Deadlox TrueMU love 2
Once I got to Jason's house, I walked up to the front door but Jason stopped me, "what is it?" i ask and looked at him, "i just wanted to say hi" he smiled, "umm ok" i laught and walked inside and tripped over a creeper, "SUPRISE!!!!" everyone yelled, i looked up at them and laughed "thanks guys" then Alexa walked in with a minecraft cake (yummy)(picture on the side) "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Breanna, happy birthday to you" they all sang "blow out the candles!" Adam said, "ok, ok just let me get by from tripping over a..." i turned around to see what I tripped over. A toy creeper. "Alright who put that toy creeper there" i asked, "sorry, Bre" Alexa said. "NOW BLOW OUT THE CANDLES" all of them yelled, "god, ok" and i blow out the candles. "Did you make a wish?" adam asks wiggling his eyebrows. "Is it what I think it is?" i ask him. "If you thought to make out with one of us, you'll get a slime or your crush will tell you he loves you, which one are you going to pick?" adam said. "really Adam," i say. "now open your presents!" Alexa says, moving me towards the living room. "Ok, what should i open up first" i asked myself, i looked at the gifts and only 1 was wrapped nicely, that must be Alexas.So I decided to open up Ty's one first, i opened up the light blue wrapping and saw a black t-shirt that has a slime in the middle, and black faded skinny jeans. "Thanks Ty" I smiled and hugged him, "no problem" he replied back, now on to Adams, i looked at Adam and he looked at me then i blink then everyone started laughing, "well that was weird" i said, i opened up his gift to see a minecraft budder sword, a slime head and a book called Stray. "haha thanks, buddy" i smiled and side-hugged him "no problem". Now for Alexas which was big (that's what she said hehehe lol) and i opened it the first thing i saw was a little box which was on top of all of the other wounderful stuff, i opened it to see a creeper necklace, "thank you Alexa" i said and put the necklace on, "there's more to still open" she said back, i looked back at the box that had all the stuff she brought, "i'll open the rest up later Alexa" i said and started opening up Jordans package. I opened the green wrapping paper to my little present. When I looked to see my goods I saw a top with the words saying 'Join slime army!' and a slime on it. "Thanks Jordy!" I say, throwing my arms around his neck. "I just hope I got the size right," He comments. I giggle while a wave of amusement goes through everyone. I check the size. "One size to big." I say smiling. At least it fits. I pick up a really furry present. "Fuzzy, did you wrap this?" I ask Jerome. "Yup!" Jerome said followed by a slurping sound. "Eww! You know I hate that noise!" I say, play punching him. Jerome did it again, this time with Mitch joining in. "STOP IT !" I yell,. "Okay, okay, fine," Jerome says, stoping Mitch by waving his hand. I open the retaded looking present to find a diamond axe. "Of course you got me Betty," I say, ruffling his hair. "Two more presents from two people," I mutter, pulling out a present. It was blue saying, 'From Jason, Dillon and Jeffrey!' "Really?" I ask, pointing to the message. "What? At least you know who its from!' Jason explain. "I wasn't dising you or your animal friends," I assure him. That calmed him down. i tear open the blue wrapping paper and saw a creeper box head and a wodden hoe (yes a hoe). "YEA! Now I don't have to show my face on IRL videos!" I say. I give Jason a hug, skin tingling where our skin touched. "Now for your present," I say pointing at Mitch. I open his red and black checkered wrapping paper to find a iron pic and a steve box head. "Did you guys organize who get what minecraft tool?" I asked? "Pfft, no," Adam said. "liar!" i say. "okay instead of fighting, lets choose where were gonna sleep," Alexa says, pointing to the hallway. "Right, good idea sis!" Jason says, ruffling her hair. "don't!" she says, finding a mirror and restyling her hair and fringe. We walk out of the lounge and into the hallway were there was 8 matresses will blakets and MILLIONS of pillows dividing each bed, because some beds share blankets. Only two beds were purple. "I WANT THE GREEN BED!" I yell, jumping up and down on a lite green blanket. "of course," Mitch says, rolling his eyes."PURPLE!" Alexa shouted. "Good, purples next to green," i say. "OMYGERD, BUDDER!!!! I BAGS BUDDER!!!" Adam started yelling when he saw the yellow bed cover. "and yellow is next to bluuuuuuu!!!" Jason says. "really?" Ty said. "obsessed much," Jerome said. "ITS NOT OBSESSION, ITS DECATION!" Adam yells, prodding a finger on Jerome's chest. "okay okay sorry, jeez," Jerome said, putting his hands up in surrender. "good," sky said, doing the I'm watching you finger sign. "CAN WE HAZ SOME CAKE??" Mitch asked. "NO NOT MA CAKE!!" Alexa said, throwing her hands in the air. "alexa, a cake is a cake to eat, no matter how awesome," i say, putting a hand on her shoulder. "BUT ITS MA CAKE!" She yells. "okay we wont eat it unless we have your permission of eating it," Her brother assured her. "good, NOW LETS PLAY MINECRAFT!" Alexa says. "YEA!" Jerome said, punching the air. I run into the lounge and grab my laptop bag. "so who's gonna start?" Jordan asked (who I forgot of a bit). "MOI!" I say, waving my hands viciously. I sit on the couch next to Ty. "What are we gonna play?" Ty asks,pugging his headset in. "Dunno," I say doing the same. "MABEY EVERYTHING?" Jerome says. "A couple of minutes of everything?" Mitch asks. "Yep!" Jerome says, poping the 'p'. "RIGHT LETS FO THIS!" Alexa says turning on her laptop. After a couple of minutes of arguing of what thing were gonna play frist we decided to play a parkore map. We all got on and I started. "Hello my slime army! Its SlimeluvsMnMs here, and today we have a mix of EVERYTHING! I am here with Sky, Deadlox, Sakuraflower, Bajancanadian, *Breath* JeromeASF, Captain Sparkles, and *Breath* TrueMU!" I say. "Okay, at the moment we are starting a parkore map!" Adam says, his minecraft caracter jumping. "LETS PLAY!" Ty yelled. "AH! NOT TO LOUD TY!" I say, hitting his shoulder. "sorry," he says, chuckling to him self. "okay rules. Blah blah blah, you jump to the next block, no duh, follow the trail of torches.... Kay?" alexa says. "DONT BREAK BLOCKS?!" Adam says and breaks a block. "I bet you cant tame him," i say, poking Ty's arm. "CANT TAME ME!!" Sky says. "god calm down," jordan says. "lets just go," Jason says. I run, following the torches. "Wait up!!" jerome says. "No bacca! I wont!" i say. I keep running and the i fell into a lava pit. "i did not see that...." i say, ty laughing cause he saw. "what you do?" Mitch asked. "SlimeluvsMnMs tried to swim in lava," Jason says. I run and make sure I stop at the lava pit. "lava parkore! NOOOOOO!" Adam shouts. Jason trys to jump the parkore. "oh god, oh god, oh god," alexa says as she jumps. I jump across to the middle until someone hit me into the lava. "who killed me???" i ask. "well i needed to get across!" jerome says. "Okay just wait a moment," i say and put the laptop down. I grab the axe / betty and walk over to jerome. "BETTY YOU BETRADE ME!" Jerome yells as I hit him with the axe. "mission complete," i say as i throw betty back into the pile of minecraft stuff. "emily! TP to me!" alexa says. "uh why?" i ask. "Coz i finished the parkore," she says. "tp......," i say as i type. Im suddenly transported to the end of the lava parkore. "#TYS FOOT!" Jordan said as he jumped. "you didnt die.." ty said. "oh, I KNEW THAT!" Jordans says, with his hand out like hes a girl. "lets go to the next parkore bit," alexa says. "kay, seeya boys!" i say and hit sky before he got to the end. "NO YOU MONSTAH!" Adam yelled. Next parkore part was ice parkore. "NO ICE!!!" I yell. "just use shift!" alexa told me. "oh.." i say realizing. We continued our maps and had fun. "Okay guys this is the end of our mix of maps. Seeya later slimes, stars, recruits and others!" i say and end the video. "EDITING TIME!" Alexa yelled, then stuck her tongue while she edited. When i clicked the edit button some one called on skype. "really? Im going in your room to talk to this guy, lexi," i say and walk out. I answer the call and its Quentin. "Hey Mudkip!" i say, waving at the camera. "hey bre! Just called to say happy b day!" he says. "oh god i completely forgot about you! Were having a party / sleepover at jasons." i tell him. "with out the mudkip?" quentin asks. 'i forgot! Sorry husky! Come tomorrow for the other days?" i ask. "yea sure what should i buy you?" He asks. "umm dunno." i say, scratching my head. "okay what did you get?" quentin asked. 'um, black faded skinnies and a black top with a slime in the middle from ty, a budder sword, a slime head and a book called stray, a creeper necklace from lexi, a green top saying join slime army on it from jordy, Betty from jerome, a hoe (again yes hoe) and creeper head from jason, and a steve head and pic from Mitch." i say counting the people off from my fingers. "okay its like 11:39 so we better go to sleep." he said. "kay, night husky!" i say. "night." he says then hangs up. I walk back into the lounge. Everybodys packing up. It was the reptile." i say to them. "No you mean the FIESH," Ty says. "no reptile, hes coming over tomorrow and staying till saturday." i say giving tys shoulder a light punch. "Lets get into our pjs," Jason says. I get my bag and grab my pjs and walk into the bathroom. Adam was getting changed in there. "OHGAWD IM SORRY!" I yell and walk out. "best if you lock it next time!" i say through the door after. I heard a thing switch and i walked away from the door, cheeks flaming red. Alexa walked out of her room and gestured to me that i can use it. I walking, placing my pjs on alexa's bed. I get changed into my hot pink signet with navy blue butterfly pants. I walk out. "Hey bre! You can use the washing machine if you want!" alexa said, motioning me to the laundry room. "okay then." i dump the clothes into the washing machine and walked out. I walked into the lounge where everyone was eating pizza. "YESH, PRIZZA!" I yell and run to the lounge floor. I pick up a meat lovers slice of pizza and start eating. I eat about 5 slices and say I'm with a burp. "okay, bed time!" Jason says and opens the door. I run into the hallway and lie down on my bed. Alexa lies down on the purple bed on my right and Tys on the same bed as me to my left. Jordan had to sleep next to alexa because there wasnt a spot left. "WAIT!" i yell and run into the lounge. Everybody keeped there bag s in there. I pull out my creeper and slime and walked into the hallway and walked back to the place were i sleep. "Bed buddies, huh?" Adam asks. "No mascots," i say. I sleep with them, coz, there awesome. "GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!" Jerome shouted. "good night." everyone murmured before going to sleep.
A.N~ My friend Narry2/Alexa is helping me with this book and i thank her! Follow her and read her stories! Stay tuned for the next chappie!
Lightningstrike5050 :D
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