Class/style(kinda Kyle harem??) pt 1
OK SO I SAW A MINI COMIC ON GOOGLE (I'm not gonna describe what the comic is cuz that would be a spoiler for the chapter) AND IT GAVE ME INSPIRATION ON DOING THIS (I found it on google so idk who the creator is.)
Also I'm doing this first than the twerk x Kenny cuz I can't let this idea go to waste
(Also yes this Is smut HE HEHEHEHEHE pls tell me If I do good smut or not-)
Also in this is the episode where cartmans the teacher (I forgot the name of the episode) but I don't remember much of the episode so I'll do it my way
Warnings: slurs, swearing, obviously smut,a little homophobia, obviously homosexuality (gay shit)
No one POV:
"Alright everybody! I am now the teacher so you have to learn what I say!!" cartman yelled and welp everybody had to go with it. Cartman started teaching but no one seemed to understand shit. There was a test and almost everybody had an f, but there was one student who had a was Kyle. "AY!! WHY DID EVERYONE HERE GET A F EXCEPT THE JEW?!" cartman was disappointed (like a real teacher LMAO💀) "cause we're all stupid except Kyle" Craig Says not caring. They were all silent until cartman spoke. "... OHOHO!!" Cartman started laughing like fucking santa Clause tf "tf." Kyle said cause like... Wtf- "I have a WONDERFUL idea!!"
"What is it?" stan asked, "how about we use Kahls body to teach!" cartman said really excited (NOT EXCITED BY BONER EW... or-)
"What the fuck fatass?!" Kyle obviously was the one saying that "mmfffhm- muuhffhmmmmfmhhf! (No but- cartmans kinda right!" "Kenny what the fuck?! We're not using my body to teach!" "mmfffmhhammfhhfffffmm!!!(bc when cartman explains us the body parts were confused bc we don't know how it looks!)" "Kenny we can just use a picture in google that's made for learning!" Kyle was angry but embarrassed at the same time "mmffmmfhmmff? (But it's better with a lreal body isn't it? 😏)" "Kenny's kinda right..!" "stan? Were talking about showing my body here!"
"It's just for learning Kyle! We need a better and closer view of the human body to learn! " stan exclaimed and everybody agreed" soo?.. What do you choose Kahl?.. To show your body for learning then everybody get a A+ and they get to be in 11th grade with you? Or they all get f and your supper best friend won't go to 11th grade bc you don't want to do this? " everybody looked at Kyle with a" please Kyle! " face" but why do i have to be the one? "" because you're the one who got a A+ so you don't need to learn much! They're the stupid ones who need to learn Jew! " they all went silent" fine.. " they all celebrated" but only for this time! "" I won't promise that Jew." "Ugh!"
Kyle's POV:
I can't believe I'm doing this! So embarrassing.. Guess I'll take off my clothes off and then my socks and shoes but cartman said to keep my socks and shoes on.. Why? BECAUSE HE SAID THEY LOOK CUTE AND EVERYBODY AGREED WHAT THE FUCK ugh.. Calm down Kyle.. Calm down.. It's just for grades It's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for gradesIt's just for grades x8
No one's POV:
Cartman starts writing on Kyles body and teaching about the human body, and everybody seemed to be more interested and and paying attention to this class than before.. Why?
Kyles POV:
And they were all blushing too! Goddamn it those perverts! What the fuck even tweek?!?! (In my au tweek and Kyle are like BESTIES so) tweeek noooooooooo
Stan's POV:
I watch the lesson as it goes on.. Idk why but I'm really liking this class,Kyle looks so cute! Everything is so cute.. His face, his thighs (GRRRR I LOVE THIGHS) , his hips(HIPS DON'T LIE BABY AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE EM) , his ass(asses are hot uhmm- HDKDJWKDH) , his legs his hands his feets his belly button (I ALSO LOVE BELLY BUTTONS HEHDHEEH) his nipples (DON'T FORGET EM NIPPLES) his hole.. His dick his very thing... I think I'm gonna get an A in this class holy shit-
No ones POV:
"Ay! Okay class! Now where gonna teach how to do sex! Cuz ik some of you are 17 or almost 17 and they're virgins!! So now I'm gonna show y'all how to do sex right!" they're all surprised (◉0◉)ᵎᵎᵎ"Okay so who's not a virgin here?" Stan, Wendy, Craig and twerk raises their hands "ok so.. Hmm I choose stan!" cartman said but they were all confused "for what?" Kyle asked "for sex silly Jew!" "what?!" stan exclaimed "yes now get ready you Jew!" "wait wait wait what does this have to do with me getting ready?!" "isn't that obvious stupid Jew? Stan's gonna fuck you!"
"What's?!" everyone in class exclaimed "but im a virgin!! And stan has a gf!" "even better kahl, if ur a virgin then you'll loose your virginity to your supper best friend! And the gf part.. This is just for class and grades so its not considered cheating!"
"But-" Kyle was about to but cartman but he didn't let him "no buts kahl! Now come on stan!"
"... What style are we doing? -" stan seems to be accepting fucking Kyle, "mmmm.. Doggy style!" CARTMAN obviously is the one choosing the style😒 "alr" stan positions Kyle in doggy style and starts doing him prep "oke so class the first step to sex is prep! What is prep you ask? Preparation to sex so it doesn't hurt you fucking retards!" cartman starts yelling
"Haahh~" Kyle starts moaning as stan moves his fingers up and down in his entrance. "Wow look at that ass, shake it baby!" Bebe orders Kyle while the hole class agrees " it is pretty big tho.. " stan says looking at kyles ass.
".. KAHL? Why aren't you shaking that ass like Bebe ordered you?!?!" "w-what?! I have to d-do what they AH~they s-say?!" Kyle asks half moaning" yes KAhl now START SHAKING THAT ASS!! " all the class room stares directly at Kyle as he does what Bebe and CARTMAN told him to.
Kyles POV:
Gosh... This is so mmm.. e-embarrassing!! I'm lite-literally twerking NGH... or shaking my ass or whatever in front of the MM- whole class!!!! .. Not to me-mention stan is still fingering me with "AHHH~"...FOUR FINGERS... This feels so good.. I think I'm g-gonna..." should AGH~ STAN~ !! I think y-you should st-stop!"
"And why is that?" I look at stan... Why the fuck was he smirking.. "Because.. Im! I think I'm gonna cu- ahh.. Cum.." stan then stops and holds his wee wee up my entrance.," it's better for my dick to make you cum isn't it? " stan says.
No ones POV:
Stan outs his tip inside Kyle "stan! AGH.. Youre so big.." I moan out "this is only the tip tho" stan says while Kyle is surprised "wHAT?!" "calm down Kyle you're a virgin so the tips big for you." "Wow." stan then starts putting it all in "Ngh..." stan groans then puts it all in "Ahh! ~" I moan out.. This is bigger(obviously) and better than his fingers! "Damn Kyle! How are you so thight!!?" "I.. Ahh.. Dont really masturbate in m-my a-ass~~" I explained
"I thought I would have been simping for stan but right now I'm simping for Kyle.. He's so cute! No wonder you love kyles ass! It really is a good pretty and big ass! Shake it baby!" Wendy says and orders Kyle to shake that ass... And Kyle does so.. The girls are just fangirling and the boys are just happy to have free gay porn at this point.. But theyre also enjoying it.
Stan then starts going faster "AHH~ wait staaaannn~~~" at this rate th girls just nose bleed as well as some boys.. This was a nice view so I don't blame em.
Stan starts going faster and faster until Kyle cums "wait.. I didn't out a condom on.." "just... just cum in-inside me pleaseeee~~~~" "but I don't know if I have std.."
"Stan your fir-first time was with wendy and... And you where virgins when y-you did it with her so she didn't have std so did you.. So.. How do you have std? You used protection a-anyways with wendy right?.." stan shakes his head yes "then please cum inside me... ~" stan can't stand the way Kyle was looking at him and starts going faster. The whole class are literally turned on and horny rn.
He finishes off cumming inside Kyle "alright stan return to your seat!" cartman orders and stan does so "Kyle, you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up yeah blah blah blah yk yk." "can i go help him... Mr. Cartman?.." stan asked."... well since you called me by my teacher name I'll let you!! Now scram you Faggot" stan seems angry at the slur but still does what fatman says.
"Okay so who's next? " right before Kyle leaved he heard that" next?!?! "" yes KAHL! Who's next? I'm not stopping until we did all the positions! ... "What the fuck?!" "shut the fuck uP KAHL and go do what i told you!" .... "Yes Mr fa-..cartman" Kyle then runs off to the bathroom
"No one!? Okay then! I'll choose! ..... Mmm... Oh!"
"Tweek Tweak"
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