Characters: Technoblade, Tommyinnit
Triggers: panic attack, PTSD mentions, manipulation mentions,
Requested by: no one
Techno didn't mean it like that. He should have worded it better, that's true, in his defence, he had no idea the words would affect Tommy so much.
It was an accident, a clear mistake on his part he should have thought about, considering how much his brother went through. He didn't mean to yell, but the frustration was building up for a few days now and Tommy's rants and jokes pushed him over the edge.
Philza was in house arrest, forced to stand on his balcony in shackles, unable to get out himself. Techno needed to get him out, but to do that, he'd need to get better gear, his old one having been stolen by L'Manburg. Even if he did get his armour back, his tools were still in their possession and as much amusing as it was, winning fights with just a pickaxe, he wanted his sword and crossbows back. Thus, Tommy also needed good gear, if not to help, then to at least not die like an idiot immediately and lose his last canon death. Techno didn't need another ghost brother. To do just that, he wanted to enchant the armour they had crafted for Tommy, but the stubborn little brat refused to even let Techno near him, hissing almost like some sort of a feral racoon.
"Give me your armour Tommy!" The words left his mouth before he had a chance to think about the consequences, releasing all the anger that plagued him.
The moment he had said that, something in Tommy flipped. His mouth closed, a quiet and betrayed 'wha-?' being the only sound he made. His eyes lost the shine in them, the bright baby blue shade of his irises going dull. With shaking hands Tommy took it off, but before Techno could take the pieces, the younger of the two made a small hole in the ground and threw it down, almost automatically.
"T..tommy what are you doing?" Techno asked, unsure what to do. Yes, Tommy's constant blabbering was irritating, but it was something familiar, something homely and the silence felt wrong in the presence of his brother.
"You said to give you my armour so I did. Do you not have TNT? I can get you some-" Tommy's voice was quiet, shaking and what scared Techno the most, he looked desolate. Empty, like a husk of his former self.
"What?! No! No of course not! I'm not blowing up your armour! Why would you think that?!" Techno panicked, his voice raising an octave higher as he stared at the blond in front of him.
Tommy just nodded quietly, saying nothing. His head was hung low, arms wrapped around himself in a poor attempt at comfort.
Techno didn't know what to do, his mind racing for anything useful. He almost groaned in frustration. Philza would know what to do, he always did. They needed him right now, but he was captured, out of the picture and Tommy needed comfort right now.
Awkwardly, Techno moved to sit down on the stairs, patting the wood besides him in a silent invitation for Tommy. The young boy said nothing, silently following Techno and stiffly sitting down.
"Tommy..." Techno started, his voice softening as to not scare away his brother. "Why would you think I was going to blow up your armour?" He asked again, eyes studying every move Tommy did.
His brother said nothing, shoulders stiffening even more. His eyes though, they turned to glance towards a certain direction, one Techno quickly recognized. His eyes widened as he finally understood what made the loud and always happy Tommy so quiet all of the sudden.
"Tommy, is this what Dream did to you when you were-" Techno cut off seeing Tommy's breath hitch, it being a clear answer for the man.
He didn't know what to do. He was never good with emotions, with caring for others, that's why he always hid away in deserted places, content on living alone with his animals, farms and occasionally villagers. He searched for what Phil would do in this situation, his mind leading him to all the times the voices got too loud for Techno and he'd break something, then run and lock himself in his room out of shame. His dad would always hug him, letting him calm down enough before saying it wasn't his fault and that he wasn't mad.
Hoping it would work, Techno opened his arms hesitantly, shyly offering his brother a hug. He saw Tommy pause, eyes staring at Techno with unreadable emotions behind them. Then, before the man could react, Tommy's weight crashed into him, arms clinging to his shirt with a desperate hold. Opting to do exactly what Phil would do, he stroked his brother's hair with one hand, while massaging his back with the other.
Techno almost choked when he felt something wet on his shirt. Tears. Tommy never cried around him, always trying to prove how big and strong he was, that he could be just as great as his older brothers, so having him crying his eyes out, shaking in Technoblade's arms, shocked the older to the core.
"Tommy, you know I didn't mean it like that right? It's yours and I'm not taking it away from you. I just wanted to enchant it for you." He explained softly, one of his hands moving to take out a few shining books and show them to his brother, who took them into a shaky grasp.
"Techno I- I'm so so-" Tommy panicked, realizing what just happened, but was gently shushed by the elder.
"Shhh Tommy. It's not your fault. I'm sorry. I should have worded it better." Techno reassured, a small smile on his lips. "You're safe now. Dream can't hurt you anymore. No one is going to take your things away, so don't worry okay?"
Tommy nodded, letting go of the books and hugging Techno again, sniffing quietly.
Realizing Phil's methods were, obviously, working, the older thanked his father under his breath and searched his memories for other things his dad did whenever he was calming down one of the trio.
Forehead kisses.
That was the next thing that came to his mind as he stared down at the, still shaking, but better Tommy. He hesitated for a second, not sure if it will help or only make things worse, but ultimately decided that his brother needed all the comfort he could get.
He felt Tommy stiffen under his arms when he gave him the forehead kiss and panic build up in his throat again, but then the younger relaxed, nuzzling his face into Techno's tunic and Techno mentally sighed in relief.
It didn't take long for the teen in his arms to fall asleep, leaving Techno alone on the steps to think through what had happened in a span of less than an hour. He made a mental note to start writing down a 'trigger words' list in his book and to mention it to Philza the moment they get him back.
Looking down at the sleeping Tommy, Techno couldn't help but genuinely smile. Even if he was an irritating racoon child, he was his brother and he'd do anything to protect him, no matter if it were to be Ranboo, George or Dream himself.
The name made Techno growl under his breath and his grip on the calm child to tighten protectively. It was all that green bastards fault, of course it was! Tommy was the only person in L'Manburg that had the guts to openly defy and fight him. He was the only one to actually win against Dream too.
Dream didn't want Tommy to be exiled because of burning George's hut, it was because Dream wanted to break Tommy and considering the state he was in when Techno found the child going through his chests, he almost succeeded.
Techno shivered at the memory. Of him going back home just after almost getting executed, only to find Tommy going through his stuff like some sort of a racoon. He remembers stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed all the tears in his clothes, how his hair was almost brown from the amount of dirt in it and one foot being bare, the shoe nowhere in sight.
It was heartbreaking, even for Techno and now, he knew exactly why Tommy was like that.
His hold on the still sleeping boy shifted, Technoblade bringing him closer in a protective hold that would let him pick the small kid up. He pressed him to his chest, almost shielding the teen from the world. He took off his cape with one hand, gently throwing it over Tommy like a blanket.
Having him comfortable in his arms, Techno looked up, glaring at the sky, as if challenging whatever could be coordinating their lives. It was such a harsh stare, filled with such hatred and determination that even gorgons would lose a fight against it, their mere powers of turning people into stone having no force against the glare.
Come, try to hurt him again. It seemed to say, but who was Techno targeting it towards? Dream, Gods, both? The world will never know.
Huffing, Techno stood up from the steps when he felt Tommy shiver in his hold, small hands curling up against the cape. The blond was so light, even for being so smaller than the elder. Suddenly, the reason why Tommy was eating so many of his golden apples made sense and Techno's stomach twisted at how hungry the young teen must have been in his exile.
He walked back in, making his way to the small room his brother made for himself, the yellow walls hurting Techno's eyes the moment he stepped into what he could only call a hole and it was still being genuine.
Putting Tommy in his bed, Techno made sure he wasn't cold and decided to fix the place up when his brother will be away. He brushed the stray strands of hair away from his brother's face, smiling softly at how better he looked now. Even if he was still very thin, he was gaining his weight back and the once tattered and torn clothes were back to their full glory again, his hair was now clean, the blond color shining brightly against the torches light.
He didn't look as broken anymore, but it seemed that there was still a long way to go. The trauma is still fresh, after all, considering how panicked Tommy got when they had to walk close to Logstedshire that one time, well, close to what was left of it anyways.
Techno cursed at himself in his head, remembering how cold he was about it, too focused on the task at hand to realize the place might be triggering to the youngling. He made a mental note to add it to the triggers he'll be writing down and to be more considerate of it the next time.
Tommy might have been there for only a few weeks, but it was clear that Dream had made his life there a hell on Earth.
How many times had Techno been walking past the place, not even sparing it a glance and visiting his brother? How many times could he have helped, stop that green bastard from manipulating a defenceless child into obedience so much so, that even by wording something remotely close to what Dream had said caused the youngling to freeze up and act like someone else completely? He wasn't going to make that mistake twice. Not now, not ever.
Walking out to let Tommy rest, anger flaring in his soul, the flame fed by his voices, just as revenge hungry as him, Techno promised himself right then and there that if anyone was to ever hurt his brother again, they'll look worse than L'Manburg after the explosion by the time he'll be done with them.
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