Chat arrived at the scene. In front of a burning house. Dark grey smoke oozing into the air. And the fierce flames. Slowly burning down the building.
A grown woman. With light brown, slightly curly hair going down to her shoulders, wearing a grey suit. Sprinted towards him. A horrified and worried look on her face.
"Chat Noir, your need to help me!" She pleaded. Her hands holding onto his upper arms.
"My baby is still in there! You need to save her!"
Her crystal blue eyes begging for his help. Begging for him to save her small, innocent daughter.
Chat nodded.
"Of course. How old is she?"
He felt her grip slightly loosen on his arms. She sighed. Facial reaction softning.
"She's nine." She breathed out.
"She has long blonde hair, and she is wearing a pink t-shirt and denim jeans."
Chat nodded. Noting down everything on his head.
"I'll save her. I promise."
The woman smiled widely up at him. Letting go of his arms.
Chat looked at the building a blaze in front of him. Slowly, but surely falling apart apart. Burning up.
He quickly sprinted towards the entrance. Feeling the intense warmth from the burning flames. He had to find this girl quickly.
He entered. Immideatly smelling the scent of the smoke. Filling the house.
He heard a faint voice respond from upstairs. But he couldn't quite make out what the voice said. He guessed it was the girl.
He walked towards where he figured he heard her. Taking slow steps.
The smoke was almost starting to make his eyes water. He blinked quickly before walking up the wooden stairs.
Jackpot. He was going in the right direction. He just had to find her.
He opned a door. Revealing a little girl's room. And on the bed sat a girl. A girl that fit the description perfectly.
"Chat Noir?!"
He coughed walking into the room. It was definitley her.
"We need to get out of here. Quick."
The little girl nodded. Fear showing in her eyes. And every move she made.
"Be careful. It could colapse any second."
The girl nodded shakily. Wait. Was she? Was she crying?
Chat bent down to her level. He removed a strand of hair from her face, and looked at her with symphaty.
"It's going to be ok. I promise."
He carefully whiped some tears running down her cheeks with his clawed thumb.
"I'm scared." She sulked, looking into his fierce green eyes.
Chat smiled reasusing at her. Putting his hands on her arms. Like her mother had done to him.
"I'm scared too. But this will be fine."
"I promise I'll get you out of here. As safe as possible."
She weakly smiled at him.
"Now. Let's go."
He smiled. Letting go of her small arms. And showing her out of what he guessed was her room.
She carefully followed behind him. Being wary of every step she took inside her now burning home.
Chat smiled seeing the way to outside. Soon. Soon she was going to be safe. Soon she would be out of danger.
The house creaked loudly. And Chat hurried over to the door. To hold up their way out.
The little girl gasped and looked into the house. He had no idea where. Frankly. He didn't know where anything in this house was.
"Snuggles!" She exclaimed and ran into a room.
"Snuggles, who?!" He questioned. Looking backwards at her running in again.
Chat grunted as he felt the weight increase over him. His arms slowly starting to ache.
The girl came running back. With a brown teddy bear in her arms.
Chat grunted again as his arms gave in. And the house was now resting on his shoulders. Soon he felt his legs would betray him too.
"Get. Out." He grumbled between gritted teeth.
She quickly walked out. And not a moment too late. His legs finally gave up. And he was now on his knees.
"Chat Noir? Are you ok?"
Chat groaned as the weight increased even more. The house was sure to fall down into ruins any second now.
And with that. Everything went black for him.
Hello! Took some time! I'm sorry! So, so sorry!
Have a good day or afternoon or night wherever in the world u r! Stay beautiful! Sorry!
~ Maren-Emilie
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