Chapter 21
"Where is everybody?" Adam asks as he and Tim come downstairs, the morning sun was shining brightly through the hotel windows.
"I don't know. Maybe they are over at the saloon." Tim says as they walk out of the hotel.
As they walk closer to the saloon, Tim stops and looks at the mysterious border on the outskirts of town. Adam stops and walks back to where he was standing. Tim seemed to be in a hypnotic state.
"Tim?" Adam calls him softly. "Hey, Cowboy, what's wrong?"
"What? Uh, nothing." Tim answers, shaking his head with a somewhat worried look on his face. He turns and takes his lover by the hand. "Promise me something, Adam?"
"If I can." Adam replies with a nod.
"If something happens that threatens our existence here, promise me that we'll take the chance and step through the border together?" Tim asks.
Adam suddenly becomes frightened as he stares into Tim's worried eyes. He turns his head and looks at the border.
"I love you so much." Tim says, kissing the back of the blond's hand. "If at all possible, I WILL find you on the other side. The unknown is better than being dragged to Hell by these demons."
Adam looks back into the brown eyes that he loves so much. Reaching out, he gently rubs Tim's cheek.
"I promise." He whispers as he softly kisses his lover.
"Good morning, everyone." Tim says as they walk into the saloon, forcing a smile.
"Yep, he must have got him some last night. He's never this cheery in the morning." Austin laughs.
"Well, we had a little bit of an interruption." Tim says as he walks over and stands behind Chance and Sami.
He leans over, draping an arm around each of their shoulders. Chance slowly turns his head and meets the mayor's brown eyes.
"How you doing?" Tim asks with a smirk doing his best Joey Tribbianni's impersonation from 'Friends'.
"Oh, get away from me." Chance growls.
Tim turns his head toward Sami and raises a brow.
"What?" Sami says with a nervous smile.
"I never said a word." Tim says with a smirk.
"Okay? Are we missing something here?" Avi asks.
Tim chuckles as he walks back around the table and sits down next to Adam.
"Just some friendly advice." Chance says as he shakes his head. "If you plan on having a romantic evening with someone, put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. Or SOMEBODY may come barging into your room."
"OH, my God." Austin laughs.
"How were we to know that Sami wasn't getting mutilated by the way she screamed." Adam says with a grin.
"You guys ran in on them?" Olena giggles.
"Yep." Tim chuckles. "And I was just fixin to get f*cked senseless too. Then we heard her scream bloody murder."
"She sounded in need of help." Adam added with a shrug.
"Oh, I definitely wasn't in any need of rescue." Sami smiles shyly as her cheeks redden.
"All this talk about sex already got me horny." Avi chuckles as he stands from the table and takes Kevin by the hand.
"Where y'all going?" Jenika asks, already knowing the answer.
"To the hotel. Since everyone is here, I can scream as loud as I want to and no one will come running in." Avi laughs as he pulls Kevin toward the door.
"So, Y'all didn't get to finish your little sexcapades?" Austin asks with a chuckle as he turns his attention to Tim and Adam.
"Well, I did have the best d*mn blowjob I've ever had." Tim smiles and kisses his lover on the temple.
"TIM! OH, MY GOD!!" Adam scolds as he covers his face.
Everyone begins to laugh and tease Adam about the blowjob he had given Tim.
Tim's smile slowly fades as he stares at the table. His breathing starts to become rapid as he turns his head toward the door.
"Tim? Are you alright?" Rob asks as he notices his strange behavior.
"No." Was all he says as he begins to stand up. "This ain't good."
"What? Honey, what's wrong?" Adam asks as he slowly stands up.
"They're coming." Tim mumbles as he cautiously walks toward the door.
"Who's coming, Timmy?" Austin says as a frightened look comes across his face.
"Demons." Tim says quietly as he slowly opens the door to peek out.
"But I thought ... don't they only come out at night?" Darrell asks as everyone begins to stand.
"They've never come out during the day but Tim has special powers. He must be sensing something." Chance says.
"I don't like this." Sami says, shaking her head. "I'm getting scared."
"What are we supposed to do?" Jenika asks, her blue eyes wide with fear.
"If they come out during the day, which they've never done, who's to say that they can't come in these buildings." Rob says.
"We're like sitting ducks." Olena says.
"Shhhh." Tim says as he holds up his hand as he thinks he hears something.
"I don't hear anything." Darrell whispers to Jenika.
"He hears before we do." She says softly.
"Oh, my God. Avi and Kevin!" Tim says as he runs out onto the porch of the saloon. "Everyone stay back!"
Tim's eyes scan the town trying to catch sight of something, anything.
"AVI!!?? KEVIN!!??" Tim yells. His voice echoing throughout town. "No, please. Please answer." He whispers as there is dead silence. He tries to contact them with his mind but receives no answer.
"This can't be happening." Adam says, shaking his head. He and the others stood in the doorway.
"Listen." Tim says in a quiet voice as he hears a terrifying howl in the distance. He was torn on what to do. He loved Avi and Kevin dearly and wanted so much to go look for them. But, there were eleven frightened people inside the saloon that needed him.
A shadow slowly creeping from around the hotel brought him out of his thoughts. He quickly turns around pushing the others back inside. He hurries in, closing the door behind him.
"Avi and Kevin?" Jenika asks with a quiet and shaky voice.
Tim could not form words so he only shakes his head.
"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry." Adam whispers as he pulls Tim into a hug. He knew how close Tim and Avi were and how much he loved both of them. Adam knew how hard Tim tried to protect everyone.
"They're gone, Adam." Tim whispers as he hugs his lover tightly, burying his face in Adam's neck.
"There wasn't anything you could do." Adam says as he comforts Tim.
"Uh, Tim? You might want to see this." Chance says as he walks over to look out the window.
"What now." Tim mumbles as he runs a hand through his hair and makes his way over to the window.
Everyone gathers around the window as they watch in horror as two of the demon dogs slowly make their way INSIDE of the hotel.
"What the hell?!" Tim says.
"They're searching the buildings for us." Chris says.
"They'll eventually make it over here." Rob says as he grabs his wife's hand.
"This just doesn't make any sense." Tim says as he shakes his head as he slowly walks away from the window. "I mean, why now? Why have we survived this long? I've been here for years and they have never come out during the day and never have they been able to come inside the buildings. These buildings protected us for some reason. We weren't meant to be dragged to Hell."
"But what are we supposed to do, Tim?" Nate asks.
"I don't want to be caught by these demons after all this time." Jenika says.
"Maybe something is fixing to happen and Satan knows it. And this is his last attempt to get us." Austin says.
"This is why you were having those feelings." Adam says as he looks around at Tim. "You knew something bad was going to happen but you didn't know what."
"They're going inside the school." Chris says as he continues to watch out the window.
"They'll be here soon. We need to think of something and make it quick." Austin says.
"I do know one thing. I'm not being dragged to Hell by these things." Tim says as he takes Adam by the hand. "I would rather face the unknown."
Adam looks into Tim's frightened eyes. He knew exactly what he was referring to. He nods slowly.
"Just remember your promise." Adam says as he tries to smile.
"I remember." Tim nods and kisses his lover softly. He then turns his attention to the others. "Adam and I have decided to go through the portal. We don't know what's on the other side. But we're willing to take the chance. If you stay here, it's obvious what will happen. So please, come with us."
"We're with you." Rob nods as he squeezes Kelsey's hand.
Chance looks around at Sami and she smiles nervously and nods. Chance smiles as he takes her by the hand.
"We are too." Chance replies.
"Count us in." Austin says as he slips his arm around Olena.
"Us too." Nate says as he takes Chris's hand.
"I'm not staying here." Darrell says, shaking his head.
"Me either." Jenika says.
"Whatever happens just remember that I love you guys." Tim says.
"Tim? They're heading to the old store." Chance says as he walks away from the window. "They'll be coming here next."
"Let's get the hell out of here." Tim says as he takes Adam's hand and hurries toward the back door.
With the others following closely behind, they go outside and quietly slip around the building.
Tim peeks around the corner of the saloon. He could hear the demons' snarls coming from inside the store.
"Do you see them?" Adam whispers.
Tim suddenly jumps back and leans against the building.
"They're heading this way. Everyone stay quiet." Tim whispers.
Adam squeezes Tim's hand as he hears the demon dogs walk up on the porch just a few feet away.
The sudden sound of the door crashing in makes them all jump in fear.
Tim lays a finger on his lips telling everyone to be quiet before slipping around the building. They make their way toward the portal without making a sound.
"This is your last chance to back out." Tim whispers as they line up in front of the barrier.
"Let's just do this." Austin says.
"I love you, Angel Face." Tim whispers as he looks around at the terrified blue eyes of his lover.
"I love you, Cowboy." Adam whispers.
They all take the person's hand next to them as they hear growling heading in their direction.
"They've seen us." Jenika says in a panic.
Tim glances over his shoulder to see the demons running toward them.
"Not this time, Assholes." Tim smirks as they all step through the portal.
All goes quiet.........
This was the FINAL chapter of "DEAD TOWN".
BUT!!!! Is it over???
I want to shout out a huge THANK YOU to all of you who took the time to READ, VOTE & COMMENT.
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