hey, so here is another chapter. now this book is going to have some strange names and everything but it will all be explained at the end, some latin words will be used, but ill give you their definition at the end of each chapter. just not the names. the meaning of the names will be reviled at the end of chapter ten. so i hope you keep reading for that long, enjoy..
Thalia couldn't believe her eyes, this god just happened to walk into the shop. hearing some commotion behind her she turned to find Penrith running at her, no. not her, the two boys. "Cadens! Perditio! oh my boys, you're early.. meet Thalia my little angel, Thalia this is my sisters son perditio and his best friend cadens." she said first pointing to the man that hadn't crossed her mind until now, when she really got a good look at him, with light blond hair with dark mahogany streaks and luminous green eyes, chiselled jaw and strong build he wasn't bad looking, but he was nothing compared to the Greek god that took refuge standing next to him. "hi.." Was the only words her mouth would let out at that moment, before she said something stupid, something she couldn't afford to say. "hey beautiful" cadens said, sending a wink her way. Thalia wasn't fussed with boys and didn't pay players any attention at the best of times, but something told her there was more to that simple wink than what was being shown. There was more meaning in his words than the dictionary meanings provided for them.
Looking at perditio, he gave her a slight nod. so he was the more reserved one, that was something she would need to remember for future needs. Turning back to cadens she spoke with a firm voice, making sure she let nothing slip her lips unintentionally. " well, as lovely as this is, I have things to attend to.. thank you penrith, ill come see you again tomorrow" yes, she thought, she had to attend to the bodies in her basement moulding and stinking the place out.. and how lovely it would be to set her eyes on that delicious specimen with red eyes tomorrow. but until then, all she would do is act like he was nothing but a new comer to town, and new comers were always trouble.
Thalia always enjoyed walking through the small town and sending small glances every which way, remembering that everything she set her eyes on belonged to her, that every unsuspecting citizen that waved or bid her hello was hers to punish or avoid at her wishes. She made the rules here and she thrived on that fact alone, but today she found no joy in the idea of owning her people, found no joy in their friendly faces and that would most likely one day be mangled and bloody. She wanted them all to know who she was, what she was and cower in fear at the mention of her name but she knew she couldn't let that happen, all her efforts would be wasted and she couldn't afford for everyone to know and run at her with pitch forks and torches. Until she was ready she would have to hide in the darkness of her home and the light of the streets. A slight breeze blew her way sending her silky dark blond hair flying everywhere, and a smell into her nose. She was being followed she presumed, and couldn't let her unwanted acquaintance see her home in the state it was in, covered in blood and melting flesh from ceiling to floor and wall to wall. Taking a random turn down a typically darkened ally way she made another sharp turn so she was hidden in the shadows, ready to pounce on her follower, and newly discovered victim. She saw a messing flop of dark brown hair come down after her, stopping just in reaching distance and looking around. Thalia took this as her chance and raced forwards, grabbing the stranger by the collar and turning them around to face her as she slammed them into the dirty ally wall. "Cadens?" Was the first thing to leave her mouth when she noticed who this beautiful stranger was. His eyes pierce into her soul as a slow grin makes its way onto his flawless face, "you just couldn't wait to have me could you Thalia, id prefer our first time to be some where clean but this isn't too shabby." He said again winking. Shaking off his comment she remembered why she had him held against the wall in the first place, "why are you following me?" She thought his eyes flashed for a second but it was to fast to catch, she couldn't even detect the emotions running through those blood red gems. "I was simply walking to the house Penrith bought for me, and she told me you could show me the way. I was simply trying to catch your attention for directions." The lies slipped from his lips like silk, if she was anyone else she wouldn't have picked up on it but she lies enough to know when something is too smooth to be true. "Well ask me now then and stop following me, its unflattering.." She let go of him and took a few steps back while he took steps towards her trying to close the space Thalia had created. "You know that big house at the top of the hill, that's where i'll be. With you" with each word he spoke he lent forward, until he was whispering into Thalia's ear. This won't be good, nor will it happen. She though to herself snidely. "No" and with that she turned to walk away. Thalia was no more then a few feet away when she felt him grab her wrist and pull her back, "why? You scared you might like me?" He said as cocky as ever, "no. I like my space, and if anything i'd be worried you'd get attached to me." His slight state of shock was what she need for her to be able to pull her hand out of his grasp and walk away quickly, before he could shake himself out of his weak state.
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