Hey guys! Please comment what you think. I need your comments to make this better. God bless you all.
Stay safe :) Sorry for any mistakes, ill be editing the whole chapter soon. Xoxo
I had messed up big time. Why in heaven's name had i agreed to do what Alex wanted?
She told me this was going to the last time and that after just a kiss she was going to leave Krazy and i alone.
However, she rather left me in a mess. How could she do such a thing to her bestfriend?
Well, it has always being obvious that the love Krazy had for her as a friend was greater than the love that she had for Krazy. In fact, i could say she despised Krazy a lot though she never revealed it like how she did today.
She was so rude when Krazy caught us in that act. She didn't even care about their friendship and i bet thats what caused Krazy to throw her out of the house without thinking twice.
I had never seen her so angry and hurt in my entire life. It was all my fault. It was all because of me.
She had taken nothing the entire day and now dusk had come.
I knocked on her door but she told me to leave. I didnt know what to do anymore. I had to talk to her about all this. Yes! I agree i wasn't man enough to stand on my grounds and say "no" to the bitch.But at least she gotta listen to me and let me explain. I wanted to tell her all about the night of her accident,that night in the club. I wanted her to know everything about it before the bitch, Alex, gave her all the details.
"Fine. You don't want to listen! I'll wait in front till you come out. Obviously she wouldn't be able to carry her hunger to tommorow,I thought.
But i was wrong. She didn't come out of the room last night. When the rays of the sun from the window at the far end of the hallway hit my eyes, i woke up but realised all was still silent.
I hit Krazy's door several times but there wasn't any answer at all.
I called out her name too but to no avail. Chills began to run across my spine. I began to think negatively. I thought of the worst thing that could happen to her and that was her being dead. Immediately, that thought came across my mind, i mummered a no to myself and disregarded the thought.
I remembered i had some spare keys in my room but as to the particular place in which i put them was what i didn't know.
I virtually searched in all the drawers in my room but i didn't find anything.
As i was so frustrated, i went back to her doorstep and banged on the door. I could hear some muffled cries come over and at that second my heart stopped beating for a moment.
I tried peeping through the side where the door touched its frame when it was shut but no, that space was entirely too small for me to even see a strand of hair.
I couldn't just stand there, i tried breaking into the room but i could not. I went back to the room and as if God had mercy on me, i found the spare keys in the midst of the stuff i was looking through which was now on the floor.
I picked them up and literally ran down the hallway to Krazy's room which was almost at the end of the hallway. Her room wasn't too far from mine but neither was it near.
I managed to pull the door open in a split second.
When i entered, I found a shivering Krazy on the bed. She was running a very high temperature when i touched her. Dried blood was at the entrance of one of the openings of her nose and that got me terrified.
I tried to see if she was awake when i found out that her eyes were totally shut.
I tried to lift her up so that i take her to the hospital but she cried out in pain when i rose just her head.
I searched for my phone in my pocket but realised i left it downstairs after yesterday's incident.
Hurriedly, i went to get it and placed a call to my personal doctor.
From the way i sounded, i guess i didnt need to tell him that it was an emergency.
I went back upstairs, took a towel,made it wet and then i tried to clean the blood that had dried up under her nose.
I could tell that it hurt just by the was she tightened her eyelids. I stopped even though it was for her own good because i could not see her suffer that way.
I multiplied her covers so that she got some warmth. There was nothing i could do. She reacted to everything except the wet cloth i had folded and placed on her forehead and i could not stand it.
She was suffering. She hadn't eaten the entire day yesterday just because of my stupid act. I guess she was in high spirits when she woke up only to be greeted by a stupid scene that i myself saw as disgusting.
Soon, the doctor arrived at my house. I got the door opened gor him and then brought him up to her room.
She need to be taken to the hospital,he said.
But cant she be treated here? Look doc, i tried carrying her to my car before i called but she was in so much pain and that is why i suggested you come over.
"He sighed and took out a stringe from her head. Get some food ready Donald, im about to guve her some injections. She would need some soup when she wakes up.
Luckily, i had some soup in the fridge so i took it out, microwaved it,placed it in a tray and walked back to her room.
After the injections, i guess her fever had come down a bit. She was now awake but she looked really pale. In my doctor's presence, i fed her the soup. After three tablespoons full of soup, she pulled away not wanting to take anymore. I tried to force her into drinking some more but all turned out wrongly. She pushed my hand away making the soup in the spoon spill onto the Mr Martin,my doctor's, lab coat and then she threw up right there in the room.
That i would have said was so disgusting if not that it was Krazy and her present condition was all my fault.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading again. Please don't forget to vote comment and share.
I love y'all✌
FrancetteOkang thanks for the support.
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