Harley Quinn- Hangover (a)
Your nostrils couldn't help but twinge as you awoke to the aroma of over crispy bacon and the sound of oil popping around a frying egg.
"Harley?" You called out from your makeshift bed that was the sofa in the living area of her studio apartment. "Harley are you there?" You sat up, let your cloudy vision adjust to the harsh light filtering through the gapped blinds and rubbed the gritty sleep from your eyes.
"Looks like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up!" Harley strolled joyfully into your field of view, a 'kiss the cook' apron draped over her long, stained shirt and her hand held a grease dripping spatula. "Come on, I made you breakfast. I hope you like bacon and eggs!" She helped you get up, it must have been a wild night, you could barely remember anything past meeting Harley for your date but she seemed overly happy and full of life for being so hungover.
"I'm sorry." You fumbled your way to the small table where she lay two plates and sets of silverware. "I didn't mean to stay, I should have gone home."
"Stop being so stupid! I asked if you wanted to stay, we got pretty wasted last night. With everything that's going on it wouldn't be safe for you to go home by yourself and god knows I'm too fucking lazy to go with you." The banquet she had laid out wasn't the most appealing looking food in the world, the bacon curled over itself and looked like it could cut through cement, the toast was somehow black on one side but still bread on the other: at least the eggs looked nice. It was the thought that counted though, and if thought equalled taste it would have been the most delicious food in the world.
"I don't mind, as long as it was okay with you. How are you not hungover? I've seen you party, you go hard."
"Well, you see..." Harley didn't hesitate in ploughing into her breakfast. "At this point I'm pretty much always drunk, I think the term is alcoholic, but I don't go to any meetings so for now I'll just say I'm okay."
"You're not an alcoholic." Harley shrugged, not caring either way. "I'll eat, thank you by the way, and then I'll grab my things and go. I wouldn't want to impose."
"It's not imposin'. I was actually thinking if you wanted to grab a shower or whatever, you know, because you fucking stink after last night, we could go and grab a coffee or something." You finished your toast but couldn't bring yourself to crunch through the rest of the bacon and Harley took the plates through for you. "You know." She shouted through. "I've kinda enjoyed the past few dates with you."
"Yeah." You brushed the burnt crumbs of toast off your dirty shirt and stood in the open doorway. "I've enjoyed them too."
"Look. I haven't really been into this whole dating thing since the Mister J incident."
"I get it, you don't want to rush into anything. Don't worry about it."
"Can you let me finish? Please." She dropped the plated into the already full sink and dried her hands off. "Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to make this situation a bit more... professional. Not professional like... you know what I mean."
"Harley, would you like to be my girlfriend?" She spun from the sink with a coy smile stretched across her cherry lips. "You don't have to say yes if you don't want to, we can keep it casual if you'd pre-"
"Well of course, yes, ya dumbass."
"On one condition." She pulled her phone out and quickly ran through her contacts, thinking of who she could call to brag too. "We don't go get coffee, I don't think I can take leaving the house."
Written by Aaron.
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