4. A New Home
##Yukine's Point of View##
"How long were you standing there?" Miya asked.
"Before your aunt and uncle came to check on you. I was pretty worried when you wouldn't wake up even when I called your name." My face heated up but I tried to hide it.
I was relieved when she woke up. I could finally see her smiling face again. And her light violet eyes were so lovely I could gaze into them all day. Her lips... I just wanted to ki- Wait what? What did I just think? I hope Yato didn't hear anything. I'm just glad she's ok.
"Hey Miya, sorry I'm late. Yato wanted me to stay longer and help Daikoku make breakfast. I brought some rice balls in case you're hungry." No response. "Miya?"
I went over to her, she was asleep. She looked so peaceful, so calm, so cute... I didn't really want to wake her but it wasn't like her to sleep past 8. She was still covered in bandages that hid her scratch marks. I poked her soft cheek, nothing. Her breathing was also slower and there was a heart monitor connected to her.
'Didn't she say she could leave today? Was she sick?' I started to worry. "Miya, wake up. If you're playing a prank on me then stop." I shook her hand. "You win. Just open your eyes... please." I begged. "Miya!" I couldn't help but sob a little. I didn't want anything to happen to her. It was my fault that she was laying in that bed in the first place. "Please... wake up..."
Once I heard the door open, I backed away. Hiyori's mother and father came into the room. I could overhear what they were saying.
"Are you sure you didn't give her too much? She hasn't woken up in quite some time now." Sayuri had worry in her eyes, I could tell she cared a lot about Miya.
"I'm sure. She's been through a lot, she's just sleeping it off. Give her some time, she'll come around." Masaomi comforted while checking Miya's heartbeat.
Sayuri looked down at the sleeping girl. "She's so young yet she's handling everything pretty well. Her parents' death and her brother's condition. I can't imagine what it's like for her."
"She wrote down her thoughts in her journal. Miya is depressed and if something isn't done then it might affect her mental state. She cares about others a lot and puts on a smiling face for everyone, but deep down, she's hurt."
I heard a small groan come from Miya. "What happened?"
~~End of Flashback~~
##Third Person Point of View##
"Sorry. I don't know what went over me, I guess I lost control." Miya leaned against the wall behind her bed. "I guess I didn't want to lose one more family member, the only one I have left..." Miya saw that Yukine was sorry for her and decided to change the subject. "I'm glad that he's ok now."
"Miya~ I've got the clothes." Hiyori's mother walked into the room and lay a bag of clothes beside me. "Well? Go on. Change."
##Miya's Point of View##
Change? What was she thinking? Could she not see Yukine in the corner? Oh, right. She can't.
"I um..." I stuttered.
"Fine, I'll leave. Just tell me when you're done." She left, but Yukine wasn't moving.
"Um... Yukine? Could you maybe... um..." I was stuttering again. I felt my cheeks growing hotter.
Yukine turned completely red. "S-Sorry. I'll leave now. See you at Hiyori's." He said quickly and ran out of the room.
I opened the bag and found a shirt in my favorite color. Violet. And a short skirt in blue. I recall Hiyori wearing this exact ensemble before. There was a pink envelope at the bottom of the bag. "To Miya Sano" It read. I picked it up and carefully opened it.
Miya, this is your cousin, Hiyori. I heard about what happened and I feel awful. How are you holding up? Is your brother any better? I hope that my mother is treating you well, I've told her everything you like. I miss you a lot, you are like a sister to me. I'll be coming back to visit in a few weeks so don't forget about me, ok? By the way, tell me about your life and help yourself to anything in my room. It's yours now. My mother is travelling back and forth so if you have anything to tell me, you can write to me and tell her to give it to me. I enjoy reading letters, especially if they're from you. That's all I have to say for now, let's keep in touch, alright? Oh, and send me some of your drawings, I absolutely love looking at them.
Hiyori Iki
It was written in cursive. Wow, who knew Hiyori could write in cursive like that. I smiled knowing that my "sister" was still there for me spiritually. I put down the letter and quickly slipped on Hiyori's old clothes, trying to avoid tearing my bandages off, when I remembered my aunt was still waiting for me. They fit perfectly.
"I see you've read the letter." I heard my aunt chuckle. "Hiyori misses you a lot. Are you ready to go?"
I nodded and followed her, trying to keep my balance as we were walking outside. I guess I wasn't completely healed yet.
My aunt must've noticed me trying not to limp. "Are you alright, Miya?" She asked once we left the hospital. "You seem a bit unsteady." She looked down at me worriedly.
I gave a reassuring smile and nodded, moving my focus on my feet as I walked. No. I wasn't "okay" or "alright" at all. I couldn't help but think about mother and brother. All those good times we had together, gone.
"We're here," my aunt pulled me out of my thoughts. I had forgotten what their house looked like, it was years since I visited them. It was much bigger than I remembered, but of course, I didn't really remember that much. "Hiyori's room is upstairs to your left. I'll give you time to settle in, if you need me, I'll be in the living room."
I bowed to show my gratitude and headed upstairs, leaning on the rails to prevent myself from falling. I could still see memories of younger versions of Hiyori and I running around and having pillow fights once I entered her room. Carefully, I put my things out, leaning against the mattress after a while.
"Thinking about something?" A familiar voice asked, startling me. Yukine.
"How did you get in here?" The blond regalia pointed to an unlocked window behind him.
"Need some help?" He chuckled, extending his hand to help me up.
We quickly got to organizing my things, there weren't many anyway. The cleanup crew didn't find much in the remnants of the collapsed house. I was glad that they managed to save a few picture frames and photo albums that weren't too damaged.
"Hey, what's this?"
##Yukine's Point of View##
While I was helping Miya put some books on the shelf, a photo slipped out of one, falling slowly onto the floor. "Damaged" was the name of the book. I flipped through it a bit. It was about a girl being abused and bullied until she took her own life...
I bent down to pick up the photo. A girl- no, a woman who looked severely injured, trapped up against a wall. She looked terrified. A man holding... a knife?! He was standing there as if he was going to stab the younger boy between them. The boy looked like he was... protecting the woman? I could tell the photo was taken from some sort of room, the door was blocking both sides of the picture.
I took a closer look at the boy. He seemed very familiar... Wait... Miya's brother?! The woman must be her mother, and the man, her father...
I turned to look at Miya, who was looking at a photo album. "Hey, what's this?" She looked in my direction as I held up the photo. Her eyes widened.
"I-It's nothing!" She stuttered, snatching the photo out of my hand and crumpling it up.
"Miya..." I moved closer towards the shaken-up girl. "Your father..."
"Was abusive, yes." She finished my sentence, as if she forced those words out. "You shouldn't have seen that..." she whispered. I could tell she was struggling not to cry.
On instinct, I pulled her in and hugged her tightly. As soon as I did, weeping noises started to come from her as she buried her head in my chest. "I'm sorry that happened to you," I said softly, stroking her back.
"H-He almost k-killed him..." she sniffed. Her voice broke while saying that, and I could feel my heart hurt a little. "I-I called the police... T-They got here in time... And m-my brother was s-sent to the h-hospital..." I held her tighter. "H-He's still alive... H-He'll come f-for me... H-He-"
"Shh, I won't let that happen, alright?" She loosened up a bit and looked up at me. Her eyes were all red and swollen, her skin was also pale. "Let's get you to bed, okay? I'll stay until you fall asleep." She just nodded slightly, drying her tears with her sleeves.
Once she got in her bed, she immediately fell asleep. She looked so peaceful... Silently, I sat down beside the bed and watched over her.
"Yukine..." that voice sent shivers down my spine.
"Y-Yato- I um..." I scratched the back of my head, laughing awkwardly.
"Shush, you don't want to wake her, do you?" He said quietly. Well, this reaction surprised me. I expected him to be mad at me for sneaking out. "Come on, we have a job," he said, heading towards the open window. I looked back at Miya. She was still sleeping peacefully. "She'll be fine, Yukine. You can come back in the morning," Yato reassured me. I nodded and followed him to the window.
"Goodnight, Miya."
Yes, I like torturing my ocs with depressing backstories I'm sorry-
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