound of his voice. It sounded huskier and I knew that meant he was getting tired. Alexander was kind of like an old man. It's like right when eight o clock hit he was ready to for sleep.
"Do you really need me to answer?"
He sighed. "That bad?"
"Just usual. I wouldn't expect anything else. Plus I think Dimitri is cheating on my mom." I lowered my voice especially saying the last part.
"With who?" I heard noise in the background and another sigh. He probably just got into bed. I wish I was there with him.
"The maid." I snorted. How cliche was that?
"Doesn't surprise me." He muttered. "I wish you were here." He read my mind.
"Me too," I sighed. "I should hang up before anyone hears me. I have a feeling Diana has spies all over the place." I half joked.
"Alright be careful. I love you, Ana."
"I love you."
The next few hours went by and it was now nearly midnight. I almost fell asleep a few times, but somehow woke up each time. I got out of the bed and grabbed my phone before opening the door.
I stuck my head out and checked the hallway to see if anyone was there. When the coast was clear I walked quietly downstairs. The whole house was dark and I figured everyone was sleeping. The moon shining in from the windows was the only light source I had to see.
I walked passed each room until I finally found the door for Dimitri's office. I reached for the handle and twisted— but of course it's locked.
I silently cursed and then took out my phone to turn on the flashing light. I looked all around maybe for a spare key under the rug or in the plant down the hall.
I came back to the door and reached at the top of the frame. At the tip of my fingers I felt something cold and when I finally was able to get a grip on it, I grabbed it and wanted to cheer when I saw it was the key I needed.
I looked around one more time before unlocking the door, opening it and quietly shutting. I locked it just incase someone were to come in.
Across from me was his desk and behind that was storage cabinets and shelves. I got behind the large wooden desk and opened each drawer, flipping through the papers and files he had in there.
I continued looking and had to stop when I came to the next drawer because it was locked.
Again, I searched for a key and had a feeling I wouldn't be so lucky this time. Maybe I'd just YouTube how to unlock something without the key...
My head snapped up when I heard giggling from the other side of the drawer. Quickly I hid in the best place I could...
Under his desk...
The door opened the second I got under. I brought my knees to my chest and put my hand over my mouth to keep from making any noise.
"Mr. Sterling stop." Some girl giggled flirtatiously.
"I can't keep my hands off you, Buttercup." Dimitri purred.
Buttercup?! What the actual hell. If Alex ever called me anything like that I'd have a few choice words for him and they certainly wouldn't nice.
"I want you to do what you did last night." She cooed and I now recognized that she was the maid from earlier.
"How about right on this desk?" Oh God no. My eyes went wide.
"No! I just cleaned that. Take me to the spare bedroom." For the love of all things holy, please take her to the spare bedroom.
"Whatever I just want you. Now." Ew. Ew. Ew.
A moment later after hearing them suck each other's faces off, they scrambled out the door and a thud hit the ground along with the door once again shutting.
I crawled out from under and sat up, but bumped my head in the process on the chair. I groaned as I fully stood, grabbing the back of my head. I pulled my phone out again and used the flashlight to shine around the room.
I saw keys on the ground right by the door
I picked them up and smiled when I saw a smaller one that looked like it was meant for a small lock like the one on the drawer.
I went back to the desk and tried it, it fit perfectly. I twisted the key and the drawer slid open. It looked like all of the other drawers, but I had a feeling these documents were a little more secret.
I flipped through each one and stopped when I saw a ground of papers that were in a folder that read Accounts. I opened it and saw they were the bank statements and transaction papers from the accounts he had been using to keep and transfer money with Diana's and Collin's names.
I smiled when I saw that this dumbass signed his name on each paper giving legibility and evidence that he was in fact embezzling money.
I put the folder down beside me when I was finished looking through it and then continued searching. A while went by before I had completely finished going through his things.
I also managed to find the missing piece of paper from the citizenship papers for Alexander's parents. Everything I needed was here.
I got my phone and snapped pictures of each paper that I'd need. After I finished with that I gathered them and put them back in the drawer. I crouched down, pulling it open to slide the folder back in its place.
That's when I heard the door shut.
My eyes went wide and my breath got caught in my throat.
"Anastasia." Dimitri. He flickered the lights on and I knew there was no hiding now.
I swallowed any courage I had left and slowly stood to meet his intense glare. "Dimitri."
His lips were turned down into a scowl and the middle of his eyebrows creased. "What do you think you're doing in here?"
I looked around the room. "Um... looking for the bathroom?"
His eye twitched as he took a deliberate step forward. "You're as dumb as I thought. Alexander sent you over here right?"
I shook my head quickly. "No. It was all me."
Dimitri chuckled darkly. "It's going to be some fun to watching him burn to the ground along with his company." A sinister smirk took over his face.
"What is wrong with you?" I questioned. "What did they do to make you this angry?"
His lips fell once again into his frown he seemed to always wear. "That family is pathetic and doesn't deserve anything they have. It should have been me on top." He growled out sounding like a child. "
"You will never be them, Dimitri. What you're doing is wrong." I said to him. "Don't you feel bad for using your own child's name to embezzle money? Or your wife?" I questioned. "Or messing up Phillip and Amelia's citizenship?"
He rolled his eyes and took another step towards me. "Save your breath, Anastasia. Phillip was just in my way and I needed to get rid of him. Unfortunately that family is like a bunch of cockroaches that won't die." He growled in annoyance. "Give me your phone." He demanded.
I shook my head. "No."
Suddenly his arms came out and shoved me harshly against the wall, my head slamming back as well. I groaned from the impact and grip he had on my arms. "Give. Me. The. Phone."
"Go to hell." I spat.
His hand reached out and swiftly took the phone from my back pocket. I tried to fight him, but I couldn't. With one arm keeping my in place, he took my hand and used the finger print to open the phone.
"Let's see what we have here." He said tauntingly. A smirk took over his face once again and I knew he found the pictures. "You're a fool, Anastasia." His eyes met mine. "Just like your mother. It was so easy for me to use her name on those accounts. She'll never know because you will never tell her. I'll kill you if you do."
My lip curled in disgust and it took everything in my not to scream. But I didn't want to wake anyone else in the house. "Get the fuck off me."
He chuckled. "Shut up." He continued looking through my phone. "The pictures are deleted, now only one thing left to do." Suddenly the phone was dialing and then Alexander answered.
"Ana, are you alright?" Alex asked.
"Nice try, Knight. I expect the papers I sent over to you to be signed tomorrow. It's over." Dimitri said with a smile.
"You son of a bitch. If you touch her—" Dimitri hung up the phone, not letting him finish.
He let go of me and I dropped to the floor. I didn't realize he was holding me up so much. My arms were sore from his grip and I knew there would be a bruise. "You're a monster." I said, looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
He shrugged and dropped the phone lazily on the ground. I watched as it shattered on the floor. "I've been called worse. Now get out."
I stood up with my now broken phone in hand. "It's not over, Dimitri." I said lowly.
Dimitri rolled his eyes. "Quit being pathetic, Anastasia. It suits you, but I can't stand to look at it any longer."
I brushed past him, my shoulder roughly against his. I didn't look back at him as I slammed his door shut.
A small smirk took over my lips. He doesn't know what he just did. I went up to the room I was staying in and lifted my shirt to reveal the recorder I had taped to myself just incase anything happened.
He fell right into a trap.
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