It's been so long, feeling awake and conscious and aware... How many years has it been since I was foiled? How long have I waited for my chance? I felt a strange sensation shoot through my vessel. A simple pain that awoke me with spine tingling pleasure. I was vaguely aware of young voices, screaming and enraged. Chaos. Sweet, perfect chaos. Though my stony cell was designed to look like me, I had no use or function for it.
My hands could not move, nor could my eye see. By human standards, I had been left completely immobilized, and so spared complete destruction by sledge hammer or worse. However, being a dream demon I was still blessed with a gift no worthless mortal possessed: A sixth sense. I knew they were around me. Six. No, seven. All teenagers, selfish and easily corruptible. That is, with the right incentive.
All this time, my conscious had been centered around the pit of this stone. I could neither reach out nor experience the changing of seasons around me. But, something was slowly beginning to change. After the wonderful pain that awoke me, I began to feel as though I was moving. And yet, I knew my cell still sat sunken deep within the dirt. It was like a small part of me had been taken, my bit of person notifying me of its departure.
So that's what had happened. Someone had broken something. Something small off of me, and It was now being carried away like a trophy... Perfect! I strained myself, focusing my energy on the separate bit of stone, forcing my consciousness into it. There was a sucking sensation. I felt myself blacking out, only to reemerge feeling much smaller and much lighter.
Now I was completely aware of the movement. I continued to swing back and forth, as if being twirled between fingers or drummed with. Whoever had taken me would be my FIRST victim! I could already feel my pent up energy spark, picturing the complete disfigurement of their grotesque body. Soon, they'd be a masterpiece and I'd be free. A win-win! I heard periodic murmurs, a slight sneer, a few disapproving grunts.
"Liam! You can't keep that thing! What if it's cursed?" A feminine voice piped in, and I laughed internally at her remark. She had no idea. I sensed the group's own flow of laughter, pinning her statement as childish and paranoid.
"Chill OUT, Abby. It's just a stupid toy." My second victim jabbed. A few more moments of bickering and I was put down. I cursed, wondering if they had placed me down outside, only to feel my consciousness continue to move, this time much faster and with periodic turns. I must have been in a vehicle of some kind. That'd make my resurrection FAR easier, if they were snappy about it.
Time has no meaning to me. It's an illusion. A pitiful construct of human perception used to track the position of the sun. So when I sensed a hand grip me, pull me to their chest like a teddy bear, and fall asleep, it hadn't even felt like a human hour. I felt around their mind's defenses and was both pleased and unimpressed. They were drunk, that was for sure. And what's more they were probably very high.
Not to mention they were stupid beyond all reason. It was easier than anything to sneak in, even in my embarrassingly weak form. There, I could see. Just barely, I could make out the fogginess of his dull mind, purples and bleak with a sort of smoke floating around. Definitely high. Perhaps I was weaker than I thought, because I still remained formless within his mind. But I could speak.
"Well, he's certainly a simple one!" I chimed, rubbing my non existent hands together. There was a slight jolt within the being's thought waves, as if to acknowledge my presence. Now to get down to business. I moved through the darkness, sensing out the center of his consciousness to communicate with him. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to have my sexily angled self back.
It'd make this transaction much easier. I peered ahead, making out the black indent of a figure hidden in the fog. A kind of scrawny fellow with what appeared to be a rat's nest of hair with something thin between his fingers. He seemed to smoke even in his dreams. I grew mildly annoyed, far too aware of my weakened state now. I couldn't even tell what he LOOKED like. There were too many layer's in this idiot's head for me to properly grasp its plain of existence.
But, perhaps I could use that to my advantage... "A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" I bellowed, quickly gaining the shadow's attention. Though invisible to him, his body was able to trace the direction of my voice and face me all the same. "Well, well, well! Seems like someone's having a nightmare~!" His form shook, shrinking in on itself as confusion overwhelmed him.
"Who's there?!" The joint between his fingers disappeared and I became vaguely aware of a change in scenery. His mind was already being warped by my presence! I 'tsked' at him several times, as if to shame him for his ignorance. It was a perfect leeway into my next move.
"Oh, don't tell me you've forgotten who's arm you were cuddling up to a second ago." I cackled with joy, watching the form gape in realization. If only I could wage that dopey expression of his.
"... Holy Shit... Are you a ghost?" The boy breathed, backing away from me. I paused for dramatic effect. It'd been far too long since I'd last ruined someone's mind.
"Oh, MUCH worse!" My voice deepened at the announcement, something that always sent a shock of thrill through my form. I'm the greatest! It was like a fresh breath of air sensing the frantic nature of his brain waves as he surged with fear.
"W-what do you want?!" My original plan had been to possess this weak body. Take control of it. Use it. And find a way back to one particular family I had a bone to pick with. My time trapped within that bit of stone definitely gave me enough time to plan it out.
Shooting Star was the bright enthusiasm of the group. So, she'd have to go first. Nothing spiced up my mood like a dead child!
Pine tree was easy pickings, with his noodle arms and legs. He couldn't run far and that fat head of his wasn't even half as impressive as he boasted. He would be my second victim.
Around this time, Sixer'd catch wind of my movements and try to stop me. Obviously, he'd be a pathetic opponent and I'd kill him effortlessly. My third victim. And, I saved the best for last: Fez. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that traitorous con man for what he'd done to me. A wonderfully slow death awaited him!
Followed by the downfall of the rest of the town, then the world. A beautiful sight, really!
But... I would still be in a human body. Like when I possessed Pine tree, I didn't have the powers I had in the mindscape. I'd just be... human. No upper hand. No threat to be reckoned with. Just... Shit. I might actually have to CONVINCE this human to help me, or I'll never get anywhere. Thinking for a moment, I drew up my speech and my alternative motive. First, I needed a body. My OWN body. And there was just one way to get it...
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Smokey! I'm just hear to chat!" This'd have to sound compelling. Even someone with a pea brain could sniff out a heavy fib if I was sloppy with it.
"I see you've found my shrine, then?" I could see the story forming in my head. This would be a perfectly crafted lie.
"Sh-SHRINE? W-what do you mean?" The mortal grew just slightly, as if glowing from my statement. I could already tell he was a selfish one. He was expecting some kind of payoff, like I was a genie in a lamp. So very, very perfect.
"You stumbled onto my shrine, kid! My spot of worship! My holy place! Where all the sacrificed virgins come to hang! How else should I put it?" This was easily the most fun I'd had in a while. How long have I even been STUCK in this stone? A year? Two? Damn, those twins are probably stupid and worried about being popular by now! I'm almost disappointed by how weak they'll be...
"Worship?! Holy Hell! Are you-?!"
"A God?" So wonderfully, fantastically perfect. "I guess you could say that."
"Whoa..." I didn't even have to read his mind to tell he was thinking about all the things he could do with a god trapped in an arm. Like I was some kind of monkey sidekick he could get to help with his homework or talk about girls with.
'I wonder how far I can push this.'
"Yeah, kid! I'm pretty damn strong, too!" Now, to bait him.
"How strong?" He asked, followed by, "God, I must be fucking smashed if I'm actually taking this seriously..."
"Ha-ha! I can do LOTS OF THINGS! Save planets. Make crops grow. Battle other gods. Throw lightning bolts. Grant wishes. Send out plagues-" The mortal interrupted me, but I was too glad he took the bait to care.
"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! You can- Like a genie? Grant wishes? How many?"
"As many as I want! I'm a God, kid. Not a blue slave in a lamp." There was a pause, then the uncomfortable shifting of weight from one foot to the other.
"So... Since I found you..." His voice trailed off, waiting for me to fill in the blank. If only he knew I had filled it in LONG before this conversation had started.
"You want a wish?" I expected him to grow awkward. To seem modest and uncomfortable like a certain little boy I knew. Instead, he shook his head vigorously, eager to receive his reward.
"I wanna be hot! Hotter than Jackson McCoy! That way, Abby'll be into me!" I couldn't help myself from laughing at his statement. He was DEFINITELY a teenager. A stupid one at that! Maybe even dumber than the Pines family!
"Hey, slow your roll, pal! Let me say something first!" His enthusiasm died down instantly, but I could still feel the entitlement flowing out of him in waves.
"So you wanna be hot? That's great! A lot of people wanna be hot, and some of them even go to the lengths of getting plastic surgery for it!" The human cut in.
"But I don't WANT plastic surgery! I want to be NATURALLY handsome!" I would have rolled my eye if I had one.
"My point is-" I swirl around him, my voice coming from a different direction now. "You'll have to pay if you want the surgery..." I felt it again, the slight wavering of his thoughts as he mulled over my statement. Everyone wants free stuff. Hell, I want it, too! But this is a capitalist nation, and no way am I letting him take without giving.
"What do I pay?" Splendidly, wonderfully, positively perfect beyond all comprehension of man.
"Well, I need a body, for one!" The boy shrank, and I instantly added to it.
"Not to fuck, partner. Just to move in."
"Why do you need one?" He was growing skeptical, nothing I couldn't handle.
"Am I supposed to grant your wish in HERE? I'll need to be on a physical plain to make your dreams come true! Ha! You're a funny human!" Flattery seemed to work on him, whether or not I intended on it to be so, as he beamed from my empty statement. He really wasn't funny. His brain was damp and hollow and without any real shine to it. There didn't seem to be much knowledge, and what knowledge there was had been moved to the very back in favor of his doubts and insecurities. I wouldn't even keep him as a pet.
How pathetic.
"What happens when you GET your body?"
"I become VERY strong and VERY wish grant-y, of course!" I could sense his unsurety in my words, and so I quickly attacked it. "Hey! I'll be in a good mood, right? Might as well shed some light on this earth before it's engulfed by the sun!"
"But- Then what? What are you gonna do after?" This stupid human STILL wasn't sold. He may have been an idiot, but I guess even HE could tell when something was too good to be true.
"Haven't you ever read Greek mythology? I'll probably indulge in your human pleasures for a bit. Maybe shack up with a couple of deer and make some ungodly hybrid. You know. Normal God stuff." The being cringed away for a moment, though I could sense his thought waves begin to sooth. He was coming around. A brief moment of contemplation, and it was like someone had offered him a million dollars.
"Alright." He said finally. "Let's get you a body."
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