✖sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ ᴛᴡᴏ✖
Jason had began to walk towards his cruddy apartment, clutching his arm as he walked. The male had just met a few drug dealers, and just before he killed them all, a few bullets managed to come his way. One hitting his helmet, causing it to need repaired, one scraping his side, just scratching his armor, and the scrapping his left upper arm. Though it didn't cause much damage, it still hurt a lot, and was bleeding quite a bit as well.
The man stumbled into an alley way, planning to go to the roof of the building to fix his arm up. Jason pulled down the ladder and began to climb it, reaching the platform just as he heard something being thrown into the alleyway. He heard someone grumble something along the lines of, 'useless mutt', before they walked away. This made the former Robin pause as he looked down from the platform he was on, only to see something small moving beside a dumpster, hearing a small whimper soon afterwards.
Despite his arm needing to be fixed, Jason went back over to the ladder, practically jumping off of it. Once he was on the ground again, Jason pulled out a flashlight from his utility belt, shining it around the area before he saw some blood on the ground that looked fairly new. "Okay, that's not mine." Jason said as he looked at the blood for a moment, seeing that it was a trail. After following the small trail with his flashlight, the man saw something huddling in the corner, trying to keep warm.
This thing was a puppy.
A German Shepard puppy to be exact.
Jason immediately took a step back. In his first life, dogs would always chase after him and attack him for stealing things. This happened quite a lot, and caused Jason to gain a mild fear of dogs.
After it clicked in his mind that this was only a puppy, Jason cautiously took a step foreward, only to realize the puppy's paw was bleeding. Jason paused for a moment, not knowing what to do. Eventually, he came upon the conclusion that he'd help the thing before doing who knows what with it.
Jason put the flashlight in his injured arms' hand before he knelt down a bit, picking up the puppy who must've knew Jason was going to help it, because it began to lick Jason's helmet before whimpering a bit and looking at it's paw. Jason merely looked down at the puppy, furrowing his eyebrows under his helmet as he looked at its paw, seeing how bad the injury was.
"Not too bad, you'll keep it." Jason said, rubbing the dogs head a bit as he went back to the ladder after putting his flash light away.
After Jason had gotten to his apartment, he took off his suit, putting it back in the duffel bag he usually kept it in, he also maganed to stitch and wrap his own wound after cleaning it. After fixing himself up, Jason carefully put the German Shepard, which say beside him the whole time he worked on his own wound, on his lap facing him. He carefully picked up it's paw and began to look at it before cleaning it, stitching it and wrapping it afterwards.
In the afternoon of the next day, the sound of knocking could be heard throughout the apartment. Not even a few seconds later, barking could be heard. Well, even with both of these things, Jason still didn't wake up. He had fallen asleep on the couch, not even bothering to put a short back on after he fixed up his arm, and he was still on the couch, shirtless, a blanked pulled over himself.
A few seconds after the barking started, it ceased, Jason being woken up by the puppy he had found licking his face. "What?" The male grumbled, scratching behind the puppy's ear before he heard the knocking again. Jason groaned a bit, sitting up as he put the dog on the floor, who in turn, went to the door and barked again, looking at Jason. Jason simply opened the door a jar and looked out of the small crack.
"Oh, you. What do you need?"
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