3. The Truth
There were so many phantoms, at least ten. They surrounded Yato and Yukine, but luckily, Yato had a plan. In one swipe, all the phantoms we sliced in half.
"Revert Yukine. Nice work- Hey! Where are you going?" Yato yelled at the already running Yukine.
"To see my friend." Was all he replied.
Yato remembered how Hiyori forgot them and what happened to Yukine's regalia friend. "I sure hope history doesn't repeat itself." Yato sighed.
##Miya's Point of View##
He kept his word. Every day I would see his smiling face come and greet me. I slowly developed some sort of faint crush on him, but I knew that he was just a friend. It made me feel better about the condition my brother was in and my parents' death. He would tell me what was going on with the outside world, well, outside of the hospital that is, in exchange, I would show him my drawings. I slowly gained back my ability to walk, so that also cheered me up.
But on one day, a strange visitor came. I was working on my drawings, or you could say, waiting for Yukine, when a girl with short black hair appeared in front of me. She had dark purple eyes and the palest skin I had ever seen. She was wearing a white robe and a malicious smile.
"Hello, can I help you?" I asked her, trying to be as polite as I could. I noticed some tattoos imprinted all over her arms and legs.
"As a matter of fact, you can." The girl waved her hand and some sort of purple wolf appeared out of nowhere. A pack of them soon followed. "You can help by dying." She was so calm, her voice was so ghost-like.
Those words creeped me out, what did she mean by that? "I-I am not quite s-sure I understand." I tried to remain as calm as I could, but I was stuttering. This random girl just appeared claiming that she wanted to kill me.
"It was hard enough to get Hiyori out of the way, but now I have to deal with you. When will you pathetic little mortals understand to leave things alone." The girl came closer to me. I slowly got out of bed and backed away. "Kill her."
Before I knew it, the wolves charged at me. What type of wolves are they? I swear I've never seen any wolf species like that in my life. I'd never been so afraid. Was I afraid of dying or the fact that I wouldn't see my brother or Yukine again? I closed my eyes, hoping that this was all a dream and that I'd wake up beside my parents.
I heard the word 'borderline' in the distance, it sounded familiar. A beam of light blue light separated me and the wolves, they vanished, all that was left was that girl. A boy with blond hair was standing between the two of us, Yukine.
"Yukine? What's going on? Who is she? How did you..." I was so confused, questions just filled my mind.
"Oh, if it isn't Yato's regalia, Yukine, was it? You didn't tell this human about regalia and gods? You say that she is your friend, but you don't even trust her with your secret." What was she talking about? What secret? "If you let me kill this feeble human, everything will go back to normal."
##Third Person Point of View##
Yukine looked back at Miya, her face had the word 'scared' written all over it. "I won't let you hurt her!"
Nora smiled. "You cannot protect this human forever." She disappeared after a drop of water was heard.
"You ok?" Yukine went over to Miya, she stepped back.
"Answer my questions." Her voice was no longer like how she usually talked. It wasn't sweet or kind. It was scared.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," he started, "I am a regalia. Regalias are humans who still wanted to live but couldn't. most regalias have only one master, but some have multiple, they are called noras. Noras betrayed their masters and have more than one name imprinted on them. Our masters are gods and goddesses, when they call us, we turn into a weapon. Those wolves were phantoms, creatures that lurk around looking for souls to corrupt. It's our job to stop them. Usually, humans can't see us." Yukine finally finished.
It took some time for Miya to process the information and to feel safe again. "Is that why you said I didn't need to save you?" Yukine nodded, feeling as guilty as ever. "Why can I see you then?"
Yukine shrugged. "I'm not sure. You aren't a half-phantom like Hiyori, and you're definitely still alive. People don't see us unless they focus, you must care about others a lot."
"I guess I wasn't hallucinating when I saw Hiyori with a cat tail, jumping around on wires." Miya smiled. She went and sat next to him on the bed.
"Sorry I dragged you into this." Yukine looked down.
"Don't feel bad. It is a little overwhelming, but after everything that has happened to me, I'm not that surprised." She paused. "Besides, with you here, I can keep my mind off of other things."
"What other things?" Miya sighed and pointed to the bed next to her. Yukine walked over there and found that a boy who looked just slightly younger than him was lying there, motionless.
"One, being my parents' death. Second, because my brother has been in a coma for quite some time." Yukine looked sorry for her. "But I'm glad that I'll be able to leave the hospital tomorrow... and I'm glad that I met you." Yukine's cheeks turned pink and he turned away, trying to hide it. My face grew warmer. What was this feeling?
##Miya's Point of View##
"What are you going to do once you are free to leave the hospital?" I thought about it.
"I'm not sure... I might pay a visit to my mother. My aunt and uncle promised me that they would let me see my old house, or at least, what's left of it." I was sort of afraid to see the remnants of my house, but I needed to see it, once more.
"What happened to your father?" Were the words I was afraid to hear. "You've never mentioned him to me."
"It... It's not important..." I stuttered. I didn't want him to know. I didn't want anyone to know.
Just then, the window opened and a man wearing a blue tracksuit came in. "Yukine, we have a j-" The man looked at looked at me. "Was this the friend you were talking about?"
"Is this a friend of yours, Yukine?" I asked.
"I am the god Yato and I shall grant your wish for 5 yen!" Was that his introduction? He held out a green wine bottle that was about halfway full of 5 yen coins.
"Nice to meet you Yato, I'm Miya Sano." I greeted. "I doubt that you'll be able to bring my parents back." I mumbled.
"What was that?" Yato asked.
"Um... nothing important, really." I said quickly. "Not to be rude or anything, but are you really a god?" He really didn't look like a god.
"Whether you believe it or not, he really is a god." Yukine crossed his arms. "And he is my master."
I heard a phone ringing, it was Yato's. "Um... of course, we're already on our way." Yato spoke to the phone. I couldn't quite make out what the man said on the phone though. He hung up and started to drag Yukine. "Yukine, we got to go."
"What is it this time?" Yukine looked at him annoyedly.
"Café, and you're going to be cooking." Yato smiled and jumped out the window.
Yukine looked back at me. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I nodded in response and watched as he left.
As soon as they left, I walked over to my brother, Akihiro. His eyes were closed and an oxygen mask was attached to him. There were bags of clear liquid injecting themselves into him. I would give anything to trade places with him. I should be the one lying in that bed, he doesn't deserve this fate.
"Miya." I didn't need to look at the person to tell who said that. My aunt. "Your brother needs do go through some tests." I nodded and let the doctors push my brother's bed into another room. My aunt went over and gave me a hug. "I know this is hard, but it'll only get better, I promise."
I smiled at her, but deep down, I didn't think that it was going to be fine at all. Suddenly, one of the doctors rushed into the room and dragged my aunt outside. I overheard their conversation, but I wish I didn't. My brother's heart was failing and he had to undergo surgery. I wish I had just stayed put, but I lost control of my body. I wanted to see him so badly. I remember that I rushed into the room and one of the doctors yelled: "Get this girl out of here!" I wouldn't budge. I felt something poke me and before I knew it, everything went black. I fell unconscious.
I remember waking up to the soft voice of my uncle. The sun was so bright, it was hard to even open my eyes. "What happened?" I whispered.
"You were put to sleep." My uncle was always so direct. "Don't worry though, your brother's fine." I sat up, feeling relieved. "My wife will take you back to our house. We'll take you to see your old house later."
I saw a glimpse of Yukine with my peripheral vision. Did he see everything that happened? I hope not. My uncle had other patients to tend to and my aunt was going to bring me some of Hiyori's old clothes. I was left alone with the blond-haired regalia.
Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions on how I can improve, then you can PM me.
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