Ch:4,New Friends?
I waked up and had this feeling to throw up...maybe I'm just nervous,at least I have someone to show me around the school so I won't be THAT nervous.
I went to the bathroom to take a shower and then I decided to pick out my clothes to wear.
I picked out black ripped jeans since it was cloudy outside,no sun. A black shirt with a skull in the middle and I decided not to wear a sweater.
I went downstairs to find my mom cooking breakfast and asked,"I made breakfast,now eat up".
" it's to early to eat (School starts at 7 or something and ends at 3 something),and I don't eat in the morning or afternoon",I replied."You can eat it with dad".
" least eat lunch at school
to try to look normal",she said,
why would I look "normal"?
"Mom,lots of teens don't eat lunch. And why would I pay for some nasty crap called "food" there?",I replied angrily knowing I was getting into a fight.
"Okay,don't eat then,I won't get mad at you for that",She said to me while I put on my most confusing look on. Why isn't she getting mad at me? Has she gone insane? She would always fight over things like this.
Then it was her turn to put in her confusing look."What? Can't I go a day without getting angry at you or your actions?",She said while putting the biggest fakest smile I have ever sawn."Now go before your late to school".
"Mom,is there something wrong?",I asked.
"No no,now GO",She pointed towards the door.
When I got outside I saw Catherine waiting for me in front of my lawn. This time she was wearing light blue ripped jeans, a blue and white striped shirt with a black heart in the middle.
"Hey Catherine",I shouted towards her.
"Just call Kat for short",She said while I walked up to her."Okay", I replied.
We started walking and then she said,"You must be wondering who that is".I was so confused of what she said,I didn't see no one around except us two.
"I don't see anybody else here",I told her.
"I'm right here",a female voice said. I jumped forward and turned around to see a teenage girl hiding in the shadows,how come I didn't saw her?
"I-I'm Kimberly,call me Kim for short",She said in a quiet voice.
"I'm Xandra,where you in the shadows this whole time?",I asked very curiously.
"Y-yea,I'm sorry",She apologized.
"What? I'm not mad I'm very suprised,I didn't even knew you were there and I usually can tell when someone is hiding",I told her.
"Thank you",She has black silky hair that covered one of her eyes,
she wears black glasses,black skinny jeans,and has a black hoodie and obviously she has her hood covering her head. And she's always looking down...I think she's shy.
"Well,now that you two meet, how about we go to school?",Kat said. You can obviously tell that Kat and Kim have been friends for some time.
When we were half way there I saw a tall,mean looking girl walking towards us. When she was in front of me I tried to go around her but she just kept blocking my way,so I told her this...
"Hey,what the heck?".
"Oh sorry I couldn't see you or your luser friends over my awesomeness!",then she laughed liked it was funny or something.
Then she walked over to Kim and I knew she wanted to fight with her by the way she was looking at her her,I know I have to help her but how? I cant just use my powers(Yea I have lots of powers)
Sorry I didn't post over the last couple of days my wifi wasent working so I'm sooo sorry
I hoped you liked it,I would probably make a new Ch tomorrow,also...can I atleast get 5 more votes plz? I'm not asking for that much. Votes are the only thing keeping me going!!!
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