Bat Christmas
I'm back and it's time for the Christmas update.
December 22nd: Dick and Barbara.
Nightwing and Batgirl had just finished an early night patrol and returned to Barbara's Apartment to get ready for Dinner with Comishinor Gordon. "Dick hurry up we don't want to be late for Dinner with Dad." Barbara called from outside the bathroom. "Calm down Babs will make it in time." Dick Grayson replied as he left the bathroom.
"Did you remember to get Dad something?" Barbara asked. "Yeah got him a bice bottle of Scotch from the wine celler." He assured her before knocking on the door. "Barbara, Dick come inside." Jim welcomed the pair.
"Jim it's good to see you again." Dick greated his girlfriend's Father. "Merry Christmas Son, Barbara I'm so glad you could come over." Gordon greated the two. "Of course Dad, We know how your job keeps you away. I'm just happy we could get together for Christmas." Barbara assured her Father.
"The Ham is just about done so why don't you two set the table." Jim suggested. Dick and Barbara set the table as Jim got the Ham out. "Looks great Dad." Barbara complemented. "Thanks Dear, I'm honestly surprised I didn't burn it." He joked. "Nonsense Jim it's perfect." Dick reassured his girlfriend's dad.
The group had finished opening presents when there was a knock at the door. "Harvey come in." Gordon welcomed his Partner Detective Bullock. "Would you like a Drink uncle Harvey?" Barbara asked. "Thanks but no thanks Barbara, This is a business visit." Bullock informed the trio.
"What's the Matter Harvey?" Gordon asked his #2. "Riddler and Two Face are holding Hostages at the mall, they will only negotiate with you Comish." Bullock told Jim. "Don't worry Jim I'll get Barbara home safe." Dick reassured Gordon.
"Be safe Dad, you too uncle Harvey." Barbara wished them luck. "We will, and I'm sorry I have to cut this short." Jim replied with sorrow. "That's Gotham for ya." Dick quipped making the group laugh before leaving the house.
Later at the mall. "Ladies and Gentlemen comply with our demands and nobody gets hurt!" Riddler yelled from attop a overturned kiosk. "Like my associate said nobody gets hurt if you comply. Wallets, Jewelry, Watches, Cell Phones, and anything else of Value in the bags the thigs are bringing around please!" Two Face called out. "Nigma, Dent you don't have to hurt anyone,.come out and turn yourselves in!" Gordon demanded over the horn.
"Not happening James!" Dent replied before opening fire on the police line. "Harvey save your bullets for when the bats arrive!" Nigma yelled at his partner in crime. "Sorry boys Batman couldn't make it!" Batgirl joked as she swang down and knocked Ridley from his perch.
"Eat lead Bat broad!" Dent threatened before Nightwing knocked him down. "That's not how you talk to a lady Harvey!" He quipped before hanging the villains from the rafters and helping Barbara take out the thugs. "All yours now Comishinor." Batgirl offered.
"Thanks for the help Nightwing and Batgirl, could I buy you two a coffee or something?" Gordon offered. "Maybe another time, We have to get these two to Arkham." Nightwing replied. "We have a transport van outside waiting." Bullock told the duo before helping the officers round up the knocked out thugs.
December 23rd: Alfred and Damian.
Alfred and Damian were out doing some last minute Christmas shopping. They had just took a break for some hot chocolate. "So we have a new Mug for your Father, the new Taylor Swift Album for Miss Gordon, A bone for Ace, a ball of yarn for Pennyworth, a bell for the Cow, and the new call of Duty for Master Grayson. All that's left is something for miss Kyle." Alfred informed the young Wayne.
"She's a criminal and deserves no gift for Christmas." Damian pouted before finishing his Hot Chocolate. "Your Father and Miss Kyle have been seeing each other for 3 years now. She's changed for the better and I expect you to get her something nice to show your appreciation for everything she's done for you." Alfred scolded before finishing his own festive drink.
"Fine but I won't call her mother." Damian warned causing Alfred to chuckle. "You won't have to unless your father marries her." Alfred assured him. Damian looked around and found a cat calendar and a card. "Alright I'm done, I'll write the card when we get home." Damian told Alfred before they checked out.
"What are you planning to put in that card?" Alfred asked. "That's for me to know and for Mo...Miss Selina to find out." Damian replied trying to hid his blush. They walked to the Tahoe, a nice car but not as flashy as the others when a thug came from behind. "Nice car gramps."
Alfred put the bags in the trunk before turning around. "I say sir being a no good scoundrel is one thing, but it's even worse to attempt and mug innocent people outside of a store this close to Christmas!" The butler scolded the thug. "Apologizes your majesty, let me turn myself over to the constable and be put in ye old stock!" The criminal made fun of his British accent.
Unknown to the Thug Damian had snuck around the car next to them and flunked the thug. "It's rude to point a gun at your elders!" Damian quipped as he dropkicked the criminal. "Don't rob people especially near bloody Christmas!" Alfred added before disarming and punched the thug. "Madame would you be so kind as to call the police?" Alfred asked a young woman who approached the strange scene.
A short time later Bullock and Officer Montoya arrived. "Alfred you old son of a gun, you don't cease to disappoint me." Bullock complemented. "Actually Detective Bullock, Master Damian took down the bloke, I mearly disarmed him." The butler informed the officer. "Good job kid, don't worry we'll make sure this punk stays off the streets." Montoya congratulated Damian before they drove off. "Well Master Damian this calls for Ice-cream." Alfred informed the teen before they drove off.
December 24th: Bruce and Selina.
Batman was on a stake out watching Sofia Falcone's Penthouse. Damian, Dick, and Barbara were all at the manor being Christmas eve and all. Then Selina showed up to interrupt the stake out. "You're on my roof mister." She teased.
"Selina I thought you were at the Manor?" Bruce asked. "I was, Dick and Alfred were trying to make Damian stay out of the batcave, Barbara was in the library, and I had an invitation to a Christmas party at Ivy's place." She admitted. "So you were in the neighborhood?" He joked.
"The Batman with a sense of humor impossible, who are you and what did you do with Bruce?" She ribbed back."very funny now why are you really here Selina?" He questioned. "Sofia Falcone is going to have dinner with her Father in 5 minutes and be out for at least 2 hours possibly 3 so I'm going to rob her." Catwoman admitted.
"Selina why would you want to rob Falcone? It's dangerous." Bruce warned. "My old stomping grounds need help, no reason the mob can't pay for it." She told him. "Selina if you need money just ask." Bruce informed her.
"I need to do this for me!" Selina told Bruce before swinging over to Sofia Falcone's Penthouse. "You have until I het my intel then we're out of here!" Batman told her before going to Sofia Falcone's Office.
As Bruce entered the main room again Selina was throwing cash from the vault into 4 duffel bags. "How do you plan on carrying 4 bags and get our of here?" Bruce questioned. "Because you're carried 2." Bruce was voluntold before Selina flipped away.
They arrived to Selina's part of town. "Don't mind the mess, not like I have Alfred to keep the place spotless." She joked. "If you want you can Barrow him for a few dsys." He sarcastically replied. "Alright I'll stash this real quick and distribute what I need to then I'll be over." Selina told her boyfriend.
"I'll help,.you might do it in secret but I know how you look over the homeless and defenseless of your Neighborhood Selina." Bruce told her. "I just want to make life easier for them than it was for me" she soberly replied. "If you want I'll make a foundation in your name, then the crooks of Gotham will willingly give you money for a tax break." Bruce told her.
Selina laughed and kissed Bruce. "Merry Christmas Bruce, and thank you." Bruce returned the kiss before asking. "For what?" Selina smiled. "Everything Bruce." They left to distribute the Christmas cash before going to manor.
December 25th: Everybody.
At 7AM sharp Damian had woken Barbara and Dick. The Trio then ran down the hall to wake up Bruce and Selina. Then the 5 heroes ran to awake Alfred so they may all hury downstairs and celebrate the holiday cheer.
The Fire was lit and the music was playing as everyone gathered round. Alfred read the nativity as he had since Bruce was a babe then with Coffee in hand Bruce and Selina distributed the gifts. "That's everything open them." Bruce informed the group.
Everyone was most pleased with their gifts. Dick could now play the new call of duty his brother had gotten him. Barbara could Jam out to Red Taylor's Version whall vibin in her apartment. The cat was about with it's yarn and Ace was content with his none. Even batcow was joyfully running around the pastor with her new bell. Bruce had gotten another cup of coffee in his new 'best dad' mug.
Then Damian jumped up. "Father we forgot one." He informed the group before throwing the wrapped calendar and card to Selina. She caught it and sat her coffee down. "I'm going to get a letter opener for this card." Selina said ignoring the knife offered by Bruce and Dick.
She sat on the counter and opened the letter. 'Father clearly likes you, and it would be nice to have a mother that doesn't try and kill me in combat. If you hurt him I'll kill you using the various ways I know how. Merry Christmas and all that.- Damian'
Selina returned to the living room and Rejoined the group. "What was in the envelope?" Bruce asked Salina. "Just a little something from Damian." She said with a smile and a wink to the boy. "Time for Pancakes!" Alfred informed the group leading the way to the kitchen for Christmas breakfast.
AN: That's the end, Merry Late Christmas.
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