(This is my first yaio/gay ship writing so don't juge me to hard)
Requested by @rabbitlost
Jaime pov
I skated down the darkly light streets of El Paso on my way home.
"Making my way down town, skating fast, faces pass and I'm homebound. Staring blankly ahead just making my way, making my way through the crowowowowd." I started to sing because of how quiet it was. "Da da da da da da da, and I need you, da da da da da da da and, I miss you, da da da da da da da, and I wonder" I started to terribly sing the last part because I felt like it. "If I CoULd FalL iNtO tHe SkY, do yOu THinK tIMe, CoULd PASS mE bYe, CuZ yOu KNow I'D WaLK A THOUSAND MILES TO FIND YOU, if I could just see youuuuuuu." That was the only part I remembered until another voice started to sing, "It's always times like these when I think of you and I wonder if you ever think of me." The voice sounded like honey, and came from a little way behind me, I stopped and looked over to see... Bart? He continued to sing but this time coming beside me so I picked up my skateboard and listened to the smaller boys voice. "Cause, everything's so wrong and I don't belong, living in your precious memory" I joined him, this time singing as best as I could.
"Da da da da da da da,Cause I need you, Da da da da da da da, and I miss you Da da da da da da da, and now I wonder." We we outside my house, across the street when I took his hands in mine and looked deep in to his eyes. Boring brown into sparkly green. "If I could, into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? Cause you know l'd walk 1000 miles to just see you... tonight.
"I... I don't want let you know,I... I drown in your memory I...I don't want to let this go, I... I don't..."
"Making my way down town walking fast faces pass and I'm homebound, Staring blankly ahead just making my way, making my way through the crowd.Da da da da da da da, I still need, Da da da da da da da, and I still miss you, and now I wonder,If I could, into the sky, do you think time would pass me by? Cause you know l'd walk 1000 miles to just see you... oh oh oh if I could fall into the sky do you think time would pass me by, Cause you know I'd walk 1000 miles..."
"If I could just see you...If I could just hold you......."
"Bart" I said, he nodded. We were both blushing like crazy. I leaned down a little and put my hands on his waist and he put his hands on my shoulder and stood on his tip toes. Bart closed his eyes and so did I as we both started to lean in. Are lips met and it felt like nothing else mattered. after a few minutes we pulled away and said are goodbyes. He sped off and I walked across the street and opened the door to my house, shutting it quietly. "So" a voice from the dark ,which I recognized, " I didn't know you were gay"
There you go my first yaio ship story. The song is A thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton. Not all the lyrics are accurate so yeah.
I only own the plot.
Comment ships or people you want me to do headcannons about.
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