start of the end
Yeosang stared at the ceiling. Fan hitting his face once in a while in an attempt keep the boy cool in the summer heat. The rooms walls were filled with posters of bands and animus he watched. It's been a while since he had time to watch though, lessons becoming a ton along with homework and exams. The sight of the grey school building was enough to put Yeosang in a hurricane of anxiety and panic. He never showed it on his face, always greeting his only friend with a wide smile. With a sigh, Yeosang sat up. Massaging his forehead to stop the starting headache.
"Dinner," his mom called out from down stairs.
Yeosang's face lit up when he heard her voice. Quickly going down, almost tripping, and rush into the kitchen. Food was already served on the table. Curry and rice. His favorite.
"Thank you," Yeosang said. Taking his place next to his little sister and digging in the food.
It was quiet as everyone ate. The room filling with the sound of cutlery and hums. Yeosang looked up to see his mom observing him with weary eyes. Raising a brow to ask what it is, the other shake her head. Taking another spoonful of curry and rice.
"Sang, help me with the dishes after," his mom said. Earning a nod from the boy.
"Goodnight," Yeosang said. Putting the last plate on the pile and leave the kitchen.
After changing into pajamas, the blonde sat on his desk. Turning on the chair lazily. The lightbulb stare right back at Yeosang, little insects flying around the round glass. The boy then organize the messy desk. Pencils and papers all mixed making the sight tiring to look at. As Yeosang put the last pencil in the drawer, he got a glimpse of a little piece of paper. Not bothering to spend time on it he close the drawer and lay in bed. Falling asleep with the lights on, again.
"And the and then, she told me her dad got a computer for her? Anyway she was so happy and promised me to show the games in the computer today after school," Sora rushed. Breathless at the end of the sentence. Yeosang chuckled at her cuteness and ruffle her hair. Earning a whine and stop.
"That's nice of her. Have good time and text me or mom when you leave to your friends house, yeah," Yeosang said. Parting ways with his little sister.
Entering the building, he was greeted by Wooyoung hugging him tightly. Making Yeosang stumble a little.
"Yah what was that for," the blonde said. Playfully pushing Wooyoung off. The younger grinned and pull Yeosang to the lockers.
"You have a secret admirer," Wooyoung said. Giggling at Yeosang's confused face. Pointing at the letters tucked in the locker. Yeosang sigh in defeat. Taking out the letters and throw them all to the trash.
Wooyoung gave him a small smile. Understanding how tired his bestfriend got from the love letters. Though no one expect him knew about Yeosang's preference.
"Let's go," the blonde says. Taking Wooyoung's hand and walking down the hallway.
"Class dismiss," the teachers voice echoed in the quiet classroom. In a matter of seconds chair screeches and chatting began. Yeosang and Wooyoung were the last ones to exit the suffocating four walls.
"Let's go to your house," Wooyoung said. Already excited unlike Yeosang, who is pulling the straps of his backpack up and huffing in exhaustion.
"Hai hai captain," Yeosang said, almost too quiet to be heard. He was pulled by the younger out the entrance. Almost tripping on his own feet.
The two friends lay on bed. Yeosang's bed, as Wooyoung insisted he stay until dinner then go. The soft hum from the fan making the silence somehow more enjoyable. The blonde turn around to stare at the other. Wooyoung's black hair looking even more fluffy than before. He pat the youngers fluffy black hair with a small smile on his lips.
You're so cute, the blonde wants to say. But Wooyoung is not like him. Wooyoung likes girls. Not guys like him. Yeosang feels defeated, so in hopes of some contact, he peck Wooyoung's cheek. Smiling sheepisly when Wooyoung turn his gaze to him.
"What was that for," the black haired ask. Yeosang would like to say the next words without a stutter.
"Thank you, for being my bestfriend," Yeosang says softly. Patting the others hair once more and sitting up on bed. Then go to the drawer to get out a toy gun. He glance at Wooyoung, who is busy rubbing his cheeks. Yeosang could swear he saw the younger blushing but didn't comment on it.
"What's that," Wooyoung ask then.
"Nothing. Some toy i found on the street," Yeosang says. Putting the toy back in it's place and taking the little note from the day before.
If you find this, it means I'm gone by now. Please defeat the enemy before anything gets out of hand again
The note read. Scribbled as if in hurry. The blonde scoffed. Crumbling the piece of paper and throw it in the trash. Going back to laying next to Wooyoung.
"Let's just relax," Yeosang whispered. Closing his eyes and letting his body relax after a long day of work.
Hi. Hope you like it.
Have a good day.
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