Chapter 6: It's a Trap!!!
In the lair of resistance, the men and women injured are being treated. You can hear their moans of pain. Some are very hurts. A woman with a severed hand and scratches on his face. A man with both legs blown off, he can not walk.
Ellie still feels guilty for sending his troops to the massacre. Half of the resistance army is dead, and the survivors will soon deads also. Isaac did not know what to do to reassure her.
Then, a resistant come to Isaac and Ellie, with a radio in his hand.
(Resistant): "Chief, I try to call the outpost No. 3, but it's the radio silence I do not like it."
(Ellie): "Gather the troops, let's go see what it is."
Isaac takes his helmet and share with Ellie, who gets his mind and reloads his weapon.
(Isaac): "What is the outpost 3?
(Ellie): "It is a small base not far from here, used to monitor the nests of the Necromorphs. If they do not respond to calls is that there is a problem."
The troops are heading to the outpost, near the city park. The streets are silent and deserted.
After several minutes of walking, the army arrived at the outpost 3. It's a little futuristic complex with metal walls and turrets. But the building seems empty.
When the resistants arrive on the scene, they discover a horrible tragedy: the base was attacked and all the resistants are died. The floor is covered with blood and corpses. Among the resistants body is also found several dead Necromorphs. These are these monsters that have made this carnage.
(Isaac): "Damn, they really fucked up the shit."
(Ellie): "Jack, it must establish a line with the base and put the bodies. Isaac, come with me I do not like it, it smells the dirty suddenly."
Ellie and Isaac enter the base with a group of soldiers. inside, it's the total mess. There is also of bodies and blood. Isaac enters a room and called the others. This piece is none other than the base's canteen . It's a real carnage in there.
(Isaac) :" Fucking parasites, they attacked them while they ate. "
Isaac noticed a huge hole in the metal floor . It's probably where they came from . Then a soldier calls Isaac and Ellie, he find something really horrible and unhealthy. When Isaac arrives , Ellie examines the body of a dead resistant . But it appears to be dead in a special way .
(Ellie) : " You see what I see Isaac ? "
The man with a hole in the top of the skull.
(Isaac) : "Looks like he had a parasite in the brain . "
Ellie dips his fingers into the hole bloody, under the disgusted look of the resistants. Then she finds that the head is empty. She turns to the others, stunned.
(Ellie) :" They suck the brains, these bastards ! "
Then, in a remote corner of the room, they find a survivor. This is the base commander. It is completely panicked and delirium. Ellie gives him a blow, for give him the ideas in place.
(Ellie): "Jax, Look at me, what has happened here?"
(Jax): "We were eating, and these monsters are out of the ground by a hole, by hundreds, and we were attacked I managed to hide me, but all the others are dead, no one survived. Look at this they did to Harry, look what they did to his brain, they have sucked it. You should not have come here. "
(Isaac): "Why?"
(Jax): "They knew that by killing all those who find themselves in this database, you would come here to see what happens."
(Isaac): "Oh no, it was a trap."
Ellie begins to tell his soldiers that an attack will take place. The Necromorphs have managed to attract the rest of the resistance in their trap to kill them.
Jax starts to panic and delirious.
(Jax) : "Oh my god, but we will all die, you do not understand we're all gonna die! "
To calm him, Isaac knocks him, so to silence. Then an army of Necromorphs coming around the base. So it was a trap. The soldiers put up on the walls and prepare to fire . The army consists only of Slashers, hundreds. The monsters move toward the base , growling with rage.
(Ellie) : "Beware, fire at will ! "
The resistants opened fire on the creatures. Tens of Slashers are killed by the bullets of human weapons. When they arrive at the foot of the walls, the Slashers begin to climb, with their blades. The soldiers shot at them to knock them down and prevent them from rising. Then, a new variety of Necromorphs appeared in battle: the Pukers.
They look like rotting corpses , with long fingers and a white scaly skin. Of their mouth, they can spit a very dangerous acid substance.
Some Pukers begin to spit. A spit touch a resistant to the face. The man screams in pain and his head begins to melt. Of more in more of Slashers starts to mounted on the walls of the base. With a sniper rifle, Ellie kills several Pukers that trying to spit on his soldiers.
A resistant call the base to request an evacuation by spaceship, the Necromorphs are too many. Shortly after, he gets the answer.
(Resistant): "Chef, a spaceship arrives to take us."
(Ellie): "Gather up, to the bottom of the base."
(Isaac): "Continue to defend yourself."
The soldiers fire from all sides while the Necromorphs begin to enter the base. One of Slashers grabs a soldier and throws him to the others monsters that begin to devour the man, in tearing him into pieces. With a shotgun, Isaac blew the head several Slashers who come too close to him. The Pukers arrived also. They spit their acid on human soldiers who are burned by the substance.
Finally, the rescue spaceship arrived to evacuate the resistants. Two soldiers, lead Jax in the spaceship, and the others resistants come also, while continuing to shoot the Necromorphs.
For slow them, Isaac threw a grenade that killed a group of Pukers approaching. Several resistants were killed and devoured by the Slashers, always ravenous and rabid. Of Slashers begin to make of parasite's eggs to hang on the walls. Of others Necromorphs begin to spray the walls with a substance that they secrete with their mouths. This is how they make their nests. It's really scary.
Isaac and Ellie enter the spaceship and takes off immediately. The Necromorphs invade the base and watched the spaceship moving away. A Slasher roars of rage, as if to express his frustration.
The Necromorphs have been clever on this one. They tried to lure the resistants into a trap, for massacre them. The intelligence and strategy of these monsters continue to scare humans. Many see them as stupid animals, but in reality, they are organized, intelligent and extremely dangerous, which makes of them, the most dangerous creatures in the universe.
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