June 12 2543
The Team made it to the infirmary as They were all very silent and quiet. They just discovered The Marker Homeworld as they also found a way to end the marker threat once and for all but the problem is they're not sure if it was gonna work.
Anne: So Once we get to the planet. What do we do next?
Alex: The writings in the wall said something about a machine that needs to be turned off.
William: And That's the part I dont understand. How do we turn it off?
Chris: Hell if I know.
Esmeray: Look We'll figure that out later. Right now let's focus on how to get to the planet first.
DeMarco: Alright Geniuses. You all dont realise this but this is suicide. We're literally going into a planet that is infested with those things. We cant stand a chance.
Michelle: You have a better idea?
DeMarco: Yes, We find a shuttle and get the hell out of here.
Monica: And Go where? EarthGov is gone. We have nowhere else to go.
Issac: Mona's right. If we have to stop the Necromorphs then We have to get to the planet.
Ellie: Everyone calm down.
James: This isn't going anywhere.
Wyatt: Look We'll figure this out. Ri-
DeMarco: *Points at Alex* How do we know His Girlfriend's research notes are true?
Tobias: Peyton notes told us everything. What evidence do you need?
William: Alex clearly said That The Machine needs to be turned off.
Eleanor: That's half of the notes. What about Armstrong's notes?
Ellie: We were unable to locate it.
Monica: That's enough. We're going there and that's final..
Alex: You guys are going. I'm not.
Chris: Alex, Are you kidding me?
Maria: Alex, Dont do this.
Alex: I'm done.
Esmeray: Alex, This is your chance in finishing Peyton and Armstrong's legacy. Dont just walk away from this.
Alex: Sometimes I ask myself a question. Why am I still alive?
Michelle: Alex, Dont say that.
Alex: You know I killed people in Neon and Lunar City. I couldn't save my commander in the titan and I couldn't even save my own girlfriend. I've done enough damage to everyone.
DeMarco: Well Then, The Door is right there then.
Wyatt: No, Alex Listen to us.
William: Alex, Whatever happened in Neon and Lunar city wasn't your fault. You didn't killed those people. The Government did it.
Tobias: Alex, Your not a killer. In the end you destroyed the Markers.
Alex: But Did that bring peace to myself? For Eight years, I was sitting in my apartment in Eclipse city thinking to myself. Even if I destroyed the markers, Would it bring it back the people I lost? Would it bring back the people that died?
James: Look, Listen-
Alex: Like I said I'm done.
Anne: You do realise Blackburne and Darius are after you.
Monica: They're still after you.
Ellie: And They wont stop till your dead.
Alex: Then I'll let them kill me. I have nothing left to lose anyways.
The Team looked at Alex as He walked away while the rest looked in silence.
Eleanor: Maybe his past is still holding him back.
Esmeray: I dont blame him.
DeMarco: What do we now? Alien boy is gone now.
Issac: Hang on.
Issac walked out the room as The Others were staring at him leaving as they all sighed and began to form a plan in reaching the planet.
Alex was sitting in the Admiral's Quarters as He was looking at a picture of himself when he first joined the battalion force. He heard a door opening as He saw Issac removing his helmet as he sat next to Alex.
Alex: What do you want Issac?
Issac: I just want to talk.
Alex: Like I said, I'm done. You cant change my mind.
Issac looked at Alex as he looked at the mirror.
Issac: You know kid, I was like you back then. I lost my girlfriend in the ishumaria. She was a medical officer and she committed suicide. In her last audio log, She said she loved me and always had.
Alex felt sad hearing Issac story as he had more to say.
Issac: After I escaped the ishumaria. I was captured and tortured by the Government for three years. I was forced to create a marker for them. I ended up meeting Ellie and destroyed the marker I made.
Alex: Did that bring you peace?
Issac: No, After I escaped the space station. I had nightmares from the past. I didn't want to go back in fighting the necromorphs again. Ellie helped me and because of her, I fought back and protected humanity from the markers.
Issac: But The Only Problem is I have to let go of my past. You know Alex, There are a lot of people that try to build a future but there are some people that are trying to rebuild the past. It was hard for me to move on but I had too. Peyton would be happy if you moved on.
Alex looked down on himself as Issac touched his shoulder.
Issac: Your a strong guy Alex. If you ever feel like your alone. Just remember you have a family that is here for you.
Alex looked down on himself as he thought about it.
Issac: If you want to come. Your free to join us. If you dont want to come then I wont stop you.
Issac got up as he was gonna leave the quarters until.....
Alex: I'm coming with you guys.
Issac smiled at Alex as They both left the quarters and went back to the infirmary.
Thirty Minutes Later
Anne: Alright guys, I located a space shuttle that looks operational but we still need to check it out.
Eleanor: The Space Shuttle is located in the C.M.S Terra Nova.
Wyatt: Alright then. Let's get going.
William: But we need to be prepared if your gonna reach the planet. I located a supply cache in the C.M.S Oberon. We need to load up if we want to survive.
Maria: Alright then. What do we do first?
James: How about this? Me, Alex, Tobias, William and Esmeray will head to the Oberon to get the supply cache. In the meantime, The Others will head to the terra nova to check the space shuttle out.
Ellie: Alright then. I'll assemble the teams for this.
Issac: Let's get moving everyone. We have a long road ahead of us.
James reloaded his gun as Alex was with him. Alex went to check on Tobias as he saw Tobias and Esmeray sharing a kiss as he was staring at them.
Tobias: Oh crap, Uh-
Esmeray: How long have you been standing there?
Alex: Just for three seconds. Umm Come on, We need to get to the Oberon.
Tobias and Esmeray nodded as William fixed his helmet as They got to the transport station and made it to the C.M.S Oberon as They saw the abandoned ship.
The Team decided to fly there as they confessed flying until James got a strange transmission.
???: Dad, Where are you?
James: Maya?
The Transmisson abruptly ended as James looked at the others.
James: Did you guys got that transmission?
Alex: I'm not picking up anything.
William: Same.
James: Let's get to the Oberon and track it down.
Esmeray: Woah James Calm down.
James: Come on.
Tobias: What's wrong with him?
Alex: We're about to find out.
Meanwhile Maria, Chris, Issac, Demarco, Anne, Wyatt, Michelle, Ellie and Eleanor were at the Terra Nova as They were walking through the dark hallways until Chris saw something written on the ground.
Anne: Ah Great.
Wyatt: Let's keep going.
Eleanor: I'm feeling nervous.
Wyatt: I'm here Eleanor, Stay near me.
DeMarco: How far is this?
Chris: Just shut up and keep going.
Michelle: Let's hope that shuttle is not a piece of shit.
Issac: Let's hope so too.
Ellie was walking foward until she saw the control room and it was a mess.
Meanwhile James, Alex, William, Esmeray and Tobias were inside the Oberon as James got another Transmission.
Maya: Dad, Where are you? I'm scared.
James: Dammit Maya?!?!
Alex: Who's Maya?
James: You guys aren't listening to this?
William: I didn't pick any unknown transmissions around this ship.
Esmeray: James, Are you okay?
James: Look Just follow me.
Tobias: *Sighs* Alright man.
James moved foward as The Others were behind him as They were looking around until James opened the door as They saw the planet from the exposed hull.
Esmeray: Looks beautiful from over there.
William: But Within that planet holds something mankind is not ready to see.
They moved foward as they were entering the heart of the Oberon.
Meanwhile Back in the Terra Nova, The Group were moving through the dark hallways as The Silence was dangerous. They moved foward until something busted through the vents as they saw what it was.
Michelle: Your new.
The Team were pointing their guns at the monster as it did something that shocked them.
DeMarco: What the hell?
Waster: Speak.....To.....Our....Brethrens!!!
The Waster roared at them as it was gonna attack them until the team shot its body as it fell down. Issac stomped on the wasters head as it was dead. Just then more monsters busted through the vents as They saw something crawling above them.
Chris: There's too many of them. We need to go.
The Team ran fast as The Necromorphs were chasing them. They locked the door as The Monsters were pounding on the door.
Meanwhile Back In The Oberon, The Team got through a huge metal door as the team got inside the room and saw a Marker in front of them as James looked at the Marker and saw something in front of him.
James: No.......
James saw a doll as he was walking towards it until Alex stopped him.
Alex: Hey man. What's the matter?
James moved past Alex as he grabbed the toy in front of him as he was holding it and kept staring at it until William.....
Suddenly The Necromorphs started swarming the room as James was confused as a slasher got near him until Tobias shot the slasher as They continued killing ever Necromorph in the room until it was silent.
Esmeray: James, Are you alright?
James:.....I'm fine.
William: Guys, Let's get out of here. Something's happening to me.
Tobias: I'm feeling tired and sick.
Alex saw the cache as He and William picked it up and left the ship as The Others made it to the transport hub as Alex spoke to James.
Alex: What did it say?
James: What?
Alex: The Marker, It spoke to you. What did it say?
James: Nothing, Let's just focus on getting to that frozen shithole.
Tobias: I heard strange whispers when I was around the Marker.
Esmeray: Same. I was also feeling nauseous and tired.
William: Let's just move on from this and keep going.
The Team nodded as They got inside the hub and travelled to the Terra Nova to check on the others.
A/N: Thanks for Reading and Stay Cool :)
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