The Death Of A Known Host -chapter three-
(hi! if your a re-reader, you would know that first time around there was 13 chapters. now, ive decided to expand it to 15-20 :D dw if this is your first time reading)
TWS: slight gore
(No one pov)
Four was now sitting at a picnic table, X left as someone needed them.
"Now what to do while X is gone?" Four mumbled.
(Four pov)
I heard something behind me, when I saw it was Two. They seemed a little off today.
'I may be overthinking, but somethings off. They seem a little annoyed, and they're pose isn't really normal.' (he knows this as two annoys tf out of them)
"The british fuck strikes again." I say.
"Hi Four!" They replied.
('Two' pov)
'Why is he just staring at me? I didn't do a fucking thing yet.' I thought.
"Where's X?" I asked, as he and X are never apart.
"She's just gone for a bit. Why are you here?" He asked, with a small glare.
"I can't hang out with my friend? And besides, it's not like your hosting today!"
"Who are you, honestly?"
'Shit. He's catching on.'
"What do you mean? I'm your fr-"
"Shut the fuck up, no your not." He interrupted
(No one pov)
'Two' pulled out the pistol they were carrying, and then shot them in the back. In a second, he was unsure what to do.
The few contestants there watched in horror. Four felt his jacket, when he looked at his hand, all he saw was red. He faced 'Two', and all they did was take a shot to his head to finish them off.
"Maybe being a bad host and killing us wasn't the right thing, hmm" 'Two' whispered, but the sound of someone made them run off.
(X pov)
"Four! I have someth.." I yell, I trailed off.
There was a red in his jacket, and..
his head.
I run to them, but when I get closer to them I can see that he's gone.
"FOUR.!? FOUR NO.! Four.!? No no no no..! Four., come on.!" I say to them, going for their hand as I did.
There was no reply.
"Y-you can't be dead, please..! I-I.." I cried. "P-please.."
Pin walked up to me.
"X, I called an ambulance. They should be here, but if all goes to the worse.." She said. "I'm sorry." She said as she hugged me.
That's when the ambulance came.
-time skip: 5 hours, still X's pov-
I walked up to Two. They seemed to be sitting by themselves.
"Two.?" I said, getting their attention.
hiya! :D
-fun fact: x finding fours body did infact make me cry!
-i hoped i wrote fours death better, and its less fast
i hoped ya liked it, now let me cry bc im human x ^^
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