Deadlox TrueMU Love 4
Breannas P.O.V
Ty just asked me out. God of budder i dont know what to say. "umm, i dunno, can i think about it?" i say. I hope that buys me time. "uhh yea sure, but i wanna hear the answer." he says. The door bellrings "I'LL GET IT!" Jason yells running like superman to the door. I giggle, looking at his ballerina feet as he jumped. "HELLO FEISH!" Jason yelled. "IM NOT A FEISH IM A REPTILE!" Quentin yelled back. "NO FEISH!" Ty yelled. "REPTILE!" I yell. "FEISH" "REPTILE" "FEISH" REPTILE" FEI-" "FOR THE LOVE OF BUDDER STAHP!" Adam yelled. "the mudkipz has a present for you!" Quintin yelled, throwing a wrapped thing at me. I squeal, ducking because i dont like things thrown at me. "god, can you catch your own stuff?" jason askes, giving me my present. "uhh, sure, but if i get a early warning." i say with a giggle. I rip open the paper to find a creeper jersey and a slime wallet. "THANKS HUSKY!" I yell at his direction. "NO PROB!" He yells back. "TIME FOR MINECRAFT!!" Alexa yells, holding her laptop over her head. "god calm down, flower!" jordan says grabbing his one. "MINECRAFT!!! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!" I yell, running into the lounge, jumping over a couch, and sitting down like nothing happened while opening my laptop. "what just happened?" Jason asked, staring in my way. "nothing happened!" i say. "uhh bre, i actually got that on vid and it looks like you are like a supahero or something like that." jerome says, holding his iphone up. "OH LORD OF BUDDER!" I say. "lets just make a video." quentin says. "BUT ISNT MITCH STILL IN THE SHOWA?" Ty asks aloud. "i don't give a fuck about Mitch being in the shower, he spens like an hour in there" Alexa said logging into minecraft, "wow Jason your sister is a tough cookie" Jardan said, "and a sexy one too i might add" Alexa said back and smirked, " so what are we gonna play?" "HUNGER GAMES!" Jerome shouts. "DID I HEAR HUNGER GAMES?!" Mitch shouts, coming in with only pants on. "DUDE PUT A TOP ON!" Jason yells. "Why? Am i to sexy for the girls?" Mitch asked. "NO! YOUR BLINDING ME!" I yell trying to cover my eyes. Then Jerome got out of his seat and walked over to Mitches bag of clothes muttering, " Don't blind the girls you idiot!" he grabbed a shirt from inside the bag a threw it at mitches face. "thanks!" he says and puts the shirt on. "okay now lets play hunger games. " adam says, seating himself on a couch. When i logged in i started recording. Jason did his intro and i heard the ice cream guys theme song off in the distance, "and welco-" i interrupted jason by yelling: "ITS THE ICE CREAM GUY!!" Everybody looked at each other in confusion. "you know how i have better hearing then all of you!" i say getting excited. Then they hear the song to. "ummm, are we getting ice cream or playing minecraft?" jordan asks. "getting ice cream! Duh!" alexa says, grabbing jordans hand, running to the door. "okay, we just need our moneys!" jerome says. "YOU SCREAM I SCREAM WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!" Adam yells, jumping off the couch. Luckily his laptop wasn't on his 'lap'. (see what i did there :) no? Okay :( ) everyone gets there wallets, i didn't get the creeper one because it has NOTHING in it. I run outside then realized that i was still in my pjs. So was ty! I ran back inside, ad grabbed ty on the way. "what the hell bre!" he says. "WERE STILL IN OUR PAJAMAS!" I yell and grab the black skinny jeans that ty gave me and the slime top that jordan gave me. "oh yea!" he says then grabs some jeans and a blue top. We walk into separate bathrooms and change into our clothes. Once im done i run out of the bathroom, stopping at the laundry to wash my pjs. I bursted outside and looked around for the team. There down the road ordering there treats. I sprint down the road and got in line just before adam starting ordering his ice cream. "uhhh do you have butter flavour?" he askes. I burst out laughing. BUTTER FLAVOUR?! "Umm no, but we have banna," said the lady. "umm okay and can it have the fruit stick things in it?" he askes. "uhh okay then," she says, scooping the banana ice cream into the cone. She finishes the ice cream and ty came and stood behind me. "okay umm ill have a soft serve with surbert and fruit sticks please!" i say. She passes me the ice cream cone and i exgange with money. I take my first licks and then a girl came along. I think i know her from school.....?
Quintens pov (OHMYGAWD!!!!! SO AMAZING XD)
As i eat my ice cream a girl came along and stood behind ty. SHE LOOKED SO GORGEOUS! She had brunette hair that was a bit curly, tan skin, beautiful blue eyes, and was about the same height as breana. I couldn't take my eyes off her mitch elbowed me in the ribs. "oww..." i mutter. "you were drooling," he says. Then i realised i drooled all over my chin. I grab my napkin that came with the ice cream and wiped my chin. I continued on my ice cream like nothing happened.
Breannas pov
I look at her to try and remember if i have met her before. I grab on of my fruit sticks and start chewing on something. If i think i need to bite. Then i remembered. Its Natasha from my math class. "hey nat!" i say, waving. She turns to look at me, confused. Then she remembered me and smiled. "hey bre! Whats up?" she asks. "just having a party with my friends, i gesture to everyone. "oh cool! Is it your birthday?" she askes. "yea! Were having a sleepover party thing at alexa and jasons!" i say. "ooo! Can i join!" she askes. "uhhh alexa!" i say. "umm okay but you'll have to share a bed with the FEISH!" she says. I start to laugh. I looked at natasha. She had little red tints in her cheecks. Then i remember her drawing hearts with quientins name inside. Then i looked over to quientin. He gad red patches on his cheecks. Wow, this might end up weird. "you can come if you bring me a present!" i say. Then ty comes over and takes one of my fruit sticks. "HEY! GIMME!" I yell. Natasha starts to laugh and then askes for her ice cream. "no!" he says and bites off half of it. "NOO MY FRUIT STICK!" I yell. Then i realised that he had a chocolate flake. Before he can take a lick out of his ice cream i steal his flake. "GIMME MY CHOCOLATE!" He yells. "NO!' I yell and take a bite out of it. Then i stuff the bitten end into the ice cream. "WHY YOU EAT MY CHOCOLATE!" He screams, then eats the rest of his chocolate. "because you ate my fruit stick!" i say. I take the last two fruit sticks and stick them into my mouth to make it look like im a bunny, vampire, walrus, ect.... We all (including natasha) went back to jasons house. "you know what i just remembered?" jerome says. "what?" answered mitch. "we left our recording on!" he says. "ohhh, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" jason says. We all burst into laughter.
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