"Are you guys ready?" I asked the next morning. Before we went outside, we made sure we had enough potions and repels, and we bought some food. If we were going, we were going prepared. "Let's do this," Gladion answered. We stood on the Altar of the Moone. "Alright! Come out, Lunala!" I yelled, throwing the Ultra Ball in the air, revealing the Pokémon. "Lunala, Nebby, we need your help," I started. I explained the situation in short, and hoped Lunala would help us. Lunala flew up high, and started gathering power. At first a small blue dot appeared, but with Lunala's power, it grew into an Ultra Wormhole. Lunala grabbed the three of us and flew directly into it. I closed my eyes. I knew I did it before, but I was still scared. 'I hope Hau and Moon are doing fine...'
When I finally opened my eyes, Lunala dropped us on the ground. "Thank you for your help," I said smiling. Lunala gently pressed her head against mine, before returning to its Poké Ball. I looked around, hoping that no one had seen us. "Where are we?" I asked looking around. "I don't know, but we got to find Moon," Gladion answered. "And Hau," I said to him. "Yeah, him too. I suggest we should just walk around for a bit, maybe find a Pokémon Center, if they have those here," Gladion said. We walked around for a bit, but we saw nothing different from our world, except we weren't in Alola anymore. But soon enough it was getting late, and we found a small but comfortable hotel. Gladion turned on the tv.
"Another strange light was spotted by locals in Northbridge. That's the third time this happened. The first one was located six years ago, and the second one three years.. Researchers still aren't sure what it is, but are working on it. They say it isn't dangerous, but people are still worried,"
"That was us!" Sun said. "Yeah! The third time! So that means Moon and Hau are here as well!" Gladion said hopeful. "But... they said the second one was three years ago, and the first one six years... Hau and Moon just disappeared yesterday..." I said. "Don't give up yet. There's a chance Moon and Hau also have seen this, and they'll know it's us," Sun assured. "We should go to sleep, tomorrow we'll see what the plan is," Gladion said.
"Where are we going today?" I asked. We were having breakfast in the café part of the hotel. Before Sun and I woke up, Gladion went outside and bought a map of the place, so called Northbridge, and the newspaper. "I've looked up some important places in this town, we could check those. They have a high school here, it's a possibility Moon and Hau went there, to blend in or something. Today is Sunday, so we'd have to check that tomorrow. Where we can go today is the library and the shopping mall. Tonight, there holding a firework show, big chance Moon and Hau are going there," Gladion said. "I'm glad we got you. I wouldn't have a clue what do to," I said relieved. "I know," he responded with a small smile.
Moon's POV
"They're here! They're here!" Hau said jumping around. "We don't know that for sure, it also could've been something else. I doubt if they're ever coming," I mumbled the last part. "Don't be so negative. Where's the happy Moon, the one that would've been jumping around with me?" Hau asked smirking. "I grew up," I said rolling my eyes. "Well than grow back down again!" he said as he grabbed my hands and started jumping around again, while yelling: "They're here!". After a while I gave up and also started yelling. Then the door bursted open. "Guys! I'm trying to concentrate!" professor Elm shouted at us. "Sorry, professor," I apologized giggling. I sat down on my bed and motioned Hau to sit before me, so I could brush his hair. "What are you two so happy about anyway?" he asked us. "Well, they've located another strange light, just like ours, and we think-" I interrupted Hau. "We hope," Hau ignored me and continued. "That it's our friends. That they've finally came after us," He continued happily. "I know it's been three years, but... we have hope," I finished. "Say, is one of your friends smart enough to go to big places, hoping to find you there?" Elm asked us. "Gladion would probably do that," I said looking at Hau. I wondered what he would look like, after three years. He would've been eighteen by now. "Then I suggest you do the same. You could go to the shopping mall, and places you like to come," he continued. "You're a genius! Come on Hau, let's go!" I yelled immediately. I finished Hau's hair in a braid and we ran off. "WAIT! Remember, if you see... you, you hide, and come back immediately!" Elm yelled after us. "Yeah, we know!" I yelled back, before opening the door. It's not like we look like us anymore, we both have way longer hair, but we don't know yet what happens if they see us, that's why we have to be careful. "Where are we going first?" I asked Hau. "Shopping mall! Lillie loves shopping!" he said without hesitation. Lillie... I missed her, Gladion and Sun. I really hoped they came after us, after all this time.
Lillie's POV
"Can we go to the shopping mall first?" I asked hopeful. "Why not," Sun answered, but Gladion disagreed. "We should go to the library first," he said. "Why?" I asked in defence. "Because we're not on vacation," he answered. "Fine," I mumbled. We walked in silence to the library. "They're not here," I said to Gladion when we checked the whole library. "I didn't expect them to, honestly. But now we're here, we can check some books about Wormholes, because when we find them, we need a way to get out of here. And maybe they'll come here later," Gladion answered. "I don't like it when you're acting smarter than me," I mumbled. "That's my job," he answered. "Let's go separate ways, that's faster," Sun said. We did as we were told, but I couldn't find anything interesting. "Did you find anything?" I asked Gladion after a while. "No," he sighed. "Guys? Check this out," Sun said. He was holding an old book. "There were Pokémon in this world, once. Listen," Sun said as he started reading:
"Pokémon used to live with humanity in harmony, but on one bad day, all evil organisations came together, and tried to capture the God of Pokémon, Arceus. A group of people from all over the world, also known as the Dexholders, tried to stop them, but failed. Just as the organisations tried to catch it, Arceus gathered all it's powers, and banished them to an alternate universe. The Dexholders disappeared, out of shame. Since no one except them could tame the Pokémon, people decided to capture them all and keep them in a save place, until the grand-grand-grandchildren of the Dexholders would be able to tame them."
"From when is that book?" Gladion asked Sun as soon as he was finished. "Eh... 654," he answered. "We need to find a more recent book, or newspaper," Gladion continued as he scanned the bookshelf. He pulled out a newspaper and checked the date. "This one is from six years ago, perfect!" he said happily. I saw his eyes quickly scanning the content. "Here! Listen," he said.
"All descendants of the Dexholders have been found and are being trained at a small high school in Northbridge. Together, they will tame the Pokémon that are being hold in Southbridge, when they're old enough. We are not allowed to say their names but it is know that they have the same names as the old Dexholders."
"So, they're going to this high school? Maybe we can ask them something, when we go there tomorrow," I proposed. "Yeah, let's do that. But for now, let's go to the shopping mall," Gladion said with a smile.
"I'm hungry, can we go somewhere to eat?" Sun asked. We were standing on the town square. At both sides of the square were two small cafés. "Yeah, me too. How about there? It looks cute!" I said pointing at one of the cafés. "I think that place is better, there are more people there, so the food must be good," Sun said pointing at the other side of the square. "Whatever, I just want to eat. But I rather go at the place Sun suggested, over there we can see the whole square, so if Moon and Hau would be here, we can see them," Gladion shrugged. "Than we'll go there!" I decided.
Moon's POV
"Mooooooooooooon! I'm hungry! I need food! Now!" Hau whined, again. "But we haven't checked the last part of the mall. What if they're there right now?" I asked him. "They can wait come on!" Hau said grabbing my hand. "Ugh! Fine! But you know where to go!" I said. "Of course!" he dragged me to the town square.
A bit later Hau was enjoying his Malasada and I had a waffle. "Look how many customers 'The Happy Garden' has. Just because they lowered the price of their horrible coffee. This one deserves so much more fame," I said. the waitress heard me talking. "I know, right? Luckily we still have customers like you," she said to me. "Say, do I know you?" she suddenly asked. "Eh, that's possible, we come here a lot, except for weekends," I answered a bit nervous. "I only work here in weekends, so that's not possible. Wait! I think I know it! Aren't you guys from-" she started, but I interrupted her. "I'm sorry, but we really got to go!" I said. I quickly put some money on the table and grabbed Hau. "Keep the change!" I yelled before running away. "I WASN'T FINISHED YET!" Hau immediately yelled. "She almost recognized us. It could get us in trouble! Let's just finish the last part of the mall," I said.
Lillie's POV
"This coffee is horrible! No wonder it's so cheap!" Gladion whispered angry. I was silently sipping my tea and watching the square. Suddenly my head perked up. Was that...? "Guys! Guys! Do you see that!" I yelled pointing to the other café. "What?" Gladion asked me. "There! Isn't that Hau?!" I stood up. "Lillie! Wait! Sun, you stay here," I heard Gladion yell. I ran to the spot I thought I saw Hau. When I got there I looked around, hoping he still was here. "Lillie! Where did you see him? Did you see Moon too!?" Gladion asked when he caught up. "Right here!" I answered. "Are you sure it was him? Did you see his face?" he asked again. "No... But his hair had the same colour!" I said. "That doesn't mean it was him. It's a chance, but a small one. Let's go back, Sun is waiting," he said grabbing my hand.
I really thought I saw him...
YAY! I updated! Finally! I'm sorry it took me a while, I just needed to finish some last things. Anyways, I've got a testweek this week, which started today (it ends next Tuesday), so I'll have less time to write, and thus update. Right now I want to finish the next chapter of 'Project: Love' first, and I'm almost finished doing that. I've also begon the next chapter of this story, but it'll need a lot more of work before I'm finished.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Votes and comments are Always welcome ;P
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