Free Food
Rey's POV
I lay curled up in my bed.
Han is dead.
I shake, as I cling to my legs that are at my chest.
I blink hard, the tears contuine to slide down my face.
Han... is... dead...
I don't even know if I have a job still. Doesn't matter.
"Rey?" Finn pokes his head in.
I blink twice at him.
"You should eat something."
I turn over, away from him.
"Rey." He sighs, then leaves giving up.
Ben's POV
I lay in bed.
Dad's dead.
I shift my body and stare at the ceiling. The tears slide down my face.
Dad is dead. He's not coming back.
My phone rings and I dig it out of the blankets.
"Hey mom." I anwser trying to sound normal.
"Hey, how are you holding up?"
"I'm fine." I sniffle.
"I'm sorry son."She knows me well. "Want me to come bring some food over?" Too well.
I stay silent.
"Come on Ben. You never deny free food."
"Fine." I breathe out.
"I'll be right there. Love you."
"Love you too." I say and hang up.
I move the blankets I'm tangled up in and break free. I walk to the closet and change my shirt, then change from sweats to jeans.
I exit my room and see Gwen and Hux whispering in the kitchen.
I walk pass and flop down on the couch. I grab the remote and begin flipping through channels.
Hux comes and sits next to me quietly. Gwen comes up from behind and gives me another hug.
Rey's POV
There's a soft knock on my bedroom door.
I pull the blankets up higher and snuggle down. I'm not leaving this bed for anyone or anything.
"Rey?" A soft voice says. "It's Leia. May I come in?"
"Yeah." I sit up in bed and she walks in.
"I was wondering if you could possibly come with me to Ben's place. I'm about to tell him some news and I think he could use some friends and I bought food for everyone."
"Yeah, sure Leia. Anything for your family. Just let me get ready real quick." Correction; I'm not leaving this bed for anyone, but Ben.
"Okay sweetie. Thank you." She turns and closes the door.
I get out of bed and change into skinny jeans, long sleeve v-neck, and slide on my slippers. I'm just going up one floor.
I grab my phone off the charger and walk to the kitchen.
"Ready?" I ask Leia and Finn.
"Yup." Finn replies.
"Let's go." Leia says and grabs a food tin with foil on top.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Lasagna for everyone."
Finn opens the door with a smile, probably about the free food.
We walk up the stairs to Ben's and Finn knocks.
Gwen opens the door and we shuffle in to see Ben and Hux on the couch watching tv.
Hux gets up and stretches, then gets a good smell of the food. "Is that lasagna?" He asks turning around.
"Yeah." I smiles and sets it down on the counter. "May be a little cold."
"I can warm it in the oven." Gwen offers and Leia nods back.
"Probably about 5 minutes will do."
"I'll heat up the oven."
Ben finally shuts off the TV and stands. He turns and sees me and looks right away. He goes over and hugs his mom. "Hey mom. Thanks for coming by."
"Anytime." She says softly and let's go of him.
"Rey." He says and turns to me.
I can't help myself. Han's death is tearing me apart, I can't imagine what Ben is going through... I run into his arms.
We embrace and I feel his strong grip around me and I begin to softly cry.
I feel his tears hit my shoulder and him take a deep breath.
I squeeze him harder, afraid he's going to let go.
We just stand there embracing each other, not letting go.
Everyone starts moving about, as if this is normal. We embrace for quite some time before we finally hear Leia speak up. "Lasagna's done."
Finn grabs both of us plates and hands them to us. We shuffle over to the couch and eat there.
Hux and Gwen sit on the floor facing us, Finn stands and eats, and Leia takes a seat next to me.
When I'm done eating, as well as Ben, I grab our plates and go to the kitchen. Ben follows.
"Rey, can I talk to you in my bedroom?"
"Sure." We turn to leave, but Leia stops us.
"Ben, Rey, come and sit." We retake our seats, but Ben in mine and I in his. "Ben, I should have told you this sooner, but your father owed some people money. This guy who goes by the name of Jabba wanted your father dead."
My eyes go wide and I see Ben's hands go in fists. I slide my hand under his and his fist comes undone. Our fingers naturally intertwine.
"Jabba was the man who killed your father, then turned the gun on himself when he had no escape." Leia finishes.
"Is that all?" Ben asks.
"Your father knew his time was running out and he wrote a will." Leia walk over to her purse on the kitchen counter and comes back. She holds out an envelope to Ben.
"May I leave now to talk to Rey?" Ben asks looking away from the envelope.
"Sure. I'll leave it here." She walks over to the kitchen counter and sets it down. "I better get going. Chewie is home alone."
"Thanks for stopping by." Ben says coldly and let's go of my hand.
He walks to his bedroom and I know that's my cue to follow. I nod at Finn, who gives a reassuring smile.
I enter Ben's room and close the door. I see him getting into bed and I slip my slippers off next to the door and do the same.
His bed is warm and comfortable.
"How are you holding up?" He asks.
"I honestly only got dressed and out of bed because of you." He smiles. "Oh and the free food." I tease.
"Of course." He chuckles, but only for a second. "Rey?"
"Can we just lay here together for a while? I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to be with anyone else."
"I feel the same way... I usually want to be alone, but not this time."
Ben gives me a small smile and blinks kind of sleepily. "Tired of feeling lonely?"
"Yeah, just a little." I giggle softly and yawn. "But for real. It just feels like something is missing in my life, but when I'm with you, it's different."
"Rey, can I hold you?" His request takes me by surprise. "No funny business I promise."
I move close to him and he wraps his arms around me.
His body heat warms me, and I listen to his heart beat and drift to sleep.
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