#sweet justice part 4
Babs was now in her room as a radio plays a sad song.
Radio:All alone Now we've been torn apart Our story ends Before it even starts Though our love Was a no-go.
Babs:*Singing*I don't wanna go so low Baby, you and me We were the greatest team.
Then Babs' tablet was getting a
video chat call and Babs answered it and it reveals a girl
with blonde hair, and red and blue dye and clothing.
Babs:Hi, Harleen.
Harley: So? Status update, please. How's the new digs? Come back to Gotham! I miss you!
Babs: Oh, I miss you, too. Metropolis is... lonely, Oh and I met a boy.
Harley: Ooh! Who is it?
Babs: His name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he's smart and charming.
Harley: ooh tell me more.
Babs: he's somewhat a gamer.
Harley: so your saying that you like him
Babs: *Blushes in embarrassment* what no!
Harley: your face says otherwise
Babs: your right harleen, and other than that metropolis is lonely.
Harley: Oh. That bad, huh? Oh, Babbly-boo, I hate being apart. If I had to do it all over, I'da done more ta keep you hea. Best friends, they're worth fighting for, ya know?
[sirens wailing]
Harley: Listen, kid. I gotta run. Gotham stuff.
Babs: [chuckles] [sigh] Gotham stuff.
Harley: [kiss] Love ya, Babsa-dabsa-doo!
Then the call ended as Babs walk to a mirror and look at the photos of all of you together and began to think about what Harleen said to her.
Babs smiled as she got on a scooter and began todrive to get the others. She then rang the doorbell and Kara answers it.
Babs: "I know you're—"
Kara then use her strength to close the door with force
and your hand was through the door and pull it out. Then
she went to Zee's place and answer her doorbell.
Babs: "—mad at me, but—"
Zee then close the door on her as well. the she went to Jessica's house.
Babs: "—you gotta hear—"
Jessica did the same thing. Then she went to Karen's house
Babs: "—me out! We have to—"
Karen: "Sorry, Babs. Sorry."
She closed the door but open it again.
Karen: "I really am sorry."
She closed the door but open it again.
Karen: "I really am sorry."
Then Babs closed the door.
Babs: "Gotta save Diana."
She went to her scooter as it reveals a computer as she
started to do something. At the rest of the girls houses their phones started to sound an alarm as they knew it was Babs.
Kara, Zee, Jessica, and Karen:I'm not talking to you, Babs!
Babs:Guys, don't hang up!
Kara:Give us one reason why not!
Babs:'cause I need you to fight!
The girls are about to hang up.
Babs:Plus the alarm will sound again.
The girls groan.
Babs:Look, I know not all of us wanted to be heroes, but one of us did.
She shows a photo from the carnival.
Babs:'Her' . We don't have to choose to be heroes. But
Diana's super scary warrior mom is dragging her back to her crazy magical island forever and now the one of us who knew for sure she wanted to be, she's the one who doesn't have a choice. She wanted to save everybody in
the whole entire world, and now she needs saving. You don't have to be heroes if you don't want. You don't have to fight. Except this one time. Because she's our friend. And best friends, they're worth fighting for, you know? ...Hello? Hello?
Kara:Yeah, you cut out for a second there. Can you repeat all that?
Babs groans
Jessica:wait where's (y/n)
Babs:I tried to call him but but I couldn't detect his signal
Then babs' computer started to ring and she accepts it and turns out to be you
(y/n):babs I found out Diana's location she's at the sea right now using a boat and you need to be fast
Babs:thanks (y/n) can you come with us
(y/n):uhhh...You better save diana without me because my morpher misplaced(you lied) I'll catch up later
The Amazons has Diana on a ship heading to their home
island and leaving Metropolis. Diana is in shame as the
girls were hiding as they see Diana gives out hand signals,
they duck to hide from the other amazons as they have no idea any of those signals mean.
Babs: [inhales] Psst. Psst. Psst. Psst. Pssssst.
Diana: Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?
Babs: We're here to seek you out. See?
She turned to see Jessica, Zee, and Kara being grabbed by the ear while Karen is being grabbed by her leg while being small by Amazons.
Zatanna, Jessica, Karen, and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Babs: Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen. Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Queen Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!
Babs: [yowl]
Zatanna, Jessica, Karen, and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Kara: Oh, wait. [grunt]
Babs: Wow! [grunt]
Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!
Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!
Babs: [yelp]
Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!
Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this! [screaming]
Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. [muffled] But it wasn't me, it's you!
[screams, grunts]
Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!
Queen Hippolyta: And your Queen commands you to
[grunting and groaning]
Diana: Stop!
Queen Hippolyta: Continue!
Diana: Stop!
Queen Hippolyta: Continue!
Diana: STOP!
Queen Hippolyta: CONTINUE!
Diana: STOP!
Amazon: ...well? Which one is it?
Queen Hippolyta: You are only 317 years old, Diana. A girl,
who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions!
Diana: No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of
the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be
young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide
who I want to be. It is Amazon law.
Amazons: It is law!
Queen Hippolyta: [sigh]
Diana: Eeeeee!
Jessica, Karen, Kara, Zee, and Babs: "[weakly] Yay."
the girls got off the ship as the girls were on a carpet Jessica made and flying.
Babs: Congrats, Diana. Disobeying your mom is normal
teenager lesson number 218. You're officially a teenager,
and we're officially a team again!
[all cheer]
Babs: And there's only one place to celebrate!
Diana: wait, where's (y/n)?
As babs trying to answer her computer beeps.
(y/n):I knew you would do it babs
Babs:why didn't you come
(y/n):no time to argue you need to go to the pier ASAP there are demo bots coming to the pier and ready to demolish
Babs, kara, karen, zee, Jessica, diana:on it
Karen: "Uh, guys?"
The girls all look down and see the robots heading into the pier
Kara:looks like (y/n)'s right after all
Babs: "Oh, no, first they tore down Sweet Justice, now they're gonna demolish the pier!"
The girls head down as the robots came as the girls see them.
Demo-bot Foreman: "You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply."
Kara: "Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!"
the girls hear a loud sound as it gets louder.
Kara: "Huh?"
Karen: "Ah, what is that?"
There was a giant war suit on the pier.
???(Lena Luthor): "Come to have some fun?"
Babs: "Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! [clears throat] I knew it was Lex."
???(Lena Luthor): "Lex? I am not Lex! I'm—[grunt] Hold on.
The small girl made the seat go higher to reveal herself.
???(Lena Luthor): "I'm Lena! Lena Luthor. And all this? This
is my plan, not my dopey brother's! He can never come up
with something this good."
the girls look confused.
Lena: "Ugh... Oh, do I have to spell it out?!"
Kara: "Yeah, you kinda do!"
Lena: "Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart,
with your staying up late, and your driving cars , and your
commercials! But you're so dumb..."
Flashback sequence.
Lex and Lena just finished a commercial and they shot
raspberries at each other.
Lena: "...you can't even pick up on the most obvious of
evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face! So
first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I
hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my
doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to
destroy every "fun" and/or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped
forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you."
The VR Specs showed a cute puppy
Lena: "Every last lame-brained one of you."
Teens: "Aww."
Lena: "With all you teenagers out of the way, children will
rule Metropolis!" [laughs maniacally] [laughs mockingly]
Kara: "That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard."
Lena: "YOU'RE the dumbest plan I've ever heard! And once
this pier is destroyed, you're next!"
Babs: "Your plan will never work, Lena! We teenagers are
stronger than you think!"
Babs hear a sneeze as Karen was wearing the VR Specs.
Karen: "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry."
Babs: "Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!"
Everyone: "Yeah!"
Lena: "Pfft, whatevs."
Lena then press a button as the robots started to destroy the pier.
Lena: Roll out, boys!
Diana: Come, sisters. It was on this sacred ground that we
became friends. Now, this pier is where we shall become
heroes! [battle cry]
Lena: Yah!
Karen: Zatanna, look!
Jessica: [grunt] This isn't working!
Babs: There's too many of them! What do we do?
Lena: [laughing maniacally] I win, I win, I win, I win!
Then the girls are in a group huddle
Zatanna: We are totally losing, you guys! And every teenager in Metropolis is gonna pay the price!
Diana: It is impossible for six warriors to defeat an army...
unless... we take out the general.
Jessica: Lena! If we can stop her, the rest should follow.
Zatanna: But how?
Karen: Guys, look out!
Then you shot charged electric spark at the robots while you ride something little did the girls know it was your ultimate armor (x4).
You then shot some electric spark at the robots to disarm them and your ride scatters as the scattered metal sticks on your armor and turn to ultimate armor.
And you did some super-hero landing.
(y/n):sorry I'm late girls.
Babs:you found your morpher
(y/n):no I lied 😁
The girls groaned in frustration and Babs then get out her computer.
Babs: "Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out."
Zee: "I repeat, but how?"
Kara then see a guitar and speaker and grab them.
Kara: "I got one just like this and it shorts out my house
all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred!"
Babs: "But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?"
(y/n):I'll do it
Babs:are you serious
(y/n):my armor that I wear right now can shrink, grow and withstand a higher amount of electricity might as well absorb them.
Babs: "Great!"
Babs then gives a cable to you.
Babs: "Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten."
Kara: "No way! Can you do that for mine?"
Babs: "Then I can plug the other end to the amp and..."
Kara: "Zzzzt! Bratty McBratterson's going down!"
Diana: "Green Lantern, get Batgirl as close to Lena as you
can. Supergirl, bumblebee, Zatanna, you're with me. Now, let
us do this."
The girls all started to charge at Lena as Zee teleported to her.
Zee: "egarim!"
Lena tried to hit but to no avail.
Zee: "egarim. egarim. ejarim."
She starts to teleport and make doubles of herself.
Lena: "[grunt] Stay still!"
Zee: "egarim. egarim."
Zee continues to use her magic as lEna tries to hit her but
Diana use her lasso and grab the arm of the war suit.
Then Kara hold on to the other arm. You made it inside as Jessica use her ring to make a bumper car that is remote control for Babs. She drove her through the crowd of robots as Babs work on the amp. You were
making your way in the suit and plug in the cable.
(y/n):all set are you ready?
Babs: " Oh yeah . Almost there."
Babs made it to the suit and grab the cable only for it to be unplugged as you grab it and try to plug it back in using strike chain. As for everyone else, you were holding lena down and
then she break free.
Lena: "Get off!"
Lena then started to fly.
Lena: "Say goodbye to your pier, suckers!"
Zee: "It's now or never!"
Babs: "Hey, Supergirl, ready to rock?!"
Babs then throws the guitar over to Kara.
Kara: "All right little girl, time for a lullaby!"
Kara then play the guitar as Lena covered her ears as for you, you see the electricity coming and you have no choice but to absorb the electricity and your right arm turns to a buster and you plug your buster while you use charged chameleon sting while you taking no damage.
Lena: "What? How? No! You cheated! YOU CHEATED! You
cheated, you cheated! Uh-oh."
The suit then falls but Kara
catch it and gently put it down on the ground as the
robots shut down and the VR Specs were deactivated and
the teens were free.
Teen Male: "Wanna see a movie at my house?"
Teen girl:"Yeah."
Other teen girl: "All right, sure."
as for all of the girls, they wonder about you
Babs: "Um, "X" got out, right?"
the girls saw you as you revert back to normal size and no damage taken.
The girls:X
The girls:are you okay (y/n)?
(y/n):never been better
You then remove your helmet and see your hair it has blue highlights
Zee: "Nice highlights, what's your secret?"
Diana: "Courage."
Babs: "Yaaaah!"
The police and citizens started to the sight as Lena gets
out of her suit.
Lena: "Oh, no fair! No FAIR!"
Then a car appear as Lena's parents got out of it, along
with her brother Lex Luther.
Lex: "There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my
Lillian: "Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right
Lena: "You can't make me!"
Lena then sit down and hold her breath only to be carried
to the car by her mom and dad.
Lena: "NOOOO! No! No! No!"
Lillian: "Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex."
Lex: "Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is
Then both Lex and Lena blow raspberries at each other.
Lillian: "Oh, you think next time you can get those
cupcakes you promised?"
Lex: "Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to
the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis."
Lena: "You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!"
You then head to Lex Luther as he turn to you.
Lex: "You must be the famous Mega Man X."
(Y/N): "Indeed, can I talk to Lena for a moment?"
Lex: "Sure."
Lex let Lena out as she head to you and look up to you
(Y/N): "Lena, I have an offer that you cannot refuse."
Lena: "Yeah?"
(Y/N): "lena I need someone to navigate in our team lena so what can you say?"
Lena: "You want me to become a navigator?"
(Y/N): "of course."
Lena: "Than I accept."
Then you and Lena walk over to the others s they see you
and her.
Kara: "Why is she here?"
(Y/N): "we need someone to navigate and guide us to victory."
Lena: "He's right, and I'm sorry for all the damage I've
caused, I'll make it up to you."
Then they smile at her.
Diana: "You are forgiven Lena."
Then everyone started to cheer for you and the girls.
Random guy: "Brand new superhero team right here in
Girl Scout 1: "And most of them are girls !"
Girl Scout 2: and mega man x is here too Superhero girls! Mega Man X
Crowd:Superhero girls! Mega Man X Superhero girls! Mega Man X Superhero girls! Mega Man X
You start to smile as you know that your friends are
3 months later.
you and the girls are now at Sweet Justice as it was now
rebuilt as girls are eating deserts as for you, you were eating strawberry sundae
Zee: "This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate."
Jessica: "Well, it's nice to have everything back to
Babs: "Blah, normal's overrated. Mmm, remember when
we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at
this place all the time?"
Kara: "Yeah...?"
Babs then grab a straw holder and then start to twist it a
few times and open it and close it as a trapdoor opened
and they went down as another table came. You all were
now in a lair.
Girls and You: "Ow! Whoa!"
Babs: "Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late
night trips to the construction site while they were
Diana: "Truly, this is a place of wonder."
Kara: "Not bad, Babs. Nice job."
(y/n): not much of a biggie but A for an effort.
Jessica: "We can protect the whole city from here. No
bad guy stands a chance!"
Babs: "Not with the Super Hero Girls and Mega Man X on the
She points to a newspaper that shows you all as it says
Superhero Girls and Mega Man X
Karen: "Aww!"
Babs: "Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!"
Babs:wait (y/n) you have a base on your own
Babs:can we see
(y/n):sorry but I will show you in some of the chapters on this book.
(y/n):then use Flex tape
Next:#adventures in bunnysitting
AwakenedZ OUT
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