Chapter deduction: Classy_ella, and __Preshy__ thank youuu ❣️
The big coaster bus being offloaded of the new set of equipments being carried into the new tech lab was the center of attention. Rumours had it that one of the old chemistry labs had just been converted into something new, something much more cooler. Some said it was a new computer lab, but Ifechi had seen the current computer lab and it was very much equipped, at least a hundred functional PC's occupied the large hall, and there were extras in the back too.
"I heard it's a research and development lab" The head girl spoke, being one of the perfects who were allowed to witness the offloading of the new equipment, she had a slight idea.
"Research and wha...?" Dami said
".. development. The school is introducing new trade subjects, and they're really big deals, like really big, heard something about addiction manufacturing..."
"Addiction ke" Jimmy cut her off.
"Addiction...you mean additive?" Ifechi spoke for the first time.
"Aha, yes... They bought this machine for it, a CNC and is it 3d machine or..."
"3d printer?!" Ifechi blurted, a new glint in her eye.
"Aha!" Ella snapped her finger again.
"Wow that's cool, and they got a computer numerical control machine as well"
"A what now??" Jimmy blinked rapidly
"CNC mumu" Dami snickered, Ifechi smiled at them with an eyeroll.
"Yeah whatever, so why are they buying these equipment, why do we need them, what do they even do sef?" Jimmy said, Ella was about to reply, seemingly not sure of what say but Ifechi beat her to it.
"Additive manufacturing is all about creating products in definite and precise manner. It's the opposite of conventional manufacturing techniques that involves cutting and shaping. 3d printing is a recent technology, especially in the world of computing and electronics...." She went on to ramble about everything and anything she knew about the machines and ended up delving into How robots were seemingly going to take over the world someday and how stupid she thought it was, to her, it was logically impossible for a creation to outsmart the creator. By the time she was done, her classmates stared at her like she was from another planet.
"Omo all these English, no Ki me o, my brain still too small" Jimmy joked. He was the first to speak after the long pause from her speech.
"Wait how do you even know all these things?" Dami asked, the trio turned to her as Ifechi shrugged, a swell of pride creeping into her head which she tried to suppress. It was a feeling of when you know something you're sure the other person doesn't know and felt more enlightened telling them about it.
"I've heard about it, so I did my research and read more online."
"Uh-hmmm" Dami said not believing her. "So you just stay and randomly read about 3d printers and CMC Abi CNC Ko ni...."
"...see this girl I'm suspecting you o, the way you know so much, are you sure you're meant to still be in secondary school?" Jimmy said with fake seriousness.
"As in eh, wait sef are you sure you're not even a spy" Ella said wriggling her brow at her dramatically, Ifechi threw her head back in laughter.
"I'd love to see them though" she said after a while. Ella waved it off.
"Don't even think about it, the lab is OOB"
"Out of bounds!" The head girl and Dami half-said, half-yelled together.
"Ah ah, okay fine fine I get it...my dreams of using a 3d printer cannot be accomplished anytime soon" she faked a laughter.
"Seriously though.." Dami started. ".. when the school says something is out of bounds, they mean it, Just stay out of trouble"
"Fine" Ifechi said, but her mind kept wandering. Just then Pedro walked in, following the longer path to his new seat which was a good distance from hers, a few of their classmates were around and their gazes met.
She looked away at first, and looked back, this time he had looked away. It seemed like a while she saw him even though it was just a week. He looked different, his face looked rougher, his stubble more evident, and why did it seem like he grew even taller.
Without thinking twice, she walked over to his seat, ignorant of the voice in her head telling her that it was a bad idea.
He looked surprised at first, but then his look morphed into a bored one and he said in a low tone. "What's up"
Her smile fell just as her morale dropped, but she didn't want to seem stupid, so she said in a cheerful tone.
"Happy Easter in arrears"
"Yeah thanks, same to you
"We haven't spoken in a while, I just wanted to check up on you"
"Well I'm good"
"Great." She said and paused not knowing what else to say.
"So are you..." She started when someone interrupted her.
"Oooom! Ogbeni you are disturbing my sleep and blocking my air, commot from our front na..." The guy beside him said rudely, raising his head from his desk to peer at her. She apologized and shifted, but he insisted.
"Hanty just leave him alone, isn't it obvious he doesn't want to talk to you, see as e dey reply you Na, you sef take some hint"
Ifechi felt her chest constrict at his statement, and worse that the person she was talking to didn't even say anything contrary or try to defend her.
She observed his face for any sign but his look was rather uninteresting, like he was somehow grateful for her shutting up. Memories of first term when they were still strangers filled her head and making her feel stupid. What was she doing here in the first place?
She led herself back to her chair, prepared to cry- mentally of course- when a shrill cry cut through the noisy class.
"Stupid slut!"
Without having to look, everyone instantly knew who it was. The only question now remained whom the unfortunate object of insult was.
"Don't you even dare say anything, the next time I see you in my house ehh! Anita mark my words, I'll ruin you!"
Dami and Ifechi looked up immediately.
Anita, as in their friend Anita?
The dark girl came into view, face perfectly masked to show no emotion. She was great at pretending, they had give her that, because all she did after the little outburst was to confidently walk to her seat as if nothing had happened.
Later during break time, when the three of them were sitting outside, with Dami, Rachel and Ifechi quietly munching on their snacks and Anita staring at the wall by her side, she suddenly said.
"I can't believe I was so stupid"
Dami was the first to drop her meat pie, as if she'd been waiting for her friend to crack. Cleaning her mouth of any food crumbs, she said excitedly "tell us tell us"
Ifechi rolled her eyes, seeing the mischievous glint in her friend's eye.
"Can you imagine those girls, those overgrown Barbie dolls, those overbleached devils..."
"...ah ah, all these names, tell us what happened" Rachel said.
"...mtcheww..." She hissed. "You'll not even understand"
Still, she went on to gist them anything and everything bad she could think of about her now former "friends." She started from how she used to think they were these super cool, classy girls to how she started finding out their true colours and how they really treated each other to every single thing she disliked about each and every one of them.
Dami and Rachel listened with rapt attention, as if they'd been anticipating this type of gossip. But Ifechi seemed disinterested, even if some of the things Anita said surprised her. Perhaps it wouldn't even if she hadn't placed those girls on a pedestal, but who would have thought that Joyce was a kleptomaniac, Confidence low-key had mouth odor and Aliyah snored.
"Aliyah snores?!!" Dami said in shock, apparently Ifechi wasn't the only one who wore the same look of amazement. It wasn't that snoring was bad, but for someone who acted like she was better than everyone, it was a shocking revelation.
"Yes she does, very loudly o, and if you see her face when she's sleeping eh, you'll laugh."
"You don mean it" Rachel said laughing.
"After she'll be acting as if she's all that" Ifechi found herself adding against her better judgement.
"Abi o!" Anita agreed. For some reason Ifechi was happy they seemed to be getting along again, even though a part of her felt guilty that it was a mutual hate that led to their somewhat reconciliation.
"If I had told you guys all these things before, you would have called me a hater, but shey you're hearing it yourselves now" Rachel said.
"You knew?" Dami and Anita asked.
"Of course Na, have you forgotten I was like their handbag? All these things you're saying sef is small, if you had been their friends since, you for see shege" she added laughing. The three girls stared at her surprised, quickly remembering that the calm, reserved girl they now knew to be Rachel used to be one of the class snobs.
"See eh forget how we rate those girls o, I've hung out with them a lot and the truth is that their lives are not that very different from us. Fine and good, they have money and their parents are wealthy, and some of them like Grace happen to be very fine. But still, I've learnt that in the real world, all those things don't really matter, what matters is what you have upstairs..." She said tapping the side of her head. "...so me I've sworn to myself that I'll never let anyone walk over or intimidate me again."
"And that's on period!" Dami said snapping her fingers and the three of them burst into laughter, Ifechi smiled too, but something about Rachel's simple but insightful statement struck her.
I've learnt that in the real world, all those things don't really matter, what matters is what you have upstairs
I'll never let anyone walk over or intimidate me again
Could she say the same for herself ?
So I updated😂
Happy new month to my readers, I wish you all an awesome month ahead. I pray that God will give us insight and wisdom to walk in his ways this month and forever, Amen♥️
I hope you enjoyed the chapter? What do you think of Anita's and Aliyah's small issue, any ideas on what may have happened? (Hint: find out in a few chapters to come*wink😂)
Also Ifechi and Pedro huh, be like our guy don tire for the girl. I mean I get him, it must suck to see the girl you like still hanging out with the guy that broke her heart and then coming to talk to you as if all is well, but still he for try answer her well sha.
Hmm lastly the new lab🤔 what are those admins planning and who knows how and why Ifechi seems to be very interested in those equipment. Watch out though, because this simple development may bring a lot more drama than you expect.
Anyways, Im glad I could finally update. GOD HELPING ME, I'LL FINISH THIS NOVEL THIS YEAR.
I have tons of edit I want to make, like eliminating unnecessary scenes, adding a new major character and removing some unnecessary characters but that'll be after I'm done with the book her on Wattpad. The new edits will be evident in the main book which hopefully, I'll put up for sale (not on this platform though, so don't worry I won't take the free version down 😂😁)
Thank you so much for all your love and support. I really appreciate and I'm super super encouraged and motivated by your votes and comments.
Stay happy, stay safe and always remember,
JESUS loves you ❣️
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