Friendship emerald
Characters: Technoblade, Philza
Triggers: slaughter of innocent/random people(not described in detail)
Requested by: no one
Additional info: Techno is an actual God in this one-shot
Techno was a new God in the world. He doesn't know why he was created, or even how. The only thing that remotely led him to having any idea as to who he was, were the constant voices in his head.
They were loud, sometimes even screaming at him. They mocked, threatened, persuaded, never shutting up, circling his head like vultures waiting for his body to succumb to their tears.
They all were different, some female, some male, some low, some high, some old, some very young. But even with all those differences, there was one thing they all had in common, they demanded blood.
Those screams were the loudest, telling him to kill, to hurt, to burn, to take away anything people found valuable. And more often that he liked to admit, he'd listen to them.
They'd chip away at his sanity, scream, beg and pull at his strings until he finally couldn't take it anymore, taking a form people grew to fear and drawing blood just for the sake of the voices shutting up, at least for a moment. The problem with that though, was that one drop of blood was never enough. Every time let go of control, let the voices lead him towards a new village, too cheerful for his hurting ears and mind, he'd completely lose himself.
Soon he was no longer a God of nothing, his name having made a place for itself in history.
Technoblade, the one that never dies, The Blood God.
Techno hated it. He hated it so, so much. He didn't want to be known for the bloodshed, for the deaths, for the cries. He loved farming, loved to watch his potatoes grow, lightly helping them with his powers to make them grow quicker, bigger and stronger. But the voices would mock him for that, call him a farm boy, push at his mind until he succumbs to their hold again and takes out his weapons, going on a rampage till they are satisfied with the ground's red shade.
As centuries passed, Techno grew used to his title and, in turn, to the fear mortals displayed the moment any of his forms appeared on the horizon. He got better at ignoring the voices, though they would retaliate by yelling letters at him, just to get him riled up enough to be able to manipulate him into more bloodshed.
That fateful day was no exception to that.
Techno was spending his time in the small house he had built for himself, tending to his potatoes like he did every morning, a straw hat sitting on top of his head instead of a crown. His ear twitched as he carefully pulled out the vegetables, inspecting them before putting them away into a basket besides him.
The voices were incredibly irritating however. They seemed to not want the teen(at least, compared to other Gods) to have any peace at all, his mind filled with what he could only describe as overlapping 'E' screaming.
He absolutely despised his voices for that, but alas, he had no way of changing what they say. His ear twitched again, his face twisting in annoyance as some voice seemed to get the others to change their constant screaming to "Technobald". It got on his nerves so much that he found himself changing to a more human-ish form, his face hidden behind a pig mask and his long, pink hair braided so it won't get in the way of his farming.
Seeing that, the voices opted to change their strategy, going back to yelling 'E' or an occasional 'K'. He ignored them for the most part, sighing as he went back to getting his potatoes out of the ground, grunting in annoyance whenever a potato wasn't good enough for him.
Techno shook his head as the voices yelled out louder, hitting his mind with their full force, demanding sacrifices again. He clutched his head in his hands, his sight clouding with red as he took deep breaths, trying to will the screaming away.
It was to no avail, as they just got louder and louder, the poor young God feeling like his head was about to burst open from how loud they were. Sighing, he, yet again, succumbed to the onslaught of peer pressure, his form changing as he stood up from the ground, his casual clothes gone.
Red cape fluttered silently in the wind, the golden crown on his head sending harsh light on the ground in front of him, reflected by the sun. He summoned his sword, the trusty metal fitting perfectly into his palm, no matter if it looked more human or pig.
"Blood for the blood god" He said to no one in particular before rushing forward with the surge of energy that flew through his veins, his jump looking like he was flying. Landing on the bottom of the mountain he considered his home, his eyes narrowed, snout scrunching as he searched for a sight of life that he could crush in his palms. The voices cheered in his mind, finally going quiet as they tried to help find a victim for Techno.
Soon, he had heard it. A quiet laugh of what sounded like a little child hit his ears and his grip on the sword tightened. Like an animal stalking its prey, Techno moved towards the sound, crouching in the thick bushes of the forest surrounding him.
It didn't take long for him to identify where it came from as he found himself a few steps away from a clearing where a small village stood, standing out amongst the otherwise quiet forest.
The houses were small, but looked cozy and all around them were pens with cows, pigs, chickens, horses and donkeys with children running between them or chasing the animals as a way of playing.
Feeling his powers surge through him, making his sword glow dangerously, as if it too, awaited it's chance to be bathed in blood again. Techno supposed he shouldn't keep it waiting.
With a final sigh, he pushed his humanity to the back of his mind, letting the voices overlap as he walked out from his hiding spot and into the valley which soon filled with screams and blood.
I did it again. I let them do it. Those were innocent people. They've done nothing and now they're dead! I should have stopped myself! What kind of God am I if I can't take on some meere peer pressure.
The thoughts rung in Techno's head as he laid curled up on the ground, feeling the mud and leaves stick to his, now stained with blood, clothes. His breath was shaky, his hands trembling as he stared at the sword that laid right in front of him, bathed in reds so much that you could hardly see the purple anymore.
He felt tears threathen to spill down his face, but he held them back, refusing to let the last parts of his walls crumble.
His head snapped up when he heard a voice call out through the forest, their steps clearly clumsy as the person stepped on possibly every branch in existence. Techno felt like an animal, in a defensive position, ready to bolt if anyone came a step too close. Maybe he was one-? He couldn't call himself a human, not after what he did and considering no other God ever spoke to him, he probably didn't fit there either.
He was brought out of his thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Instinctively, he jumped back, his shoulders tense as he eyes his new 'opponent'.
The person, who Techno could now see was a man, put his hands up in surrender, a warm and inviting smile on his face.
"Hey, easy there buddy. I'm not going to hurt you, see?" The man spoke in a calm tone, doing a small twirl to show he had no weapons on himself.
Was this mortal foolish? Surely enough he must have at least heard of Techno and judging from where he came from, he must have seen the destroyed village! Did he just have a death wish and wanted to at least have a meaningful death or something?
At this thought, the voices woke, starting to whisper for Techno to take the blade that was lying besides him. The God refused to do that however, pushing them back as he was not going to go on another rampage for at least a month.
He focused back on the stranger, who gave Techno a warm smile, standing calmly, as if he wasn't face to face with the one with a reputation of being a blood god. Taking a closer look, he tilted his head in confusion at the giant, black wings on the strangers back. Were mortals even born with those? He had no idea.
"What do you want?" Techno finally broke the silence, pushing his legs closer to himself and sending a glare towards the man that stood over him.
It somehow did nothing to scare the guy, as he simply knelt down in front of Techno, stretching out his hand for him to shake. Hesitantly, the God did so, grasping his hand in a firm handshake. If the stranger noticed the blood all over the young boy, he chose not to comment on it.
"You seemed scared. I can't just leave you out here all alone." He spoke nonchalantly, helping Techno back up to his feet.
It confused the boy even more as he stared up at the man, beliwerment written all over his face when the stranger just softly smiled.
"Do-do you even know who I am?" Techno asked confused, thinking that maybe if he were to tell the winged man, he'd finally realize his mistake and fly away or something.
The stranger shrugged, his blonde hair moving with his shoulders as he took it in his hands and tied it up.
"I am Technoblade! The one who never dies! The Blood God!" Technoblade said in the proudest voice he could muster in this situation, waiting for the shock and fear to appear on the man's face. It didn't.
"And I'm Philza. Nice to meet you."
Techno doesn't know why he took a liking to the guy. Maybe it was the absolute lack of fucks he gave about who Techno was, maybe it was his calm nature, maybe it was the fatherly aura he had around himself, or maybe it was the mix of all of those.
Even his voices, always blood thirsty and wanting him to stab absolutely anything that moved in a mile radius, somehow warmed up to the man. The constant screaming of 'STAB HIM', 'MURDER HIM', 'SPILL HIS BLOOD', turned into them agreeing that Philza should and shall be protected from anything, at any given time, at all costs.
It didn't take long for Techno to start thinking of Philza as his dad and the love seemed to be mutual, as whenever Phil wanted to show how proud he was of the now grown man, he'd call him son.
The happiness he felt every time Phil did so was immeasurable, though it seemed that the happiness came at a cost. While he, as a God, was immortal and had stopped aging some time ago, now able to change his form at his wish, going from a two feet tall pig to an absolute giant of a man if he so pleased.
His dad however, didn't have this luxury. It didn't take long for Techno to notice his father's aging. First few gray hairs, getting tired quicker during their sparring matches or needing help with tasks that were usually easy for Phil to do.
Techno knew that he had to do something and fast, or he was going to lose the only person that had seen him for who he truly was and not just a legend to be fearful of. Phil had shown him kindness and love, helped him ignore the constant screaming in his head and never once raised his voice at him. He had been given everything by a man that could have easily left him in the forest that day and now, it was time for Techno to do the same.
He knew what he was going to do was risky, foolishly so, but right now, he didn't care. No matter how dangerous or hard the task will be, if Philza so much as asked, Techno would move galaxies for him.
And so, he began his search for a way to do said risky thing, face determined and the voices silent for once, sometimes even egging him on and trying to be supportive for once in their entire lives. He found it in a book from an evoker. It fell out of it's bloodied hands when Techno ransacked the woodland mansion in search of totems of undying, hoping that if he were to fail, they would at least give his dad more time.
The book was old, worn out from what Techno assumed would be years of usage. It was written in an old, ancient even, language that, luckily for the God, he understood perfectly what it said.
Soon, he was getting ready for the ritual, face still determined as he chanted the words, the voices joining him.
It hurt. It hurt like a stab wound or worse, as if someone was burning him from the inside out, pouring lava right into him and watching as he struggled to take a breath.
It didn't stop Techno from continuing and soon, a bright orb was floating in front of him, looking too white, too angelic for Techno to think it was his own soul.
And yet, when he took it into his hands, he knew it was his. That was his core, his entire being, his soul and existence. One wrong move and he could scar himself permanently, maybe even take his own powers away.
Techno tore a piece out.
It hurt worse than the spell, the pain he inflicted upon his own soul being reciprocated tenfold upon his body, leaving him wheezing in pain as he felt torn in parts. Which, actually, was true.
Technoblade focused on the small piece of shining white energy in his hands, his head feeling a little loopy as he tried to comprehend what he just did. He tore apart his soul. He tore himself apart.
And he didn't regret it one bit.
Focusing his magic on the small soul piece, he began to push against it, ignoring the searing pain in his body as he shaped his being. The piece took a shape of a small jewel, the color changing to a bright green and turning solid.
Techno smiled down at his hand, where the emerald laid, looking typical, yet holding powers of which mortals never dreamt of having.
But not Phil, Phil would experience them first hand, Phil would live, Phil would be happy, Phil would get back what he gave out to the world in twice the fold.
The moment Phil started to wear the emerald in a bracelet, Techno could see the change. His fathers eyes weren't as sunken as before, the bright twinkle in them returning. He could hold his own against Techno again and the white hairs miraculously turned their healthy blonde again.
Techno felt proud of himself, felt proud that it worked, that he didn't back out, that his dad won't have to fear death anymore. He was safe, he was breathing, he was alive and Techno could nuzzle himself into the warm embrace of his dad without fearing that he'll leave one day.
The god could sleep soundly now knowing that he gave his dad the most precious thing he could have gotten.
A piece of his own soul.
Thank you again Cherry <3
This will forever brighten my days
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