Chapter 63
Chapter 63
That Monday, I was on my way to work when I spotted Adam again. He was in his normal attire, and he was watering one of his flower beds. My heart immediately began to beat faster. I was certain that he hated me now. He couldn't possibly still like me after I rejected him, right? I was terrified, even as I approached him.
"H-hey Adam," I said tentatively. "How are you?"
To my surprise, Adam gave me one of his goofy grins. "I'm doing alright," he said. "How are you?"
"You're not mad at me?" I said.
"Why would I be mad at you?" he asked as he continued to water his flowers.
I decided not to bring up the elephant in the room and continue on. "I don't know," I said. "Is there anything new going on?"
"I have a piano recital tonight," he said. "Do you want to come?"
"I guess so," I said, still feeling a little bit awkward. What about Adam made me like this? I wasn't quite sure, but I knew that there was no way to stop the butterflies in my stomach.
"Great," Adam said. "I can't wait to see you there."
"I'm sure you'll be great," I said.
"I don't know about that," Adam said. "I'm not that great."
"I'm sure you are," I said.
"But you saw Henri Lavoie play," Adam argued. "I'm not going to be able to top that."
"You'll be great too," I said. "I know you will."
"No I won't," Adam said.
"Yes you will," I said.
"No, I really won't," Adam said.
"This is a silly argument," I said. "We'll see tonight, right?"
"Yes, we sure will," Adam said. "So what's new with you?"
"A lot," I said.
"Like what?" Adam asked.
"It's a long story," I said. I then explained everything that had happened over the last few days, from the incident with Jordan to all of us destroying the Demon Summoning System. I actually felt pretty comfortable telling Adam everything. It was nice to get it all off my chest, even though I was nervous to hear about what Adam would think about Jordan. Everyone else did end up being right about him, but I was worried that he would think that I was stupid for even trying to talk to him in the first place.
"Wow," Adam said. "That's just crazy. I'm sorry you had to deal with everything that Jordan did. That's really horrible."
"I know," I said. "Everyone's been saying that. I'm just glad that he's back in Hell."
"So the demons are gone for good?" Adam said.
"I think so," I said. "It's probably too early to tell, but that box did say 'Demon Summoning System' on it, and we threw it in the pool, so it's undoubtedly broken."
"I hope there aren't any more demon attacks," Adam said. "I know this is a petty complaint, but the demons are always ruining my precious flowers. I mean, look at these chrysanthemum flowers! Aren't they beautiful?" He showed me one of his flowers, and I took a nice whiff of its scent. It was in fact, very beautiful.
"It's amazing," I said. "I can't believe that the demons don't appreciate these."
"I don't get it," Adam said. "Maybe demons just hate everything."
"That's not true," I said. "Maya and I met a demon that liked Fall Out Boy."
"You know what I meant," Adam said. "You know, sometimes I wonder what exactly distinguishes someone like me from the demons."
"That's easy," I said. "You don't have horns, wings, and gray scaly skin."
"Neither do some of the younger demons. You should know. You said that Jordan was like that," Adam said.
"You're right," I said. "Sometimes I wonder that too. I barely escaped going to Hell."
"So did I," Adam said. "It's just another thing that we have in common."
"Why did you almost go to Hell?" I asked. "You're the sweetest guy I know."
"I was just a deadbeat alcoholic when I died," Adam said. "I hadn't done anything meaningful with my life. I wish I had, but in the end, they decided to put me in Heaven since I hadn't done anything horrible."
"I'm glad you ended up in Heaven," I said. "I don't know what I would do without you. You're just so fun to talk to."
"Thanks," Adam said. "I think you're fun to talk to too."
I smiled and said, "I'm so glad that we're friends."
"Actually, I love our friendship too, but sometimes I kind of wish that we were more than friends," Adam admitted.
"I like you Adam," I said. "I like you a lot, and I think you're really cute and a sweet guy, but I don't think I want to date you."
"Why not?" Adam asked. "We could make this work."
"Well, that's not quite right," I said. "I don't want to date you right now. This isn't the right time. You understand, right?"
"Of course I do," Adam said. "We can just stay friends."
"Let's just stay friends," I said. "You never know though. Maybe we'll end up as more than that. We'll just take it slow."
"Yeah, that sounds good," Adam said. "We'll take it slow."
That was when I jumped up and hugged him. "I'm glad you understand, Adam," I said, and that was the truth. I was glad that Adam was one of those people who just understood me. I really did like him, but now just wasn't the time. Maybe someday, we could be together. That was a dream that I decided to hold on to as I smiled and left for work. Maybe things would work out, but I just had to give it time.
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