Chapter 7: A Superhero Victory
[Blazefire19 ]
"Before Hiccup Could Find A Way To Call For Help, He Suddenly Realises That Dagur And Ryker Are Working With An Old Villain That Lucinda Fought A While Back, However, What The Trappers And The Villains Didn't Realise Is That The Heroes Are Always Ready To Fight And Defeat Them."
"At The Ship, Dagur & Ryker Had Hiccup As Prisoner, Worse, They Were Planning To Use Him To Find Every Dragon Island That The Dragon Eye Lead Him To."
Dagur: We are gonna extract every little piece of dragon knowledge from that tiny coconut-shaped noggin. We're gonna use you to take us to every island that Dragon Eye has led you to.
Hiccup: And If I Don't?
"Suddenly, An Unknown Villain Points A Gun At Him After Revealing Herself, It's Slone, Who Has Somehow Escaped Iron Heights After The Red Death Battle."
Slone: Ohoho. I Hope You Don't.
Hiccup: Slone!
"Another Villain Then Walks In And Reveals Himself, It's Buggy The Clown, Who Was Beaten By Hawkgirl After Knocking The Muggy Ball Straight Back At Him And Blow Him Away."
Buggy: Another Idea From A Friend Here, Remember Me, Haddock? Won't Forget That One.
Hiccup: Wait, I Thought That New Hawkgirl Beat You.
Slone: Well......Ever Since That Idiotic Dedede's Stupidity Got The Satellite Destroyed.
Ryker: And At Least You Won't Stop Us.
"Ryker Wickedly Chuckles As He Points His Sword At Hiccup, Suddenly
"when a blast of fire struck the side of the boat, sending everyone before me tumbling off their feet. Before they were given the chance to figure out what was going on, green plumes of gas spilled onto the deck, followed by sparks that caused a large explosion, rocking the boat and giving Hiccup enough time to get up and start to run. Barf and Belch touched down in front of Him, revealing themselves as the attackers."
Hiccup: And Good Thing You Came In Time To Save Me.
Buggy: WHY YOU LITTLE......!
"Fortunately, A Wolf & A Dog Stomps On Buggy, They Dodges Slone's Punches And Land In Front of Hiccup, It's Freddy & Batty, Who Had Been Looking For Kara."
Freddy & Batty: You Alright?
Hiccup: Yeah. I'll Be Fine.
"Suddenly, Another Individual Comes Crashing Down Right Into The Ship, The Villain Then Comes Out of The Hole, It's Galdino, Who Is Suddenly Taken A Beaten."
Galdino: Well This Is Just Humiliating.
Hiccup: Uhh, Do I Know You?
"Galdino Suddenly Notice That Hiccup Forgot The Day Kaid Fought Him, He Shows Him His 3 Hair Style. However, 2 Heroes Zoom Down And Strike Galdino Straight Into The Ship And Beaten Him Up. Buggy, Slone, Ryker & Dagur Eventually Get Up But Heard A Punching."
Buggy: Hey, What's That Ruckus.
"The Hero Uppercuts Galdino, Sending Him Crashing Through The Hole of The Ship And Flying, Fortunately, 2 Heroes Come Out of The Hole And Land In Front of Hiccup, Freddy & Batty, It's Kara Lycan & Elli, Who Had Beaten Galdino Up."
Hiccup: First time in a while that I've been happy to see you 2,
Kara: Actually......
Elli: We Already Got Here In Time.
Freddy & Batty: Kara!
"Freddy & Batty Run Toward Kara And Hug Her."
Kara: Heh, Uncle Freddy, Aunt Batty. I'm Alright, Really.
"The Heroes Then Get Ready For Battle, Belch bit down on Hiccup's ropes, managing to undo them just as a group of Dragon Hunters came charging at Him, weapons raised above their heads. With the help of the Zippleback, most of them were sent either back onto the deck or into the water. Freddy Blasts The Hunters While Batty Knocks Them Into The Ocean, Kara & Elli Then Strike The Hunters Down One-By-One."
"Unfortunately, the ones still on board got up just seconds later, beginning to overwhelm The Heroes. Barf and Belch sent out their distress signal, hopefully getting the others to come and help us out. Reign, in particular, would definitely want to come and see this."
"Back At The Clubhouse, The Heroes Suddenly Saw The Distress Signal."
Ruffnut: That's Barf & Belch.
Tuffnut: That's Their Stress Signal
"they bend down to let Astrid, Fishlegs and Snotlout on their dragons fly away together, going to the Place where the Dragon Hunters are. Apparently, Leaving Leslie & The Knights Stuck Here."
Leslie: At Least They'll Get Hiccup Back.
Tuffnut: Hey, wait! That's our dragon out there.
Ruffnut: Now What Do We Do?
"Tuffnut and Ruffnut looked at each other with a smirk and had plan, they soon turned to Toothless that was on their side,"
Tuffnut: Hey, T, how you been?
"the dragon made a weird face to them, Toothless didn't wanted to wait to see what they would do and flew away after the others."
Sam: Well, We Gotta Go Help Them.
Donny: Uhh, How?
Leslie: We Don't Have Our Suits.
Chelsea: I Do.
Kevin: I Have The Scareb.
"Suddenly, Leslie, Sam & Donny Notice A Light Blue Blinking Light, They Then Follow It, Only To Discover Leslie's New Suit, Along With The 2 Old Suits That Donny & Sam Had, Which Is A Gift From Alirya."
Sam: Huh.
Donny: No Way.
Leslie: Looks Like Alirya Left Us A Gift.
"Suddenly, The Alarm Goes Off, Alerting The Knights That Ivan, Kitty, Aggie & Omar Are Under Attack By The Villains. They Give Each Other A Smile, Knowing What To Do."
Leslie: Let's Show Those Villains What Happens If They Mess With Our City And Our Families.
"Leslie, Sam, Donny & Kevin Then Suit Up, They And Chelsea Then Head Out To Fight Off The Villains."
"At The Central City Park, Ivan Was Battling SharX In The Ocean."
Ivan: Is That All You Got?!
SharX: Even You're Underwater, You're No Match For—-
"Suddenly, SharX Gets Blasted In The Back, He Turns Around To See Who Blasted Him."
SharX: Hey! Who Did That?
Kevin: I Did.
"SharX Turns Around Again, Only To Realise That Kevin Blasted Him."
SharX: Uh Oh!
"Kevin Then Uppercuts SharX Straight Out of The Ocean, The Villain Then Crashes Down, Instantly Knocked Out, Kevin & Ivan Then Jump Out of The Ocean Triumphantly."
Ivan: Took You Long Enough.
Kevin: Heh, Had A Little Run In.
"At The Central City Museum, Kitty Was Trying To Avoid The Trickster's Deadly Tricks."
Kitty: You Know You're Blowing The Fight.
Trickster: Well It's Buggy's Central City Surprise Visit, And Your Death Will Make Him A Star.
"Trickster Then Blasts The Deadly Stars But A Silver Blur Snatches Them, Which The Villain Recognises That Speed."
Trickster: Oh, Why Me?
"Donny Then Zooms In And K.O. Punches Trickster, He Then Stops In Front of Kitty."
Donny: Sorry I'm Late, Kitty.
Kitty: Well, You Weren't Too Bad Yourself.
"At Downtown Central City, Omar Struggles To Catch Infearno."
Infearno: Come And Get Me!
Omar: Quit Moving!
"Omar Tries To Slam His Constructed Fist At Infearno, But He Dodges It At High Speed."
Infearno: I'm Over Here.
Omar: Hold Still!
"Omar Throws A Constructed Boomerang But Misses Because Infearno Dodged It."
Infearno: You're Kidding, Slow Can't Catch Fa—-
Sam: Hey, Rookie!
"Infearno Turns Around."
Infearno: What?
"Sam Slams His Constructed Hammer At Infearno, Sending Him Falling Down."
Infearno: NOOOOO!!!!
Omar: That's One Way To Do It.
"Infearno Crashes To The Ground, Defeated By Sam."
Sam: He'll Be Fine.
"At Uptown Central City, Aggie Was Trying To Stop Terabyte From Escaping With The Data."
Terabyte: You Won't Be Able Beat Me, Payback—-
Aggie: Already Heard That Before.
Leslie & Chelsea: Hey Bug Brain.
Terabyte: What?!
"Terabyte Turns Around, Only To Get K.O. Punched By Leslie & Chelsea, He Then Falls Down Unconscious."
Aggie: You Girls Sure Took Your Time.
Chelsea: Well, Let's Just Say That's A Gift From A Friend.
Leslie: Yeah, It's A Long Story.
"Back At The Dragon Hunter Ship, Hiccup and The Heroes were still fighting against the Dragon Hunters, he kicked one away as Barf and Belch helped them, Ryker and Dagur were just watching but soon glared."
Ryker: I've had enough of this.
"Ryker Takes The Sword From a Hunter that was in front of him, they kept fighting but Hiccup was pushed away by Ryker and fell down on the ground, he turned around and he raised his sword up, about to hit Hiccup, he gasped and closed his eyes waiting for the worst, but Barf and Belch hit him with their tail and push him away. Freddy & Batty Then Blast Him Straight At Slone, But She Dodges Out of The Way."
Hiccup: Nice job, guys. Get us out of here.
"Buggy Then Charges At Hiccup, Freddy & Batty."
Batty: LOOK OUT!
"Suddenly, Elli Sonic Howls At Buggy, Sending Him Flying, Kara Then Flies After Him, Leaving The Heroes To Fight The Hunters Off, However, Dagur appeared, Armed with a weapon and was about to throw it."
Dagur: Oh, Heroes!
"but Barf and Belch shot the gas and made it explode. Which Frightens Dagur & Slone."
Dagur: Oh, No.
Slone: That's Not Good.
"They all jumped away, Ryker was about to get up but a rope pulled him up and away from them."
Freddy: Alright!
Batty: Yeah!
Hiccup: And now I owe you one.
Hiccup: Time to go!
"Hiccup Gets on Barf and Belch's back and flies away, While Letting Freddy, Batty, Kara & Elli Handle The Fight. As they flew, they almost crashed with the others but they dodged, but soon, Toothless appeared with the twins on his back flying clumsily."
The Twins: Hey! Oh, no, no no, no, no.
"They crashed with each other and fell down to the water. Kara Spots Him & Toothless Falling."
Kara: Hiccup!
"Kara Then Flies Off To Save Hiccup & Toothless."
Hiccup: Toothless!
"Kara Saves Hiccup & Toothless From Hitting The Water, He soon gets on his back And both of them flew away, the twins splashed on the water and Dagur catched their dragon with a net but got on the water too, he laughed evilly but Tuffnut and Ruffnut tried to get them away from Here under in there, he pointed to the bottom of the net and soon, they were flying up on their neck laughing."
Tuffnut: Back in the saddle, baby.
Hiccup: Let's get these hunters away from Dragon's Edge!
"everyone flies down to the ship, the twins made a explosion on the ship,"
Ruffnut: I missed this!
Tuffnut: You can say that again, Sister.
"they high fived each other, soon, a lot of rocks were throwing."
Kara: Let's Show Those Hunters What Happens If They Mess Our Families.
Astrid: Take out the catapults!
"everyone started to shoot on the catapults and ship sets on fire. However, Slone Was About To Shoot Freddy Dead For Ruining Her Plan, But A Baterang Was Thrown In The Air, It Knocks The Gun Off Her Hand, When She Turns Around, She Was Shocked To See The Heroes, It's Leslie And The Knights, Who Came In Time To Help Her."
Leslie: Just In Time.
"soon was hit by a piece of wood on his head and he fainted down, the gang kept watching them going away."
"The Knights Then Begin Attacking The Dragon Hunter Ship, However, Kevin Somehow Got Hit By A Rock That Was Thrown By the catapults, However, It Did Not Phase Him, Instead He Dodged It, Faking The Moment He Got Hit By It."
Kevin: Psyche! My Arm's A Cannon Now!
"Kevin Then Forms A Cannon But He Accidentally Forms A Sword."
Khaji-Da: Kevin, Wrong Weapon.
Kevin: GAH! Whoops! My Bad!
"Kevin Then Forms A Cannon This Time."
Kevin: Yeah, That's More Like It.
Khaji-Da: Much Better.
"Kevin Then Shoots catapults, Destroying Them In The Process, Chelsea Grabs Leslie's Hand And Flies Up."
Chelsea: Alright!
Leslie: Time For This Ship To Go Boom!
"Leslie Then Throws An Explosive Baterang That Hits The Barrels And Blows Up, However, Galdino Manages To Slip Out of That. Frightened By What The Heroes Can Do."
Galdino: I'm Getting Outta Here!
Sam: Hey, 3!
"Galdino Then Turns Around, Enraged By Sam Getting His Identity Wrong."
Galdino: MR. 3 YA—-
"Galdino Then Gets Terrified And Can't Escape Now That Sam Has Created A Constructed Sledge-Hammer."
Galdino: I'M DONE FOR!
"With One Strike From The Green Sledge-Hammer, Sam Sends Galdino Flying To Somewhere He Will Never Come Back, Donny Then Zooms Around The Ship, Infuriating Slone."
Slone: Don't You Heroes Have Anything Better To Do?!
Donny: Nope.
"Donny Throws A Lightning Bolt, Which Sends Slone & Buggy Flying, Kara Sets Part of The Ship On Fire With Her Heat Vision, While Elli Sonic Howls, Breaking The Sails Apart."
Kara: Ready To Take The Villains Down?
Elli: Yeah!
"Kara & Elli Then Zoom Off After The Villains, While The Heroes And The Dragon Riders Watch The Ship Go Away For Good, They Then Celebrate In Victory. While Kara & Elli Pursue Slone & Buggy, A Breach Opens And They Went Through It And It Closes."
Earth-551; East Blue
"At Impel Down, The Breach Opens And Spits Out Slone & Buggy, While Kara & Elli Come Out of It, Still In Pursuit of Them, It Then Closes Behind Them."
Slone: I Can't Believe That Plan Has Been Foiled Again! Now I Have To Come Up With Another One! Speaking of Which, What Earth Are We On Now?
"Buggy Then Looks Around And Recognises This Place."
Buggy: Wait, Haven't I Been Back On Straw Hat's Earth?
Slone: Who's Straw Hat?
"Suddenly, Slone & Buggy Crashed Into A Wall, Which The Clown's Eyes Bug Out And His Teeth Popped Out Aswell."
Kara: Ticket Back Home?
Elli: Not A Problem!
"Elli & Kara Then Charge At Slone & Buggy As They Panic."
"The Breach Opens Up Behind The Villains, Kara & Elli Strike Slone & Buggy, Sending Her To Another Earth Where She Won't Threaten Her Home Again, And Ultimately Sending Buggy To Another Earth, The Breach Then Closes, Trapping Him On That Earth, Kara Then Triumphantly Lands In Front of Elli."
Kara: We Did It, We Won. And We Helped Hiccup Get That Life-Debt Repayed.
Elli: Wha-Wha.
"The Breach Then Opens In Front of Kara & Elli."
Kara: Well, Time To Go Home, You Coming?
Elli: And Come Back To Visit You? You Bet.
"Kara & Elli Then Go To The Breach, Returning Home, Just In Time To Go Back On A Detour With Batty, But This Time, Freddy Has Another Idea For Her."
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