~((skylers pov))~
I opened my eyes, I sat up and looked around, slowly I remebered. I was skyler williams, I was 16 years old and I needed to get home. I looked around and I saw big buildings and cars, I saw peaple moving up and down the street, then it came to me, this was New York City, I didn't live in the city? Then I remembered I lived in the suburban part of New York. I put iside the question of how I got to the city and set of to find a taxi.
I walked down the road this my hand out, motioning for a taxi. A boy came up to me, he was handsome, with light brown hair and blue eyes, he wore a green sweatshirt with purple text on it that said, secret geek, he also wore jeans and red sneakers. "that's not how you hail a taxi" the boy told me, I could tell he was about my age, he put his fingers to his lips and whistled really loud then called " 'ey taxi!!" And emedetly a taxi drove up and we got in.
"We're you going?" He asked me smiling, I though for a moment "22 Baker Street" I told the taxi driver and he started the car.
"I'm peter, by the way, peter smith" he held out his Hand and I shook it, "I'm skyler, skyler Williams" I told him and his eyes went wide "have we met before? I feel like I know that name..." He asked me but I shook my head.
We went the rest of the way in silence. I stared out the window trying to remember how I got into the city, it didn't make sence, my family never went into the city, my boyfriend, James, took me there once, on a date but that was it. Suddenly the car stopped. this was my stop, I got out and looked around, I had to was a couple of blocks but that was fine. I looked back at Peter, "you wanna come?" I asked him.
He looked at me and nodded. he threw the taxi driver a wad of cash before exiting the car.
We walked around the corner onto my street to see two girls, a red head and a girl with platinum blonde hair. The red haired girl wore a hunting jacket with fuzz on the hood, skinny jeans, and army camo hiking boots, the platinum blonde girl was pale and thin, she wore kind of a pioneer dress with a brown sort of shawl that was tide around her neck, she was bear footed. the blonde girl looked pretty freaked out and the red head looked like she was explaining something to her.
As we approached we notest the red head had green eyes and had a brown satchel, and the blonde girl had frost on the rim of her dress and shawl, and her eyes were such a light gray, that she almost looked blind.
"Hello" I said, making the two girls jump. the blonde girl stepped back nervously but the redhead beamed "oh cool!! Are you guys lost to!! We are, we don't even live in New York!! She lives in Boston and I live in west virigina, I don't know how we got here thought. Maybe we got kidnapped and got our memories wiped, cause frosty over here claims she's not from this time!!! I'm June grace by the way, this is Izabel Adams , but she prefers Elizabeth better, we are so glad to..." I put my hand over her mouth afraid she would never stop talking, and June licked my hand, gross...
Me and Peter set of again for my house, but this time, June and Izabel dicided to fallow us.
I couldn't think strait with June blabbering on they way she was, she went on, and on, and on, and on, talking out her family, and how she owned a little farm with goats and chickens, how she liked to go hunting. I graoned, by the time I got home, I would know every single detail about this girl!!!
"FINALLY!!" I thanked the gods that I was home, I wouldn't have to here June whole family history. I ran up to the door and knocked. the door opened and I saw my dad, he was in his bath robe, his dark brown hair was cut short, and he had a tooth brush in his mouth. when he saw me, his eyes went wide and the toothbrush fell out of his mouth.
Was that my toothbrush? Nevermind... My dad slammed the door on me. I could hear talking inside so I pressed my ear against the door.
"It was her, I swear to the gods, it was her charrlotte!!" I heard my dad exlaim, "nonsence, skyler has been dead for two months, you miss her to much" I heard my mom say, and what did she mean 'dead for two months' I was right here, how could I be dead?
"Um, skyler? You better see this" peter held an old news paper from the trash, "what about it?" I asked him. he show me the article
Missing girl found stabbed to death in New York ally way
Skyler Williams, missing for 3 monthsu was found, 2 days ago stabbed to death in an ally way of New York City, her capters are still on the loose and very danderous, please call 911 if you see these men in your area
Suddenly everything came back to me, my capters, them stabbing me. I had died 2 months ago!!
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