Avery Grayson drove down the street in his rented Ford Mustang on his way into the old town where the Poison Pen bookstore was located. He was a first time thriller author of his debut novel called A Very Dangerous Game, and he was very excited about his first book signing today. He pulled up alongside the sidewalk of a two-story red brick building that was the bookstore. After stepping out of the vehicle, he walked over to the back door of the bookstore wearing a brown dress shirt with a leather jacket.
He grabbed the door handle as he made his way in the back room and saw a pile of books that he signed for customers. He could hardly make his big entrance.
Would anyone show today? he thought to himself,grabbing one of the books and running his finger over his signature.
Unlike the other authors who had gone straight to every major publishing companies and editors, he had decided to self-publish with Kindle Direct publishing. It had been his lucky day. He had seen the advance reader copy he had, so happy, it was a dream come true for him.
Jennifer Peters was medium height with long dark hair and a tan complexion. Today she wore an elegant sweater and dark. She was the owner of the bookstore. The interior of the bookstore was bookshelves lined with autograph books and copies by authors who had been there to talk. The walls were made of wood planks with planks with authors from the ceiling. There were also chairs lined up for customers to sit at.
Jennifer made her down the aisle, passing by over to a table where Grayson's debut thriller set on the table of the new author. There were big chairs on each of the table and she sat down in one of them.
After clearing her throat, she began to address the crowd. "I want to thank you all for coming to this book launch party." The crowd cheered and once things died, she continued. "You know, the first time I read A very Dangerous, I saw that the author had talent and that he could hook every reader. So Please welcome Avery Grayson."
Hearing his cue ,Avery burst through the doors and walked down the aisle, passing people clapping for him with his book in their hands. He strolled over to the chair and sat down in it. He was surprised to see that a lot came to see him.
"So can you tell us a little about your book and the main character, Brandon Tucker? He seems like a very realistic character," Jennifer asked.
"Well, you meet Brandon in the first chapter. At first he member of the Knights of Malta but then he but goes run when he when he get framed for the murder of the Grandmaster." Avery answered.
"The first chapter gripped me. I couldn't stop reading. One of things I like about your style is that you describe the settings in your book. I also read the author's note that you traveled to all these places along with some research. Can you tell us about that?
Avery nodded. "Yes, all the places in the book I have been to. I also talked to experts on different things that I needed to know about to complete the story."
A man wearing a suit stood in the shadows, his eyes narrowed on the author, he glanced at the book cover and rubbed his chin. He picked up the book and flipped through the pages. After that, he closed the book, so Grayson writes about Adventure he thought to himself. Placing it back on the stack of books, he reached into his pocket and removed the envelope. He slipped on the stack as he exited the bookstore.
"So Brandon goes on the run trying to avoid assassins after him, That's all I can say. I don't want to spoil it for you all. Does anyone have any questions for him Mr. Grayson?
A woman with dark curly hair who was a little taller than average and forest green eyes raised her hand. She wore an elegant shirt with jeans
"Hailey, she replied, Jennifer detected an European accent in her voice.
Jennifer nodded, signaling her to go.
"I was just wondering how much of the The Knights of Malta story is true in the book." The young woman asked.
"That's an interesting question." Jennifer replied.
"Not, a lot of it. I mean the Knights of Malta are a real Organization,but then we all know. Most of it is just from research and my own imagination."
"So it's not true about the hidden treasure of the Knights of Malta then," she pressed on.
Avery sighed as he shrugged his shoulders. "No one really knows because Napoleon took everything with him."
"Thank you, that's all the time we have for questions," Jennifer told everyone.
Avery rose from his sitting as his eyes darted immediately over to the stack of the books where the envelope was. He took one last glance around to see if he could spot the person who left it there, but there was no one there. He strode over to the stack of books on the table, snatched up the envelope as he opened it and read it carefully word for word.
Dear Mr. Grayson
You know don't who I am and we have never met, But I'm a man of mystery and adventure. And saw an article about you in the paper that you're a struggling author with writer's block. They saw the cure for writer's block is a chance of a lifetime and it comes what you will you do? Sometime we will meet and everything will be made clear for you and your friends. Be forewarned, there is Danger and betrayal.
Ryder Draven
Audrey made her way to him and saw him the letter in his grip. There was a certain look in his eyes. Something was different about it, and she couldn't put her finger on it. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him. They had been together for a long time now. They had first met on Book site where they had reviewed books and now here they are.
"Avery, she said in a worried tone,what's wrong, you should be happy that you self published your own book."
"I am, Darling," replied, as he handed the letter to her.
She read the letter closely while studying it and rubbed her chin. Who the hell this Ryder Draven was? She had a strange feeling that she couldn't shake, that nothing was going to come it? And most importantly, what was this chance of a lifetime? And how he did know to find Avery here?
"Avery, we don't even know who this Ryder Draven is or what he does.? She inquired in a skeptical tone.
He thought for a second, still puzzled by the letter yes, he loved adventure, but who didn't. He had traveled all over the world exploring different places he thought would see. He needed an idea for his next thriller badly. He pivoted and looked into her eyes as he says. "There's only one way to find out who he is, and maybe that to see where this goes."
As they headed out through the back door of the bookstore with their friends, He froze for a moment, then his eyes darted over to a man in a European tailored made suit sliding into the back of a limousine. Now this was suspicious, he thought to himself. Maybe he had read too many spy novels that he loved to read, no that wasn't it there had to be something this intrigue him.
The man in the back seat of the limousine peered out the window at the author and his friends, knowing they had no idea what he had in store for them or what was to come? He had traveled all the way here just for this. He reached into his pocket inside his suit and pulled out a silver cigarette case and took out a cigarette. He lit the cigarette as the limousine threaded through the congested traffic at this hour. His part was done for now. The rest was up to them, and he smiled with a wicked grin on his face.
Avery slid into the driver-side of his vehicle as his friends got their vehicle. He had to see what this chance of a lifetime was, no matter the cost it was and who knows and maybe he even over his writer's block. They drove through the street, heading to their house in the gated community. She glanced over at him and then back at the letter.
As the limousine pulled arrived at the private hangar outside the Airport, the chauffeur stepped as his dark eyes scanned the large open before he opened for him. Ryder stepped out, dropping his cigarette to the ground. He walked through the security and made way up the flight steps onto the Gulf stream. He snatched up his satellite phone and entered an encrypted number holding it up to his ear.
"Is everything in play. I Want to see how Avery Grayson and his friend can handle being tested on what's in store for them."
"Yes, everything is in place sir and waiting for your word," The lady replied.
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