Pine tree sat in the driver's seat, steaming mad as his fingers tapped against the steering wheel. He faked patience, frowning with eyes that continually burned, waiting for the light to change. He shook periodically, arms tightening and relaxing as his muscles strained in frustration.
With hands wrapped tightly around the wheel, Dipper's pink knuckles beginning to pale, veins bulging along the outer layer of his wrists. I watched him from the passenger's seat, satisfied and fully aware of the effect my presence had over him. It was only the first day, and I had successfully re-established us as proper enemies. Just to reiterate:
I'm amazing.
"Change, you stupid light." I grinned to myself, cocking an eyebrow as his scowling lips continued to droop.
He grumbled lowly, setting a sharp glare. Again, Pine tree's brow pulled low, hooding the electric flame that shot through his expression. Now, if he had shown bravado like that when he was younger, I might not have underestimated him so poorly. I had to admit: The kid had some anger. Not like when he was a boy. He wanted respect.
I could use that.
"Hmm... Where should we go for lunch, then? I'm feeling-"
"We're not going anywhere until I've picked Mabel up." My puppet snapped.
I couldn't blame him for his sour mood. Not even an hour before, 'chief' Blubs had entered our work space with a wide smile, rounding his pudgy face to the point of popping. His thick, stubby fingers folded between each other, held against his gut with a mocking recreation of poise. He looked comically pleased with himself.
"I'm back!" Blubs almost sang, looking at Pine tree and me.
I lifted a silent hand in greetings from Dipper's desk, grinning with a smugness of my own. My puppet only sighed, replying to his arrival with melancholy. He stood by the test tubes, mindlessly swirling one around as the thick red substance slowly dissolved into a light blue. A laugh was just barely shoved away. The kid had nowhere to sit!
Blubs didn't notice. Instead, he suggested Dipper treat me to lunch! I could've died! He rationalized that, since I was the 'new guy', it was only right. Pine tree stammered and protested, arguing against distractions like 'lunch' and 'the new guy' when they should be researching Bill Cipher's where abouts.
He spoke quickly, interrupted periodically by the chief's attempts at intervening. He'd pipe in once or twice, trying to relax Dipper's nerves, only to be ignored as his worried continued to sky rocket. Dipper was relentless for a moment, hardly allowing a counter-argument as his mouth worked as quickly as his mind, only for Blubs to finally shut him up.
"You're too wound up." He replied. "Take a break, Pines. That's an order."
His lips tripped over themselves, twitching and allowing for unintelligible speech to slip past him. He thought for a moment, wishing to contradict him.
"B-but- Uh, no- I... Yes, sir." He sighed, eyes moving back to his work in defeat. I almost applauded his compliance, wondering if I'd ever work my way into that level of respect from him.
I doubted it.
The light turned green, Dipper both happy and reluctant as his foot eased into the gas pedal. From what he told me, we were heading to the craft store to pick up Shooting star.
They always ate lunch together.
I restrained my accusing remarks of co-dependents, loneliness, and child-like habits, simply pleased to have my puppet unintentionally introduce me to my first victim. Once she was out of the picture, there would be no one to raise their spirits. Something told me Pine tree'd be easier to deal with that way.
Sighing fondly, my chin digging into the palm of my right hand, I viewed the passing town in what Dipper mistook as admiration.
'Not much longer.' I mused. The pieces would fall into place soon enough, whether or not someone tried to stop me. All I had to do was wait. The car came to a halt, parked awkwardly against the curb. Pine tree unbuckled himself, giving me a dirty look as he did so, only to open the door and slide out of his seat.
It shut with a 'slam' as he glared at me through his window. Leaning in, arms braced against the window, eyes slit and untrusting, he gave me a once over before speaking.
"Don't. Touch. Anything."
'Oooh. Scary.' I thought, chuckling as he registered the humor in my expression.
"Yes sir!" My index and middle finger lined up against each other, tapping my forehead before slicing through the air in a salute. I played serious, loving every second that look of hatred was harvested on his face. He snorted, rolling his eyes before straightening himself from his bowed position.
"Ugh. Yeah, sure... Don't poke your eye out while I'm gone." His voice was nasty, turning away as his final remark was passed along.
I only smiled at his comment, once again approving of his spiteful nature. He was heartless as all Hell. At least to people he hated. It was almost comforting, hearing the slash of rivalry that cut through his tone. He'd kill me if he could!
I watched Pine tree, giving me the stink eye one last time, enter the store with the chirp of a bell. It was a little annoying seeing him disappear, leaving me in his car. I wouldn't have anything to do in the meantime. Not unless the kid kept a torture kit in his glove compartment. But, knowing him, he'd only make the contraption seem tacky.
I huffed, crossing my arms. Without all of my powers- warping reality and the very confines of human perception- Gravity Falls was just a little bit... dull. I couldn't wait for them to come back to me! That alone was torture! Being this weak had really given me time to think, and now I had some ideas for when I regained them!
I could already picture it.
My Fearamid fixated in the sky. I'd add a few extra rooms this time. Move the torture chamber down the hall. Make space for a lake of fire. Add an art studio for rearranging human features. An opera composed of children screaming. Maybe round up a few more people this time and create a whole squad of mortals, forced to dance for all of eternity! And, right out front, on the top of my Fearamid, is where I'd mount the Pines' heads on a single spike...
Maybe I'll talk to Teeth about it. He's always been into interior decorating.
Pine tree came out in a hurry, trailing Shooting Star behind by her arm. She seemed a bit frazzled, still wearing her work apron and holding a ball of yarn between her hands. And, squinting my eye, I could make out the shimmer on her skin, shining with the silver dotting of glitter glue smears. Her hair was short, cut cutely just above her shoulders, curling up with a poof near the tips. Very pretty, really. They looked almost identical. Though...
Taking a closer look, Dipper seemed a bit curvier. He was definitely thin. In the waist at least. But, seeing the broadness of his chest, as well as the sharp 'pop' of his hips, he looked sort of... nice, actually!
His sister was a bit behind in developments, I'm sorry to say. And, that being the case, it could only be assumed she'd fall more easily for a man that looked like me! If I could just use this body to lure her in, this whole ordeal would be a piece of cake!
I fixed myself, sitting up straight, and with an air of good natured intent, folded my hands together and smiled at the approaching bodies. I made sure to soften my features, loosening those pesky cheek muscles and relaxing my raised eyebrows. My lips were set with a pleasant stretch, showcasing my four front teeth and canines. Pine tree ripped the car door open.
"What did you do?" He rushed out, already looking to see what I had destroyed.
He leaned in, placing a knee on the car's seat, looking from my lap to the floor in frustration. In all honesty, I had been partially tempted to mess with his seat settings at the very least. Maybe see what was in his glove compartment. Smoke a cigarette. Kick my feet up on the dash. Be an asshole.
But, that'd make for a poor first impression.
"Oh, nothing~." I sang in such a way, sounding both innocent and tauntingly coy as he continued to search.
He could already tell by my voice what an ass I meant to be, but to less suspecting individuals, I was just being honest. His sister looked on in confusion, standing by the passenger's side where I sat. She usually road shotgun.
"Hi!" She knocked on my window, pulling a sweet face.
"Are you a pirate?" Her voice was muffled through the glass.
She lifted a finger, using her index to point at an eye. My eye. The one covered by a patch. She seemed a bit dumbfounded, seeing the 'pirate' in her seat, dressed in finely tailored clothes instead of swashbuckling gear, like torn fabrics and scurvy. My smile widened.
"Well, hello there!" I laughed, acting surprised by her presence. I waved at her through the glass, charming as my gaze met hers.
She'd be an easy target.
"Hey! 'Bill'!" Pine tree's voice just oozed with disgust, saying that name.
I could almost see the quotation marks that encaptured it. Something wonderful crawled through me, hearing my name come out with that tone. It gave me chills! I turned to view him with unspoken superiority, slowly meeting his gaze, as though to say I didn't have to listen to him, but I would since I felt like it.
"Yes?" My head tilted endearingly, softly placing my cheek in my palm. I'd have to seem poised for this part.
"Mabel's seat. Move." He pointed to where I sat, now seated himself after reluctantly approving of the car's current condition. His voice mimicked the one just hours before, when we fought over his desk. This time, he seemed to hold some weight behind him. His tone was bloodied in stern authority, making a point of sounding strict. Something I would have rolled my eye at.
But, again: Manners.
I paused for a moment, seemingly mulling over his statement in confusion, before snapping to life.
"Oh!" I gasped simply. Pine tree jumped a bit, shocked by my abrupt remark. I turned to open my door, stepping out with the courtesy of a gentleman.
"I'm so sorry! I had no idea!" My voice was light, though sincerely remorse. I locked 'eye' with Shooting star, making sure to look genuinely ashamed of my actions.
But, of course~! I should have offered my seat up to the nice lady~!
I moved out of her way, taking the edge of the door in a show of holding it for her. With a slight bow, I waited for her to take my spot.
"Please. Have a seat." My voice was controlled. Mature. Just short of snobbish and hopelessly generous. I almost wretched at my own tone. She, on the other hand, was completely taken back by my action. Placing a hand over her mouth sheepishly, her cheeks began to glow with a tint of pink.
"Such a gentleman pirate!" She giggled, sliding in. I closed the door for her, moving to the back seat. I entered just in time to hear Pine tree's disgusted groan.
"Dipper! You didn't tell me you knew pirates!"
"He's not a pirate, Mabel. He's-..." Dipper paused, grimacing as the word clogged his throat. Instead of finishing his statement, he grumbled, put the key in the ignition and started the car. I leaned forward, squeezing between seats to become equal with them.
"I'm his new partner. William Angle, but please. Call me-"
"Bill. Yeah, okay we get it. Now zip it."
"Woah! Hey, Dipper. Not nice, bro. What's gotten into you?" Shooting star scolded, earning a scoff from the other. He rolled his eyes, pulling off of the curb to begin the drive. She turned around to face me.
"Don't take it personally. He's been on edge lately." Her eyes were reassuring as she smiled at me. Shooting star took her hand, placing it awkwardly against my leaned in chest, offering it up to me.
"I'm Mabel! It's nice to meet you." I could have purred, taking her hand in mine. This was going to be so easy! With a soft smirk, instantly fond and open, I pecked the back of her hand. Her breath hitched for a moment, only to let out an adoring squeal.
"A-hee-hee!" She went, pulling it away with a bashful expression.
"You scoundrel."
Dipper let out a low growl. His hands rolled against the wheel, putting us on the main road. I smirked at Shooting Star, watching in amusement as her grin widened, now rosey at the cheeks.
She was already smitten.
But, of course she was! Last I checked, Shooting Star fell head over heels for the first guy to show even slight availability! It was just a means of playing off of her bad tendencies. I'd have her body count soon enough. Not to mention, it'd tick Pine Tree off like crazy!
Just as suspected, when looking away from her, his eyes were already glued to me from the driver's seat, reflected by his mirror. He made no effort to break contact, but instead darkened his glare once my attention was given. Dipper's pupil's shrank, meeting my gaze with a warning that was nothing short of "Don't you fucking dare." I winked at him.
"Ooh! Dipper, let's try that new joint that just opened up!" Shooting Star went. Pine Tree's ears visibly perked up at her statement. Not because it caught his interest, but because he had completely forgotten she was in the car. He shifted a bit, eyes dilating as her voice cut through his furious thoughts. His glare reluctantly moved from me, now viewing her out of the corner of his eye.
"Huh? Oh. Uh, yeah. Sure." He spoke with confusion, almost uncertain of what she had suggested, now pulling into a different lane. She cheered, bouncing in her seat as the restaurant came into view.
"I hear they've got a playplace inside!"
"Uh, Mabel. Those are for kids eight and under. Remember the last time you tried to get in one of those things? You got stuck in the tube." Dipper laughed a bit at his statement, eyebrows furrowing in disbelief.
A smile crept over his lips, though tamed and mature while I remained in the vehicle. I'd bet money he considered people like her a weakness, and it didn't help showing that off in front of me. Well, he was doing a horrible job of hiding it! She raised a hand to him, shooing his comment away.
"Psh! That tube was way too small! It must have shrunk since we were kids. I could hardly get my shoulders in!"
"The plastic didn't shrink, Mabel-"
"Onward, to the restaurant!"
He snorted, rolling his eyes, only to pull into the drive thru. It was a shiny little spot, newly polished and well-paved against the rustic backdrop of Gravity Falls. It, unlike the older eateries in town, was coated with a fresh layer of paint. Red cherry gloss road along buffed stones, placed on the walls professionally, while wide windows showcased customers eating and drinking and laughing mindlessly.
Pretty posters of sharp, clean, thin families were plastered to the outsides, displaying how your dysfunctional family could be saved by having just a nibble of their food! The car pulled up to a rectangular hunk of metal, complete with a voice box and blank screen. A young woman spoke from the other end, addressing herself as 'Stephanie,' ready to take our order.
She sounded mind-numbingly bored, a sobering figure meant to lower any expectations you had before hand. Messing up an order, or calling you 'sir' when you were a 'ma'am' would no longer seem so shockingly offensive. Just something more to expect from a fast food restaurant.
"Do you know what you want?" Pine Tree turned to his twin, still mulling over her options.
She let out an obnoxious 'hmm', puckering her lower lip in contemplation. Her hand went to her chin, cupping it with an intense expression across her face. Her brow furrowed, hissing between her teeth as the options became overwhelming.
From what I could tell, they were just bigger burgers with higher prices. Maybe more lettuce? Extra cheese? Human food was so stupid! I controlled myself, instead focusing on the drinks. I would kill for an eyeball cocktail right about now.
"Hmm... What do I want..?"
"It's not rocket science, Ma-"
"Shh! I'm thinking!" She went silent after that, once again looking at the menu board with determined eyes. Dipper just sat there, huffing as her eyes slanted in concentration, only to lean in on the monitor.
"Three cheese burgers, please."
"Aw, what?!" She groaned. He rolled up the window, driving to pick up their order.
"But, I wanted a milkshake!"
"Then you should have asked for a milkshake."
"Booo! Geez, Dipper. You're such a mom sometimes, you know that?" She stuck out her tongue with crossed arms, giving him a pissy look as he laughed.
"I wish mom could've heard you say that. You'd never hear the end of it."
"Ha! Tell me about it! Mom's crazy." They laughed, keeping their personal experience unknown to me.
For a moment, I became undeniably frustrated with myself. I had no way of entering their minds! Not while conscious, at least. There was something so degrading about being the "King of the Mindscape," while also being kept from it. I leaned in between the two, Dipper's laughter instantly dying away, looking at Mabel with false casualness.
"Oh~! Does someone have mommy issues?" I mused.
In reality, I just wanted to pick at their brains. Maybe pull some new information out of the two. I could no longer just read their minds and go "Boom! Got you where I want you!" I'd have to... Ugh... Investigate them. Like a human.
I made sure to train my face, keeping away the scowl that tugged at my lips. Shooting Star laughed even harder at my remark, throwing Pine Tree a glance instead.
"Try daddy issues-!"
"Dipper hates John-!"
"Mabel!" Dipper barked, snapping his neck to look at her incredulously. He almost looked hurt, though she didn't have the mind to notice.
"Oh, John? Who's that?" I asked innocently. He gave me a bitter look.
"None of your business-"
"Our step dad!" She remarked fondly.
And, it was with great distress that I worked to decipher her response. Was that real fondness, or just a Shooting Star response? Automatic? How close were they? What was their relationship?
"Will you shut it, Mabel?"
"Hey, don't get all cranky. I was just answering his question-"
"So, you're parents are divorced." I stated matter-o-factly, facing her with neutral features.
She nodded with a wide smile, though her movements became slower by just a millisecond. Her body language stammered momentarially, throwing her for a loop. It must have been a touchy topic. Perfect! A whole new can of worms to open with Pine Tree later!
"Yup! They split a few years back. But, it's cool! John's nice-"
"Okay. Can we make an official rule not to talk about him in the car? I'm losing my appetite."
"You always say that!"
They began to bicker, not even stopping as the man at the window handed them their food. No. They just kept going at it, parking the car and talking back and forth without a break. Honestly, it was entertaining! They were giving out a lot of personal information, and it wasn't even like I was there anymore! I could just sit back and take notes.
Mabel's face soured, looking at him like a newborn baby with squinted eyes and a shrivelled nose. She gave him a dirty look, something he responded to by firing back his own expression. Her lips curled inwards, giving herself a moment before retorting.
"Yeah? Well, I'm not the one that went to live with dad!" Shooting Star's tone was callus. Hurt.
She reached into the brown paper bag, pulling out a burger, ripping off the wrapping and taking a heinous shark bite out of it. I almost laughed, watching as she continued to defend herself, now muffled by the blockade of beef and bread.
"In Nuw Work!" She barked in disbelief, her meal distorting each word. A tiny bit of cheese flew from her mouth, landing on the cuff of her sleeve. She was quick to flick it away, grumbling as she did so, before taking another bite.
"Would you quit talking with your mouth full?"
Mabel scowled, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She bit into it again, this time making a show of smacking, brown gunk mashing around awkwardly. Pine tree sneered, averting his eyes while I contain my laughter.
"Bleeeh." She went, sticking her tongue out, showing it off as he continued to ignore her.
In that instance, I found myself having the time of my life! She was just the kind of stupid I had missed from this town! Leaning forward, I grabbed my burger and began copying her actions. Pine Tree's ears perked up, hearing my wrapper unfold and crumple between my fingertips. He knew what was coming.
"Bill, I swear to Jesus-"
"Bleh!" My cheek pressed up against the edge of his seat, forcing his shoulder to push into his window.
He shied away from me in shock and disgust, a look of disbelief evident on his features. His hand went up, catching me by the chin and shoving my head backwards, snapping my mouth shut with a 'clack.'
"Quit it!"
Shooting Star burst into laughter, looking at me with an open mouth, bits of burger still visible.
"Oh my God!" She cackled, doubling over in her seat at my actions.
She'd be easy.
"That's hilarious, Bill!" Her hand went to knock at my shoulder, congratulating me on my job well done.
"Gross, Bill! What the fuck..?"
Their contradicting responses meant nothing to me. Both reactions were favorable in my opinion. I laughed a little myself, locking eyes with Pine Tree as I did so, once again giving him a "wink" before swallowing my bite. His features hardened, eye twitching as my cockiness continued to skyrocket.
After that, Mabel and I were like two peas in a pod. On the way back to the craft store, we did nothing but talk. About work, interests, and just about everything that popped into her head. She was weird! Funny, too! It was a wonder how the two were related.
Pine Tree said nothing, hunching over and growling as he drove along. The kid didn't touch his burger. He was too pissed to indulge himself. I only scoffed at his moodiness, viewing him like a toddler. If there was anything he could learn at this age, it was fun. He took himself so seriously! Not that I minded much. It was easier to rise a reaction out of him that way. But, honestly! He needed to chill.
He dropped Shooting Star off, promising to pick her up at six. There seemed to be an unspoken forgiveness between the two, as well as a sort of sadness. Something that still lingered as she stepped out of the car, onto the wet pavement.
"Alright. See you tonight, them." She waved, watching us pull out of the parking lot and ride away. Her smile was wide, flexed by strong muscles and glossy lips. Her eyes still shined, seeing the tail lights fade away down the road. But, her brows. That was the tell. They dropped a bit, wrinkling her forehead pitifully.
I almost groaned, rolling my eye at her hopeless display of discontent. It was too potent, her loose grief, and it left a sour taste in my mouth. Well, that wasn't any fun!
Grow some balls!
I sighed, tutting my tongue in disappointment at how sensitive she was! She didn't even say she was upset! Humans, I swear...
I looked over at Pine Tree, now silent and stone faced. If he didn't watch himself, he'd be as wrinkled as ol' Fordsy by his thirties! Now, that'd just be a waste of a face. Not that he was going to last that long.
I had since moved to the front seat, now side by side with my little partner. I made a show of watching him, propping my chin up in my palm, waiting for some kind of reaction. He didn't look at me, only viewing the road.
"I know what you're doing, Angle." Oh! The puppet spoke!
"I'm not letting you anywhere near Mabel. You got that? Stay away from her."
I bit the inside of my cheek, hoping to block my next stream of cackles, only for the pain to add to the pressure. He thought he could keep me away?! Him?! That was rich!
He was no match for me.
I paused for a moment, as though to take his words into account. He was so weak. There was nothing he could do to pose a threat to me. Mabel was in no way safe under his watch, or anyone else's for that matter. The helpless situation he was in just made me giddy! This wasn't like last time. I wasn't in a different world, trying to make it into a completely new realm of existence. I was here, with them, sitting and having lunch.
Everything would go smoothly.
"Oh? And why not?" I leaned in on my elbow, the tip of my nose just a centimeter from his cheek. His eyes met mine, unprepared for my gain in proximity. And, in that instance, I caught a whiff of something that blew my mind.
Just a sliver. A quick snippet. Small. Irrelevant. Pushed away and destroyed almost instantly. But, it had been there. In those eyes of his, it was buzzing like a hummingbird. His face was just slightly brighter than before, seeing me close now. For an instance, I noticed attraction. A bodily connection, and even longing. Just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. Perhaps he had been doing it since our meeting. There was no way to be sure. The expression had been wiped away automatically.
"Uh-" He began, leaning away from me. His face fell into its usual scowl, now composed and ready for my advances. But, it was too late. I had seen it.
Something came back to me. A simple nothing I had skimmed over long ago, back when I was still my wonderfully angled self. I had seen something in that mind of his. A tiny blip on my radar, marked with confusion and curiosity from the preteen yet to hit puberty. It was nothing much. Nothing I had cared about, at least.
Just some pieces floating around in his clustered head. Questions. Wonders. What ifs.
Greyed images of Wendy. A distorted face. Limbs, sharper. Chest, broader. Chin, stronger. An odd misinterpretation of her appearance, considering he was obsessed with her! She was far more slender than that! That chest wasn't nearly as flat, and her hair was definitely longer! I paid little mind, instead brushing it aside. Humans were dumb, after all.
But, now. Seated in this car with him, sensing the involuntary flexes of attraction that dissolved as he scowled, something became very apparent to me.
"You know why! No way in Hell am I letting you take advantage of her. You'd be a shitty boyfriend, anyways." He spoke with resolve, as though to finalize his own thoughts. I smirked, once again leaning in on him.
"You don't say." My hand went to grab at his arm rest, coming far closer than before. His eyes widened, breath catching in his throat as I grinned.
"Well, that's just plain rude, Pines." My cooing vocals reached a pair of open ears, though I'm sure he preferred not to listen.
"I bet I'd be a great boyfriend! Maybe even her best one!" Pine Tree scoffed involuntarily, almost gagging at my statement.
"Ha. Not a chance. If Mabel ever considered people like you dating material, I'd think she was crazy. I mean, she's seriously been stepping up her game. I don't think I've disapproved of one in a solid year! And besides, they were all way more attractive."
'Well, I'm good enough for you, apparently.' I wanted to say.
I almost 'awed' at him, reading his insult like a huge compliment. He was being defensive. Mabel was bringing home guy after guy, each one handsome and fitted with good personalities. I'll bet he's talked to a few of them. I'll bet he's liked some, too! Subconsciously, of course. The guy couldn't make it too easy for himself and just admit it! Why would he do that? He loved a challenge!
He knew I was a catch! That's why he told me in advance what a slim chance I had. He wanted to scare me away from her. Because he knew she couldn't resist. He knew I was trouble. Or maybe... Just maybe... He didn't feel like having me around for too long. It could make things... complicated.
"Well, you certainly had an eye out for them." He groaned at my pun, looking away from me. I continued to lean in.
"You weren't by any chance... jealous of her, were you?" His face went pale, staring at me in disbelief. I began to break into a smile, feeling triumphant, only for him to blow a raspberry and laugh.
"What the fuck? No!" He took his hand, pushing me away by the chest, shaking his head as he continued to chuckle.
"Jesus Christ. You must be the dumbest partner I've ever worked with. Put your seatbelt on, weirdo."
I wasn't sure whether to be insulted by his 'dumb' comment, or flattered by the 'weirdo' one. In the end, I chuckled a bit too, making Pine Tree's own fade away.
"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Well, in that case, tell Mabel I'll see her later."
"No, you won't." He grunted, pulling up to the GFPD. So, maybe he didn't like me. Yet. But, there was definitely something there. A primal attraction. I was attractive, after all! Easy on the eye, you know? And, if I played my cards right, maybe I could regain my old puppet! Trick him into working for me. Use a bit of that manipulation. Deceive him. Use him. It would take some time, but with hard work, he'd be falling before me in no time.
I stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath, and felt the waves of oxytocin flow in.
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