For you, the world Phil
Main characters: Philza, Technoblade
Triggers: Torture(briefly described), near death situation, execution
Requested by: no one
He should have known it would happen. After all, they weren't stupid. His disappearances were bound to be noticed at some point, or someone following him back to Techno's little house in the arctic. He just hoped they wouldn't have noticed this quickly.
Phil let out a sigh, his white and green hat falling over his eyes as he sat in his cell, arms crossed and legs pulled close to him. Well, as much of a cell as he could call it. It was more of a house arrest as L'Manburg had no prisons.
He glanced out of the window, watching as a nervous looking Ranboo stood outside of his door, his mismatched eyes staring at the shining dark purple sword in his hands, which shook as if he was the one imprisoned.
Philza could guess what got the demon-like creature so riled up. His son didn't know about his imprisonment, he made sure of that, but it didn't mean he won't know eventually. And he was probably the most powerful creature in the world right now, maybe only rivalled by Dream but that was probably unlikely.
He glanced down at his hands, bound in metal shackles to stop him from trying to escape, not that he would try to. He prides himself in being peaceful, helping his son in his retirement and turning him to peace, well mostly to peace.
Phil heard the spruce door open and glancing up, he saw a storm of ginger fur under shining purple armour, the same glow as on Ranboos one. Speaking of him, the black and white man hid behind Fundy with a guilty expression, the glow in his eyes dying down as he shifted in his spot.
Philza gave him a soft smile, a way of saying he wasn't mad at him, but it seemed to do the exact opposite as the guilt flashed even stronger upon Ranboo. He quickly turned, his tail almost between his legs like a dogs one as he walked out, refusing to watch what will happen now.
"Phil why-" The fox started, his eyes glaring into Phil's soul as he searched for answers. "Why would you betray us for him?"
Philza sighed, shaking his head softly, his hat falling over his eyes. Not being able to fix it due to his shackles, he looked up at Fundy from his sitting position, his eyes having a shadow cast over them.
"He's my son and I will stand by him no matter what" His voice was stern, but soft. He wasn't yelling, he didn't need to for his words to have an effect on the fox. His ears flattened against his head, a quiet whine escaping him as he started to brush his tail, a nervous tick Phil noticed he had developed.
"I thought you were going to be mine too..." That was all the fox said before his eyes welled up with tears. He turned, taking off his helmet and rushing out of the house, other pieces of it soon discarded too. They were already breaking the 1st rule of L'Manburg by wearing armour, but they had no choice, knowing who's father they had imprisoned.
Phil was left alone.
No one stood at the door, but Philza didn't even consider leaving. He had no reason to.
So he waited, he waited and contemplated his choices knowing that, if he had ever gotten a chance to change things, he wouldn't have changed a single thing.
He doesn't know when he fell asleep, but what does he know that when he woke, it was already past midday. He heard yelling from outside of the house and then the sheathing of a sword. Looking up, he saw Tubbo and Quackity, both with no armor on, arguing with Dream and Punz, who were armed from head to toe in enchanted armour that shone dangerously against the sun.
He couldn't make out words, but he guessed that Dream got what he wanted, as on his face appeared a smirk. He adjusted his mask, turning and Phil could feel the dreamons eyes on him even through the mask. It was almost chilling with how he looked at him, like he was the hunter here and Phil was simply another prey, another pawn in his big game, and for the first time since he reunited with Techno, he actually felt like one.
Dream left and Punz walked in, a sadistic look on his face as he took out an axe, looking just as dangerous as the armour. He closed his eyes and turned his head the moment Punz brought it over his head, feeling the burning pain of his whole arm being slashed.
"Sorry Phil, but orders are orders" Punz did not sound apologetic at all.
Another slash burned his body.
Phil woke up shaking, his whole body feeling like it's on fire and on one point, it probably was. Looking at his scaring wounds, he felt pain if he even so much as moved or lightly brushed them.
He must have passed out from the blood loss.
He knew Punz didn't intend on killing him, his one canonical life still pulsing on the small necklace everyone had. The difference was, theirs had three hearts while his, only one.
Brushing his fingers against it, he tried to sit up, only to have his weak body refuse to work and his arms buckling under all the weight he put on them. Landing on the floor, he sighed, giving up on moving. His hat had fallen, now lying on the ground a few feet away from him, his blond hair everywhere in a storm of gold against green and white.
The doors opened yet again and a nervous looking Tubbo walked in, his hands shaking as he gripped onto a sheet of paper as if his life depended on it. He gulped, looking at the hopeless man on the floor, looking up at him from between his hair strands.
"P-philza." The young boy said, trying to sound threatening but failing miserably, before giving up on the whole 'tough guy' act.
He dropped to his knees, helping Phil up and putting the hat back on the elder, holding back tears.
"I did what I could Phil, I swear! But Dream, he was so set on doing this and I didn't want to do it but he threatened L'manburg again and it's my country so I didn't want to have it in danger or enclosed with the walls again so I-" Tubbo started to ramble, clutching Phils shirt and looking up at him with teary eyes.
"Shhh Tubbo. It's okay, it's okay. Take a deep breath and just tell me my sentence okay?" Phil instructed, trying to calm the president down.
Tubbo shakily nodded and started to read out what was written on the paper, Philza's face falling as he did so.
"F-For the crimes that Philza Minecraft has commited, which consist of giving refuge and helping a traitor to the nation, the council marks him as a traitor to the country of L'Manburg and-" Tubbo paused there, a pause which made Phils blood run cold. "-herbly sentences him to death by Dreams hands."
Phil felt like the world around him shattered, his hand instinctively gripping onto the pulsing, for now, red heart in his necklace, looking up at Tubbo with shocked eyes.
"I'm sorry..." The young mumbled out, his head low. "I...I'll leave you now. It will happen in three hours."
With that, Phil was alone again, with the impending doom sitting right over his head.
People always say that when you're dreading something, it comes quicker, but not for Phil. The man felt like the hours were days, as he sat in the lonely house he once loved so dearly. He stroked his wings, the black feathers feeling rough against his skin from his stress.
So this was it huh? This was how his one life is going to go, on Dream's whim and need to hold the most power. His thought drifted to his children. Tommy, exiled because of Dream. Wilbur, gone crazy because of Dream, so much so, that Phil had to be the one to kill him. Techno? Outlawed, but that's just how he is so it wasn't Dreams fault for once. And now, Phil is going to die, join Ghostbur in the after life, bare of memories and of purpose.
Phil hasn't felt this scared since he died to a baby zombie.
Finally, finally after what felt like months for the broken man, the door to his house-prison opened and in walked fully armored Punz and Ranboo, the latter looking very apologetic while the other looked like he was having fun with all of this.
They took his arms and while Ranboo wanted to help him walk, Punz just dragged him like he didn't deserve any release from pain, even before his death.
He was dragged up to where the president's seat was, Dream already standing there with a wide grin, his trusty axe in his hand and the mask's smile looking more threatening than reassuring, though he was sure that was exactly what the dreamon was going for with it.
His head was put on a quickly put together pedestal, hanging off the edge of the platform. Ranboo and Punz joined the audience, who looked more uncomfortable than happy, their faces strained and eyes sad.
Dream took a hold of his shackles, his shadow towering over the man as he restrained his wings to make sure he wouldn't try to escape, not like Phil would dare to.
Closing his eyes, a sad smile fell upon his lips, tears finally falling as the axe was brought over his head.
"Technoblade might never die, but his father will today" Were the last words Dream said before he brought the axe down.
Something was wrong, Techno could feel it in his bones. At first, he had tried to blame it on his anxiety, that he was just delusional and making a problem out of nothing. Yet, the longer and longer Philza didn't show up, the more nervous and scared the blood god felt.
His form, a small pig reserved only for his dad slowly morphed into a hybrid between a human and pig without him even noticing. Guess he was more stressed out than he thought.
Not wanting to take any chances, he rushed back to his house, right to his chests. He took out a trident, bright and clearly enchanted, then put on his armour. His eyes narrowed as he glanced at the sword in his hand, it shaking slightly.
"For you, the world Phil" He mumbled what he had said to his dad not that long ago, before rushing out.
As if the world felt his urgency, the clouds darkened and a storm started, making his trident shake with power.
Techno was never a believer, preferring his logical thinking and anarchy over some God that never even helped, but in this moment as he brought up his trident and rushed through the air, he found himself muttering thanks to whatever was helping him right now.
The rain stopped just outside L'Manburg, but that didn't matter anymore. He needed to be sneaky anyway and the lack of the obsidian walls made it possible for him to get in from any side he wanted.
He didn't need to search long for where his father had gone, as he soon saw him, on his knees with Dream standing over him, an axe in hand. His breath hitched when he noticed just how bad Philza looked right now. He was bloodied and bruised, his arms looking red from just how many wounds were on them.
Something inside Technoblade snapped.
Phil waited for the blow, waited for the world to go black around him, waited for the warmth and pulse of his one canon death to stop, yet it never came.
Instead, there was a collective gasp from the audience and then the sound of metal clashing against metal.
Looking up, he found himself between Dream's axe and a sword, belonging to no one other than his own son, Techno. Though, the latter looked... different.
Phil had seen his son's boar like form before as Techno used it in a few fights when he felt threatened enough. This form however, seemed different and similar to it at the same time.
He was still a pig, that's for sure. His skin was still pink, with the red cape swishing in the wind and the crown sitting proudly on his head, shining almost as brightly as the enchanted weapons. But that's where the similarities ended.
He was bigger than in any form he had ever used, so much so that it looked like his shirt would have bursted if it was to be a tight one. His tusks were a lot longer, curved almost like they belonged to an elephant and not a boar. The hand that clutched Techno's sword was more clawed than hooved, as if he was going to slash at Dream at any given moment. His eyes, usually white but calm, were now glowing, white smoke pouring out of them and dissolving in the air.
"You wanted round eleven Dream? You should have just said so, I'll be happy to kill you again!" Techno growled, revealing that his teeth were sharp, his mouth twisted in a snarl as his glowing eyes burned through his opponent.
Dream's hand brushed against a small crack that was left when he fixed his mask after their last fight and then looked at the giant scar running along Techno's face. Phil saw the fear that radiated off Dream for a few seconds before his gaze darkened(at least he was pretty sure it did as the mask still obscured Dream's face) and he pushed against the giant that was Phil's son right now.
His vision started to cloud, spots starting to get blurry as his wounds and constant loss of blood started to take a toll on him again. He shakily tried to stand up and help his son, hearing the L'Manburg citizens fall into chaos and then metal scraping against metal.
"" He managed to rasp out after what felt like forever, stretching out his hand in a random direction as his vision started to blur.
"Tech.. no!" He called out again as his vision went black and his eyes closed against his will.
Techno didn't wait for Dream's first move, already taking out his shield and throwing the other male back. He heard the dreamon growl in frustration, taking out his own shield. The two circled each other, eyes locked on mask and vice versa as they tried to guess each other's moves.
Techno was the first one to get tired of the waiting, lunging at the man in front of him with murderous intent, simultaneously blocking a desperate swing Punz took at him. It did absolutely nothing except enraging Techno even more.
Before anyone had the chance to react, Techno's sword went right through the white mask on Dream's face, slashing it in half just like before. What changed however, was the fact that this time, it hit the face too. Blood decorated his glistering purple sword as Dream clutched onto his face, a giant scar going from the left corner of his forehead, over right cheek to his jawline. The dreamon glared up at Techno, one of his eyes being obscured by the flowing blood, but not taking away from the absolute fury on his face.
"Now, we're even." Techno huffed, eyes narrowing as he got ready for another swing.
Dream growled, glancing between Techno, Punz who was standing there, shocked and the rest of the people, who were contemplating whenever they should intervene or not.
"This is not the end!" Before Techno could stop him, Dream took out an ender pearl, throwing it as far as he could and disappearing in a cloud of purple and green.
Turning around, Techno's eyes fell upon a very nervous Punz, who clutched his axe as if it would help him at all. The pig grinned, sharp canines poking out from under his lip as his eyes focused on his new target.
Punz gulped, but stood his ground, foolishly thinking that his armour would protect him from the full power and fury of Technoblade.
Looks like the blood god will get his sacrifice after all.
The next time Philza awoke, it was to the sound of screaming. His head was spinning, but he was conscious enough to see better now.
He was moving, he realized soon later, as strong arms wrapped around him, pressing him to someone's chest.
Looking up, he was met with soft eyes of his eldest son, who took a worried glance at him, but then had to quickly look up as a flaming arrow flashed past them.
The screams that Phil heard waking up were now legible and were something along the lines of 'GET HIM!' and 'HE'S ESCAPING!' and one, quieter, that was drowned out by the rest of the crowd 'HE KILLED PUNZ!'.
He moved slightly and his son shifted his hold, letting Phil find a position in which his wings weren't getting crushed by the absolutely massive body of his son.
"Look how much you've grown..." Phil weakly joked, earning a quiet chuckle from Techno. His hand, that was now almost as big as Phil's head, moved to hold it, smearing blood over his skin.
This one time, he was going to let it slide.
"Hold on Phil. I'm going to get you to safety." He heard Techno say, his eyes darting around in search of a quick escape.
His hold shifted again as he took out the trident, trying to find a body of water that will let them get far enough to lose the people that were chasing them. Philza smiled, managing to wrap his arms around Techno and hold on, giving his son a safe way of using the trident without fear that his dad will fall out of his arms.
"I know you will." Phil answered, leaning his head against Techno's chest and letting the world whirl past them when Ranboo 'accidentally' spilled his bucket of water right in front of Techno.
Closing his eyes, Phil felt safe knowing that no matter where he'll be, his son would always find him.
Words: 3064
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