Welcome to doe town
For once, I drove. Not in his car of course. Pine tree worried about his plate being recognized among the locals, and that'd only cause trouble. We couldn't have our cover blown unless we wanted the shit beaten out of us. Not to mention he'd throw a fit if I touched his steering wheel. No, bad idea. Instead, we went along in ' my' car. Used in very loose terms, being it was actually a relic of the late Miss Lass.
It had been a hot mess back at the compound, still sludged in mud and mucus, damp on the seats and building up a heavy black mold on the roof. Nothing a little TLC couldn't fix. Because under the deep alge, the stained green wheels, the clogged motor, the browned windows; there was a perfectly preserved 1969 series Lincoln Continental, with a black hood, sleeked door handles, and an engine that purred like a ring-tailed lemur.
You just had to pull up your sleeves to see it.
"Fucking christ..." The little twink squirmed in his chair, seat belt chafing his neck, belly, and all skin directly pressed against it. And, there was a lot. Holy shit, was there something to look at! Talk about dumb luck for that Sunny girl to actually having something in his size! And, not just anything: Latex. Snapped across his body like a second layer of skin, exposing him as much as humanly possible. Pine tree frowned in the passenger's seat, trying to work out how he could position his legs without looking absolutely whorish. But, wasn't that the point?
His shirt hardly passed as an article of clothing, covering his pectorals and neck, leaving his arms and pretty tummy bare for others to gawk at. He wore a tight pair of latex shorts that just barely cupped him, if at all. If he so much as bent over wrong, they'd probably pop off against the strain. That only added to the appeal, though. Pine tree wore a classy pair of three-inch latex heels that gleamed against the road's overbearing street lights, flickering as he bounced his knee up and down with impatience. The only protection he had against the thug-covered streets just beyond a quarter-inch of glass seemed to be the long stockings Pine tree begrudgingly accepted as a substitute for jeans. He tugged up at them, cheeks going pale then red as it dawned on him how exposed he felt.
"This is ridiculous." Pine tree snarled, flexing a heavy sneer out the window. I only laughed, blowing a puff of smoke from my thick Cuban cigar, my pristine fur coat's zebra collar cuddling the length of my neck as I tossed him a look. I recalled fondly Pine tree's burst of laughter when I walked out in such rambunctious material, even as Sunny assured me all pimps wore them. Oh, how his laughter died when he laid eyes on what he'd be wearing! I could hardly contain myself! "I can't believe we accepted this case." He crossed his arms grumpily.
"We?" I snorted. Taking a left, the street lamps were abruptly replaced with store lights, glowing a deep crimson. Low staircases were placed out front, leading down towards black painted doors into secret rooms of pleasure and women. Pine tree grew ridgid. "No one was twisting your arm about it, cutie."
"It sure as hell felt like it." He snapped back, shooting me a look. I caught it effortlessly, holding the expression in my mind as long as I could. I sighed, giving him a pitiable smirk as we pulled onto the designated street: Tease Ave. Already, the women were lined up outside, pressing themselves seductively along walls and street lamps, placing a leg out a little too far when they strutted cooly, as though not seeing the men that watched them, but longing still to be approached by one.
"One heck of a neighborhood." I whistled, snapping my fingers at Pine tree as he grimaced tastelessly. "Take notes, baby boy. You've gotta really sell this one."
"I know. Fuck you, ass hole." He growled, nose wrinkling, fists balling up against the sock garters stripped along his supple thighs. Humiliated. Pine tree was absolutely humiliated. "I don't need you teaching me how to whore myself out."
There, in the distance, was a darkly painted building spaced out from all other establishments. It glowed crimson just as the others, but with an odd kind of pop to it. With LED lights stretching along the rooftop, down the sides, and across the paved sidewalk like a prestigious entryway, it both enticed and shunned the lower classes. A bright sign, slashed artistically with a red 'X' that's end was just a bit too long. More like a lowercase 'T'. A cross. The Red Cross.
"Hey, I'm just giving you a few pointers. There's a lotta reference to draw from!" As though to emphasize my point, the car mosied past a strip of girls in slim dress, motioning for us. Beckoning us with their long acrylic nails. Blowing kissy faces, winking, cat calling, swaying their hips for the chance at a quicky. "Exhibit A." I gestured a hand towards them. Pine tree noticed them, saw their attire, and instantly shielding himself in shame. He held his hand at the side of his face like a wall, trying not to make eye contact with any of the local hookers.
"Oh, God... Just drive , will you?" His face grew red with embarrassment, unused to seeing such loose, experienced women out and about. A bit too modest for this lifestyle, having been a local resident of middle class California. Not pampered, obviously. But, maybe a little shy here. Not the naturally slutty type. Not the sensual twin. It wouldn't be easy selling this virgin off as a high tiered sex toy in a town crawling with expertly trained thots. I had my work cut out for me, that was for sure.
"What? Bashful much?" I teased. Pine tree didn't reply, only bunching up as one of the girls tapped her acrylic nail against the glass. She was tan, short; a little on the fat side, but still curved well enough to pull in a customer. Or two.
"Ey, sweetie. You lost?" The hoe rasped, lungs ripped to shreds from years of tobacco abuse and endless blowjobs. She sounded more like a toad than a lady. Pine tree remained still, eyes moving to me, begging me to press on the gas and get him out of this place. I smirked back, and his features instantly paled.
"Bill, don't -. " With the press of a button, the window on his end went down with a slow slide. Now the girl could lean forward comfortably, elbows propped on the car's pane as she showcased her lovely cleavage to him.
"Hiya, dolly." She winked, smiling with yellowed gap teeth. " What's a precious lil baby doin' drivin' down this parta town? You lookin' for a good time?" The woman cooed coyly. Pine tree just shook his head, still covering his face with his hand to preserve the single string of decency he had left. If that was even possible at this point.
"Uh-. No, we're just-." He began, voice muffled against his palm. I tried not to laugh as his features burned, a pretty little blush rising from his cheeks, down his neck, and through his shoulders, all the while he fidgeted self consciously in his tight two piece.
"Actually- ." I began, leaning over Pine tree's lap to greet her. Placing a tactical hand along his milky thigh, I curressed him in such a manner it was near impossible to go unnoticed. He jumped but remained in place, fearful of making eye contact with the forward woman. While his skin rose in temperature to scorch my palm, the prostitute seemed all the sudden shy. A little embarrassed.
'Oh , so they're Nancys ...'
"You wouldn't happen to know where The Red Cross is, would you?" I smirked at her, still squeezing Pine tree's thigh as he grew stiff. It was a stupid question; just down the street in all its glory was the building's church-like design, windowless and pitch black as it smoldered hot red against the night sky. I was only testing the waters now, seeing what roles we'd play in the club. How would Pine tree react to a couple of thugs trying to get friendly at the bar, or on the dance floor? Would he curl up like this? Act shy? Well, we couldn't have that!
He had to bite back.
"Sure, baby. Couple o' rows down 'at way, you see a big red 't'. 'At's the place." She responded graciously, still ashamed for attempting to pick up a few 'queens'. Not that it mattered. It only confirmed my suspicions: We'd be getting a lot of attention tonight. With how Pine tree had prettied himself up and my naturally compelling features, it was to be expected. We were a handsome team.
"Thanks, chick." I waved, showing gratitude through my sharp grin. She lifted her hand as well, now standing from her bent position against the car. Her arms crossed as she shot a glance down the road with a look of discomfort. Possibly concern. I was certain she knew about the missing people reports. Maybe even lost a few friends on the inside. But, who cares? It's not like she was making any effort to stop us. It was as Sunny said: The place was absolutely flooded with strippers and sluts. One went missing, another took their place. Simple as that.
"You two be careful in there. Some real friskers, I heard ." The woman warned cautiously, noticing Pine tree's skimpy attire. It didn't take a rocket scientist to guess what he had dressed up for. He didn't move from his spot, still covering the side of his face shamefully.
"Thanks again. Hey ." I snapped at him, drawing his mortified expression my way. He began to scowl, mentally cursing me for putting him in such an awkward situation. I scowled back. "What do you say to the nice lady?" I challenged, tossing my head her way. Pine tree didn't move, gritting his teeth at me for addressing his open dodging of eye contact. He said nothing, growing more stiff at my words. But, that was a poor choice. We weren't surviving this if he couldn't so much as look at these guys.
Reaching up, I snatched his hand from his face, forcing it down hastily. Again, he didn't speak. Only looked my way in shocked, wordlessly screaming at me and my disregard of personal space. I could feel him twist his wrist in my grip, biting his lip as he worked to come undone without letting on how strong my fingers were around him. Within moments Pine tree was still again, going red in the face at his abrupt subjugation, as well as the prostitute able to view his features in all their fullness.
"What do you say?" I repeated. The question was a command, and he knew perfectly well what I was doing here: Establishing roles. Superior pimp. Loyal bottom bitch. This wouldn't work without submission, something that killed him inside. Could he willingly subject himself to this kind of treatment? Probably not. But, hell if he wasn't about to break his back for it.
An icy glare, perfectly set against the glint of his dark, pooling brown eyes. A low hiss, quiet enough for my ears, and mine alone. Pine tree seemed to twitch around the corner of his lips as though fighting back the urge to chomp down on my throat. Perhaps he was pushing back. Willing an alternative ending to this. ' No, you. ' His eyes screamed. Denying himself. Denying his own pride. It was out of the question. He couldn't lower himself to such humiliating leagues that he'd actually obey me, right? He'd drink poison if I told him not to.
This wasn't the laboratory, though. This wasn't the GFPD. We were a couple of clean white canvases readily painted for the approval and acceptance of Doe Town. If he'd only obey. Lowering his eyes finally, Pine tree made a slow turn to address her. A nice lady, no doubt if you ever got to know her. Of course, no one ever did. Or would. It was customary for a woman of her background to meet a man once, fall back, and move onto the next. Something Pine tree'd never been introduced to. Something he had to pretend to understand.
His gaze met hers with modesty, and for a moment I sensed a wave of compassion from the prostitute. Perhaps it was the outright stink of innocence he so openly released, or the unconfident eyes, but she was close to exposing us right away. She locked eyes with Pine tree, grew shocked-! Only to calm herself silently. No. A boy so pretty; so young! He'd obviously been taken in more times than he could count. Who could resist? It was a gimmick, of course. The innocence. To replay the very day he'd lost his dreamy eyes, his soft heart, his gentle touch. It was bait. Damn good bait. No one could restrain their primal instinct to destroy. To take. To break and claim without worry of returning him to his glowing self. Because, this had to be an act. He'd lost his innocence long ago. Yes, of course. So genius.
"Um..." Pine tree began, awkward as he fidgeted in his seat.
'So cute... A guy like that must practice damn near midnight to perfect his persona.' The prostitute grew impressed.
"Th-thank you for the advice. I'll make sure to keep it in mind." He bunched up his thin shoulders, eyes shifting from her as his face grew red again.
'Amazing! He can blush on command!"
"No prob, sweet cheeks. You just keep an eye out, 'aight? Their hands 're sneaky, if ya know what I mean ." Her croaking voice was almost soothing now, looking at him with a newfound pity alien to a demon such as myself. She stepped back on her tall heels, patting away the bit of car wax she'd smudged against her hot pink dress. With a raised hand, she waved us goodbye, though we were gone by the time her hand was in mid air.
"What the fuck, Bill?! That was so embarrassing!" Pine tree cupped his face, hiding the built up shame that filled him, spilled over, and outright drenched him now. It was hard enough walking around in his ' uniform' without being forced to communicate.
"You should thank me. Get a little practice in before the real fun starts!" I leaned over, left hand holding the wheel, pinching just a centimeter below where his ass was. He yelped, and I couldn't hold back my snickering. "Don't go acting all sweet now, bunny. What happened to that feisty personality of yours?"
"It died after the latex booty shorts." Pine tree deadpanned, slapping my hand away. I only snorted, complying with his discomfort out of pure indifference. "I've got no idea how I'm gonna show my face around these people."
"With confidence! Stand tall! Strutt! Show them what you've got, right? Just don't let on you've still got your V card . You might as well wear a sign saying ' Rape me.' " I quipped. He growled at me.
"That's not funny, dude. That's shitty." His features were sour, but I couldn't care less. I was too busy scoping out a parking spot. "I'd like to see you wear this stupid shit and get a comment like that ."
"You wanna see me wear it? Really? Well, I'm flattered baby-!"
"Of course you'd say something like that. Jesus. You know, the least you could do is prep me for this." Pine tree crossed his arms, scowling out the window as I laughed at him.
"Prep you? Kid, I'm just as blind as you are! You think I'd go whoring in a place like this?" He snapped his face my way, hands going up as his eyebrows furrowed brutishly.
"Well, you're the one calling yourself ' experimental!' What am I supposed to do in there even? I've never done this before, and it's freaking me out!" I couldn't help but laugh again at his pathetic outburst. Awww. The precious little pine tree wasn't ready to get chopped down...
"Hey, hey! Relax, short cake. I won't let 'em eat you alive." The comment would've been pointless if it hadn't absolutely thrown him into a frenzy of snarls and hisses.
"Don't you tell me to relax! You're not the one whoring yourself out for them." He raised an accusing finger at me, forcing my head back as he bared his pearly whites. I found a nice parking spot out front, letting the engine die as he found his voice. "If I have to deal with this bullshit, I at least don't want to deal with your bullshit."
"Now... Is that any way to talk to your daddy?" I cooed, bracing myself for his fiery response. Pine tree said nothing though, only sporting a look of absolute horror as he realized just what he'd gotten himself into. I snapped the key, and the car's vibrations died away, leaving the two of us silent for once. He took a deep breath, looking into my one eye.
"Bill." He went. "This... Seriously, just- . Just don't embarrass me in there. Please? Like-." He stopped himself, groaning as my lips pulled up in a generous grin. Well, since he was begging-.
Oh, who am I kidding? I was about to make his life a living nightmare!
"We'd better get in there." I smiled devilishly, stepping out of the car. Moving to his end, I opened his door, offering a hand as he slid his beautiful legs out of the car. Pine tree refused the gesture instantly, glowering darkly as he slapped my hand away.
"I'm not a girl. " He sneered.
"I'm a gentleman, sapling. Nothing personal, it's just business." Pine tree's hands slid to the back of his shorts, pulling them down on the cuffs to help cover him up. They hardly budged, and there was so little fabric, if he pulled down too far, he'd be exposed yet again. With the way his ass was looking, the latex was just barely large enough to suit him, cupping him where his cheeks ended, allowing for a showcase of his inner thighs pressing together. His hands worked momentarily to tug at the sides, then the front, only to sigh and simply accept his fate.
"Let's just get this over with."
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