Second Fate: Two
Apparently, neither of us were done with trading insults.
After dinner, I liked one of his more modest Insta posts and left a single word comment; Narcissist!
He deleted it almost immediately and used the Messenger to write back.
<Hey, Instalurker!
<Did your crush come and thank you yet? <✊🍆💦
<He wouldn't make it past the door.
<My mom's still pissed that I got detention.
<Yeah, so's mine.
<I've been grounded for a week.
<Oh, fuck!
<That sucks, dude.
<Hey, I never did ask you what you did.
<No, you didn't.
<But you had your chance.
<Shall I show you something that noone knows about?
My heart suddenly skipped a beat.
<Did you just suck in a breath?
<Are you still holding it? 🤣
What the fuck?!
<Better stick to pretty and shallow.
<Mysterious doesn't suite you.
<Fuck you, dude! 🤣
And there it was, a stupid joke that had flowed naturally from the convo. Between any other guys this wouldn't even have been a blip on the radar. But I wasn't just any other guy and today I realized that neither was Jackson.
I stared at the screen, desperately wishing for him to ignore it like when I "accidentally" called him gorgeous.
Please, please, please.
Nothing! No smart remark, no telling me to back off, just digital silence. It felt like a physical stab but worse.
Jackson knew my secret.
I never gave him Charlie's name, but it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out. My class knew that I liked guys but Charlie didn't need to find out that I liked him.
Fuck! I wanted to scream. How had this happened so quickly? Should I try to explain? Would he believe me if I said it was a joke?
Was it even a joke? Jackson was hot, any horny teenager would love to get their hands on him and why should I be any different?
Fuck! Still no answer.
I threw my phone onto the bed and started pacing nervously. As I processed all possible consequences, I came to an unexpected conclusion...
I had really enjoyed talking to Jackson today.
Then my phone buzzed. I was terrified and excited at the same time. Why had he taken so long to write back? Was it even him?
<Hey, sorry.
<My dad confiscated my phone.
<Maybe detention was a bad idea. 🤣
<How are you texting now?
<My brother gave me his phone.
<Why? 😆
<I made an offer he couldn't refuse. 🤵🏻🐴
<WTF?! 😂😂😂
And just like that we were texting again. My ten minutes of self torturing hell evaporated instantly.
<So does texting do the same thing to my brain as what you said Insta likes do?
<You mean release addictive chemicals?
<I don't know.
<Best be careful...
Fuck! I had almost done it again!
<...or I'll get addicted to texting you?
I should just stop participating in society and hide under a rock until everyone forgot I existed.
<That's not what I was going to say!
<Liar 😜
<We still don't fully know how technology affects brain function.
<You're hiding behind science? 🧐
<I just don't want to say anything that'll weird you out.
<Don't make me say it!
<You'll have to because I'm clueless.
<I like dudes.
<You're a dude.
<I don't want me liking dudes
to weird you out.
<If approx. 3% of a high school class identifies as queer, statistically speaking your class was bound to have you.
<What is it with you and statistics?
<Numbers are my happy place.
<You are using numbers to
validate my existence?
<I'm using numbers to try and convince you that you are probably the only queer kid in your class.
<You already told me that my crush was unlikely to be into guys.
<I don't care about your crush.
Now he had totally lost me.
<Class! 😈
I almost dropped my phone. Was he trying to say what I thought he was? That he, Jackson Holmes, was...
Holy fuck! My palms suddenly became sweaty and my fingers trembled as they hovered over the keyboard.
<I wasn't supposed to be in detention.
<I was chatting to Hoser.
<He mentioned his bs excercise but then...
<I saw your name on his list.
<Now you're fucking with me!
<I'm not. 😂
<I even asked him to pair me up with you.
<WTF?! Why?
<Dude! Isn't it obvious?
<We were both in detention for a reason.
<But mine wasn't Charlie Paulson.
What the fuck?! There was no way...
<How could you possibly know about Charlie? 😱😱😱
<Because I've seen how you look at him.
<It's probably the same way that...
<I look at you!
This time I actually dropped my phone. He had to be fucking with me, this couldn't be real.
Why would he be interested in me? He was Jackson frickin' Holmes!
<Are you OK?
<Don't mess with me like this!
<I'm not.
<Look, I'll prove it to you.
<You have a picture of me?
<That's kinda stalkerish.
<I couldn't help myself.
<I think you're cute.
<Do you believe me now?
I wasn't sure if I actually could.
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