The dreamon's revenge
Main characters: Technoblade, Dream
Triggers: Major character death, kidnapping, near panic attack
Requested by: no one
Additional info: everyone has only one life, DNF briefly appears
Dream finally knew how to break him. In retrospect, it should have been obvious.
Philza was the only person Technoblade fully cared about. There wasn't a moment where he wouldn't rush to help if Phil so much as found himself close to a mob. He was always there, figure casting shadows over the monsters as they watched their doom approach.
It was so obvious, yet somehow Dream didn't think of using it to his advantage before. It all changes now.
Picking up his trusty axe, he nestled himself on a tree high above the ground, right on the path that led into a forest and, in turn, towards Technoblade's house. His eyes, always hidden behind his white mask, scanned the terrain around him, awaiting for the winged man to show up.
He didn't need to wait long as soon, the light blues of Philza's new outfit showed up from behind the hill, his shield foolishly strapped over his back. It was clear he wasn't expecting to have anyone attacking him and that was his final mistake.
The moment Philza found himself under the tree, Dream jumped down, falling right onto the man's back and crushing the wings under his weight. The man struggled, his eyes wide in alarm as he tried to wiggle free from Dream's grasp.
The masked man easily overpowered the elder, using one hand to hold him down while the other to bring the axe up. He wasn't going to kill him, at least not yet. He needed him alive for the plan to work and thus, instead of slashing down and taking away the man's single canonical life, he brought down the dull end and hit him right in the back of his head.
The body stiffed, Philza's eyes rolling to the back of his head as he finally stopped struggling, going limp in Dream's hold, his head hitting the dirt path with a silent thud.
Smirking under his mask, Dream hoisted the man onto his shoulder, not really caring that the wings were now getting dragged against the ground. He wanted Philza as a prisoner, his comfort didn't mean shit to the dreamon.
Moving his mask to the side of his head, Dream traced the scar decorating his face, his green eyes hardening as he brought it back down.
"This time, you're not winning." He said into the air, looking in the direction where Technoblade's house was. He knew the pig would find out about what he did soon.
Dream made sure of that.
Techno hummed softly to himself, making his way back to his house. The snow crunched under his feet, the blue cape swishing softly in the winter's wind. He loved the color blue, it was almost calming in a way, hopeful instead of the bloody red gown he always wore. It felt almost symbolic. His new way of life being represented by his favourite color.
Spotting his home in the distance, his eyes sparkling as the familiar dark wood appeared in his line of vision. The white walls almost blending in with the snow if not for the planks.
Techno glanced up and felt his entire body freeze, blood running cold.
Philza always made sure the fireplace was lit and the house warm by the time the blood god came back so why, WHY was there no smoke coming out from his chimney?
He tried to tell himself it was his anxiety acting up, that it was nothing and he was just being paranoid. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to calm down, dread already settling in his stomach and refusing to leave.
Sprinting, Techno got to his home in record time, throwing open the door, only to find emptiness and cold. Rushing around, it didn't take long for the man to search his entire house, no sight of his father. Everything was empty and he hated it. He even checked Tommy's old piss hole, desperate to see the familiar face smiling at him from under the big hat. He wanted to rush to his father, bring him into a hug, feel the wings wrap around him in a comforting embrace. He wanted to hear him say that everything was alright, that he was there, safe and sound. He wanted to hear the soft heartbeat, nuzzle himself as close to the warmth as possible. He wanted to hear his dad's soft chuckle, to have him ruffle his hair and say he's being unusually clingy today. He wanted to be able to deny it, shield himself under his act of not caring, knowing his dad sees right through it every time.
Yet, just like everything else, the hole was empty, the only sights someone ever lived there were the, now empty, chests and a bed with it's sheets in shambles even after all this time.
Techno felt tears threatening to fall as he made his way back up the ladder, his head hung in defeat. Where was Philza exactly? The dread's claws closed around his throat, his breathing becoming shallow as he stood on the 1st floor of his too empty and cold house, the only sound except his breathing being the angry screeches of his enderman, still trapped in its boat.
Glancing up, his tearful eyes fell upon his ender chest, or, more specifically, the arrow sticking out from his wall with a piece of paper impaled with it. Hesitantly, he walked over to it, his hand brushing against the bolt and taking it out from his poor, poor wall that now had a hole in it.
He would have made a snarky comment about it if not for note in his hand. On the bottom of the page, under very neatly written text, was a smiley face.
Techno felt a growl building up in his throat as he realized exactly who was responsible for his father's disappearance. Willing himself into not tearing up the paper right then and there, he read the words, his fury spiking with each and every one of them.
Seems like someone is missing huh Techno? Well, if you want to see him ever again, I'd advise showing up right outside L'Manburg in two days at midnight, or you'll be burying him. I'll be merciful enough to give you some time to think about it. And don't you dare bring weapons or try any funny business. His throat will be slit quicker than you can say "Stop". I'll see you then.
~ :)
A dull thud filled the silence and Techno realized he had punched his wall, the small hole where the arrow hit now being in the shape of his fist. He grunted, watching as blood fell down from his bruised knuckles, somehow not having it in himself to bandage them, even if pain was flaring up his arm.
The weight of everything fell over him as his legs refused to listen, his knees buckling and him landing on the cold floor, curling up in the corner.
The voices sounded in his head, but he had absolutely no energy to deal with them. Dream had Philza, his father was in danger, because of Techno. Had he been more careful, this wouldn't have happened. His dad would have still been here, maybe not with Techno, but at least he wouldn't be held hostage by that power hungry bastard.
The tears he's been holding back finally fell, breaking the last pieces of self control he had. His pride hurt, it stung so much, to have him, The blood God crying on the floor like some weakling. It sounded like something Tommy would do after his exile, not what Techno would ever do. But at this moment, that was exactly how he felt. He felt like a child, lost somewhere in the city, without their parents' guidance, desperately searching for the familiar faces of their loved ones.
How is he going to save him? Dream didn't even have anyone Techno could use to-
Techno shot up from his crying position, realization flashing on his face as he brought himself up from the floor, a newfound determination rooting itself where the dread once was, taking it over.
Dream did have one person he cared about.
Bandaging his arm, Techno found himself with a book in hand, already making a plan of action.
Seems like he'll have to pay his dear old friend George a visit.
Sighing in relief, George threw all of his resources into a chest, feeling sweat drop from his body. Bringing his hand to his face, he tried to wipe it, which only resulted in all the dirt from his hands smearing all over his forehead. Laughing to himself, he looked at his reflection in the nearby pool, striking a pose.
Hiding his pickaxe safely in his inventory, he quickly cleaned himself in the nearby lake, scrubbing off all the dirt and rubble that fell into his hair and onto his skin. He washed his clothes. changing into the casual ones he brought, knowing he'd get dirty from mining.
Singing a song to himself, he made his way back to his horse, the animal nibbling at some grass a few feet away from the lake, looking like it's enjoying itself. Bringing his hand to his face, George whistled for the horse, watching as it's head snapped up and it rushed over to him.
Picking up the chest, George managed to strap it to his horse's back, making sure it was secure before climbing into the saddle himself.
"This should be enough to fix my Hobbit Hole..." He said to himself, looking over a list of parts he had already fixed and the ones that were yet to be done.
He looked up when he heard rustling in the bushes, but shrugged it off as a rabbit or a wild wolf. Those weren't that uncommon around their place and he was technically out in the wilderness, even if a clear path was made from how much everyone used this place.
He ignored the feeling of being watched, placing it as him being delusional or it being some kind of bird instead. After all, who would even be watching him? At this point, no one dared to directly mess with George, afraid of Dream's wrath. He did demand to exile Tommy for burning down his house and threatened to build walls out of obsidian if it won't be done.
George's cheeks burned at the thought of the blonde, who was probably out right now. The brunette didn't really know where Dream was disappearing every few days or so, but he did have an idea as to where he might be. He wasn't really a jealous type and trusted Dream with all of his heart, so he had no reason to try and search for him.
"Hello George." George's heart jumped from his chest as he heard a voice from behind him and then the sound of bowstring being pulled back. He didn't need to look back to know that an arrow was probably pointed at his head right now.
Slowly stopping his horse, he brought his hands up, knowing full well he had no way of defending himself, his armour and weapons safely hidden away in his house.
"Get down from the horse" The voice sounded familiar, but at the same time, completely different.
George did as told, getting down from his animal and then slowly turning around, arms high in the air. His eyes fell upon the pink figure and he felt his throat tighten, his lungs refusing to work.
Techno looked like a wreck. His eyes had bags under them, even bigger than usual and his cheeks had clear tearlines on them. He had never seen Technoblade cry and he was scared to find out what could have possibly moved him enough to cry.
"Are-" He started saying, but shut his mouth when Techno's eyes narrowed and he was cut off by him.
"Not. A. Word." The pig growled out, a crossbow in his hands. He looked on edge and George was not about to test what the blood God could do in that state.
He stood still, breathing quietly, as if making a mere sound would make Techno shoot. He stayed like that even when the pig walked over to him and didn't dare to move even when the man hid his crossbow as it was soon replaced by his trusty sword.
The metal was soon put against his neck, not close enough to break his skin yet, but close enough to have George fear swallowing, the sword being too close to his Adam's apple.
"Nothing personal George. Your little boyfriend thought it was a smart idea to take someone I care about, I'm only returning the favour."
George didn't answer, letting Technoblade take him away from the safety of the road and into the cold tundra.
Techno stood at the meeting point, his eyes watching the moon lazily swim across the sky. His throat felt dry and his chest tight, but at least he looked better than during the kidnapping, the tear marks no longer on his cheeks. George stood beside him, smartly choosing to be silent, his hands tied behind his back. He almost felt bad for the brit, being pulled into business he had no connection to, but if this was going to get Phil back, he'd do it over and over again.
Soon, the sound of trident flying filled his ears and Dream fell from the sky, landing a few feet away from Techno. Thrown over his shoulder, was the man he was looking for. Philza looked unharmed, which was good at least, but he was restrained, just like George.
Dream raised a brow when he noticed George, the mask sitting on the side of his head.
"And what did you bring George for?" Dream asked, switching the trident for an axe and twisting it in his hand, the other holding onto the chains around Philza's hands.
Techno didn't like how casual Dream was about it. Not being able to think about his plan much longer, he lunged towards George, who yelped in pain, but quickly shut up again after The Orphan Obliterator was put against his neck, a lot closer than it was during his kidnapping. The blade was already kissing his skin, inches away from breaking it and drawing blood.
"I want you to release Philza right now, or you'll be the one burying George." Techno growled out, deadly serious.
He watched as Dream's green eyes narrowed, his pupils narrowing and looking more monster than human like.
"D..dream-?" George choked out in fear when his boyfriend made no move to release Philza.
Techno brought the sword closer, breaking the skin just enough to show Dream he was being serious. George whimpered in his hold, eyes already welling up with tears as he stared at his lover.
Suddenly, Dream laughed. It wasn't his signature wheeze, no no, this one, this one sounded cold, almost crazy. Techno noticed the sharp teeth that were now visible.
"Oh Technoblade, did you really think I care for him? Go on, do it, see if I'll cry." Dream challenged, voice dropping an octave lower and sounding almost animalistic as he stared down Techno.
Taking a shaky breath, Techno thought he was bluffing, that it was just a tough guy act that would break the moment he actually tries it. Yet, even when the blade drew more and more blood, George full on crying in his hold, whimpers interrupted by yells of pain, he started to doubt it.
"Let me tell you something. I don't give a FUCK about George. He was simply a pleasant enough distraction, nothing more. Just like Fundy." Dream had said it with such casualness, as if he was talking about the weather and not confessing he doesn't care for his supposed 'lover'.
The whimpers went silent, George staring right into Dream's eyes to search for any sight that would tell him it wasn't true. The dreamon just gave him a cruel smile in return, to which the brit hung his head, refusing to meet his eyes anymore.
Techno let go of George, who fell to his knees and curled up on himself, silent tears streaming down his face. It painfully reminded Techno of his state two days ago, when he realized Philza was kidnapped. This time however, it was even more tragic.
"What do you want from me?" Techno asked, realizing his only way of saving Philza without making a deal with the devil had failed.
Dream chuckled darkly, his axe finding itself against Philza's throat, in a painfully similar hold that Techno had against George, but this worked on Techno, who tensed the moment the metal shone against his father's neck.
"Simple. You've been a pain in the ass for the last months Techno. And frankly, I am tired of your shit. So, you either go with me and your dear ol' dad here won't be harmed, or you refuse and you get the first row to watch as I slice his throat. After all, Technoblade never dies, but Philza sure can so." Dream taunted, twisting Techno's favourite catchphrase against him and pushing the axe closer as if to demonstrate. A few droplets fell to the floor and Techno panicked, taking out his sword and pointing it towards the dreamon.
Dream laughed, a cruel glint in his eyes as he watched Techno's movements.
"So Technoblade, what will it be?" The tone was too casual, to calm, as if they were deciding which movie to watch, what to eat and not whenever his father dies or not.
"Don't listen to him Techno! I'm not worth it!" Phil spoke for the first time since they last saw each other, desperation lacing his tone as he trashed in Dream's hold. Techno's mind raced, not knowing what to do. He knew that choosing to go with Dream would mean his death, there was no way in hell he'd let Techno live after that speech of his. But if he didn't, that green bastard would not hesitate at all to murder his dad right in front of him.
Looking up, he met Phil's eyes, his heart breaking at the sadness in them. They were always so bright and happy, a comfort no matter the situation, yet now, they were sunken, as if he had already accepted a fate that wasn't yet chosen and was waiting for Techno's refusal.
(Thank Miny for this ending)
As he searched for the solution, his eyes fell upon his sleeves. Blue, his favourite color. His father had the same outfit on, symbolizing their new era, the peaceful ways they were going to use from now on.
The knot in his stomach disappeared as he made his decision.
Looking up, he met gazes with his father again, his eyes softening.
"You're worth a lot more than that." Techno said softly, watching as his dad teared up even more.
"Please..." It came out broken, begging as Philza tried to get free one last time, refusing to watch another one of his children die.
"I'm sorry." With that, Techno threw his sword to the side, giving Dream a nod.
The dreamon seemed to get what he meant as he let go of Philza, breaking the chains holding him in one quick slash of his axe.
"You have a minute to say goodbye. I'm not that heartless." He threw over his shoulder, walking far enough to give the two their privacy, but still be able to intervene if they were to try to escape.
Philza was by his side in an instant, wrapping his son in a hug.
"Techno why?" He choked out, squeezing tight and covering them with his wings.
"I already told you, dad." Techno mumbled out, his body relaxing as he nuzzled into the warmth, listening to his fathers heartbeat.
"It's going to be alright, we'll figure something out." Phil choked out and Techno wasn't sure if he was trying to comfort his son, or himself.
For the first and last time, Techno found himself letting his walls fully down, his hold on his father tight and a smile falling upon his lips.
They said nothing, simply taking in their last moments together. Too soon, Dream was back, smirking triumphantly and standing over Techno like an executioner.
Technoblade felt the dreamon pull against him, dragging him out of the warm embrace he was in. He didn't protest, accepting his fate. If this was what it would take for Philza to be safe, then so be it.
He was turned around, forced to face his father as Dream's axe found it's way against his throat, the cold metal biting his skin. Over him, the dreamon laughed darkly, eyes drilling right through Philza, who stood there, powerless to do anything.
"I love you dad" Techno said one last time, feeling the weapon push against his skin.
"I love you too." Were the last words he had heard before everything went black.
The blue turned red.
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