Dedicated to dheenmah Rihanna_Adedeji Qhupid_247 and I_am_Jazzy
Ifechi felt a huge weight on her shoulders the next day.
After her conversation with her sister, she'd resolved not to tell anyone what she saw, especially not the lovebird himself. Yet it was so hard, so hard not to just walk up to him and scream 'your girlfriend is cheating on you'
Ifechi managed to keep her lips shut when she saw them doing couple tinz in the hallway that morning.
She avoided the both of them as much as she could, even Aliyah too, because it would require a strong amount of self-control to not snare at the mean girl if they crossed paths.
Her classmates mocked Ayomide for giving a blowjob in the toilet, she wondered what they would say if they knew what Aliyah did/was doing with their further maths teacher.
"Oh my gosh, have you guys seen Sophia Williams recent ig post?" Dami said out of nowhere tapping her phone screen furiously.
Ifechi was surprised when Dami brought out her phone at first. She was going to ask her when she'd decided to join Anita and other defaulters who sneaked phones to school but then she realised it was futile. Bringing phones to school had become almost normal for her classmates now. She couldn't understand how the school just let them. That morning, a group of B boys were watching a music video on an iPad when their government teacher passed and all he had to say was 'Reduce the volume.'
She shook her head mentally. This school was too liberal.
"Lemme see" Anita spoke up snapping Ifechi from her thoughts. It was one of those rare times that week when Anita was on her seat during a free period. She'd overheard Anita murmuring about quareling with Rachel or so.
Well it was none of her business.
"Taarh, how can you say that Shade Onam is finer than Sophia Williams, na ment?" Dami said, pidgin English rolling off from her tongue as smoothly as one slipping on a spilled oil. Ifechi's attention was drawn back to them.
Two people joined them, Jennifer who sat a row away from Anita and Jimmy.
"To me Shade is finer o" Jennifer replied shrugging.
"Ehen!" Anita chided. "See I'm not saying that Williams is not fine o, the girl fine die, but Shade fine pass, Omo see her eyes na, check am"
Dami rolled her eyes.
"So it's green eyes that's deceiving you people" Jimmy said and she butted in agreement.
"Thank you o, tell them!"
Jennifer and Anita hissed.
"What are you guys talking about?" Ifechi asked wishing to be part of the convo. Dami's eyes snapped to her and then glinted.
"It's two against two, let's ask a third party" she said shoving her phone screen to Ifechi.
"Which of them is finer, Sophia or Shade?" She said as Ifechi took hold of the phone to gaze at the picture. They were a group of girls, pressed together in some sort of hug, their lips painted in different colours of lipstick as well as their eyes. Their upper body was barely clad and Ifechi could see young faces, these girls were probably teenagers, but she couldn't recognise any of them.
"Who is Sophia and who is Shade?" She asked innocently already making a judgement of whom she thought was the most beautiful amongst them all when Jennifer yelled.
"Shut up!"
"Excuse me?" Ifechi looked up to behold four bewildered looking at her as if she were alien.
"What happened?" She asked eerily.
Dami blinked twice "You don't know who they are? You don't know who Shade Onam is? You don't know who Sophia Williams is?"
Ifechi shrugged, eyebrows furrowing. Was she supposed to know this girls.
"You're pretending" Anita blurted accusingly, Ifechi became confused.
"Pretending what?"
"That you don't know these girls"
"Why would I pretend not to know them?"
"Come on, be serious, you know who Sophia Williams is right, she's a model, a teen influencer?" Jimmy spoke up and she turned to face the pretty boy while shaking her head.
"Nope, never heard of her"
"Um...okay what about Shade Onam?"
Ifechi shook her head. "No"
"Ok what about Tamara Wright, she's the one that acted Olawa in that series Girls College" Anita said.
"I've not even watched the movie" Ifechi said laughing nervously, Anita rolled her eyes and mumbled. "It's a series dummy" to herself.
"Tolani nko, the one with the bold, pouty lips in deep red" Dami asked
"Kosi Queen Dike?" Jennifer butted in "she did one campaign like that on Instagram about brands not owning her body, her mum is a celebrity like her, you don't know her too?" She asked and the three of them looked at Ifechi expectantly.
The fair girl felt like an alien amongst her friends as she shook her head to their dissapointment.
They hissed.
Ifechi shrugged. "I'm not very active on Instagram"
"Even if! You should have seen them somewhere else, at least on a billboard or advert or even in a movie unless you're weird and live under a cave." Anita said, a bit too serious for their liking. She felt that Ifechi was lying for some sort of reason, even though it was obvious that the latter wasn't.
Ifechi frowned.
"Okay okay okay...." Dami said waving her hands around oblivious to the fact that she'd just eased a growing tension. "What about Triple-J, you know the band right"
Ifechi recalled a memory. "I've heard of them"
"My sister that said they're coming to her school unilag for a concert"
"Okay, but do you actually know them, like do you know who the guys are?" Jimmy inquired.
"Mention one of their songs" Jennifer said.
Ifechi went blank. "Erm....."
"She doesn't know" Dami threw her hands in th air dramatically making Ifechi to laugh.
"Guys calm down na, this thing is not that serious" Ifechi said still laughing while her friends or rather classmates looked at her incredulously.
"How can you not know the greatest teen band of all time, Ifechi I'm dissapointed" Jimmy said and she laughed some more before coming to a pause.
"Okay ask me more, I might know the next person you call" Ifechi said straightening on her seat as one who was being interviewed.
"Irene Coker?" Jennifer asked and Anita scoffed.
"If she does not know Kosi Dike and Shade Onam, is it Irene Coker she'll know"
"Actually I think I know her, she's a singer right?" Ifechi said, not because she knew the person, but because she wanted to prove Anita wrong.
To her dismay, Jennifer burst out laughing before replying. "No be only singer, who dash her. She's a model o, a teen model, all of them are."
"So you seriously don't know these celebrities?" Dami asked swiping her phone off her hands in a swift move. She held the device up and zoomed into the pictures and turned the phone around.
"Ok for the last time look at these models, you've never seen any of them before not even one" she said holding them up in Ifechi's face.
She squinted and stared intently at the five female figures in the picture. From her friends' amazement and talks, these girls were probably renowned figures, celebrities as Dami mentioned. But Ifechi's social media life was almost non-existent. She only texted close friends and family on WhatsApp and her Instagram app was there for fancy. Twitter and Facebook were not even in the picture.
Dami sighed defeatedly when Ifechi shook her head. She sat down shaking her head as well, bewildered at how any normal teenager would not know the celebrities she'd just mentioned.
"If it makes you feel any better I think Sophia Williams is prettier though" Ifechi said after some minutes, the group had dispersed by then and Dami was scrolling through her phone having exited the Instagram app already.
Dami looked up from her phone and gave her a small smile. "Better pikin, don't mind Anita and co, they think having green eyes is the definition of beauty"
"But are her eyes really green, I thought those are contacts"
"That's what they said. it can be real sha, some people are born that way" she said and Ifechi nodded.
"Ermm...this Sophia Williams....." She started again unsure of how to phrase her next question when Dami looked at her.
"....is she by any chance related to that Williams" She pointed using her head. Dami squinted in confusion before she caught the clue and then sighed and laughed. "Oh are you're referring to Grace Williams?"
"Yeah, are they related?"
"Nah. We used to think the same thing but it's just coincidence. You think if Grace was related to a celebrity we wouldn't know...the girl would have flaunted it in our faces" Dami said and turned her attention back to her phone oblivious of Ifechi's subtle relief. Why did she care anyway?
When she went back home, she did a little homework on Instagram.
Tapping on the app icon which she had not used in ages, the app loaded and a black and white picture immediately popped on the screen. She swiped past the boring newsfeed to her own profile almost cringing at the number.
She switched to the search menu, away from the page that showed her just how 'unpopular' she was, she was aware of her non-existent online presence, she didn't need any number to ascertain that.
She searched for the first name on her list: Sophia Williams.
She stopped in awe at the teen figure on her screen. Caramel colored skin, tall and slender body, beautiful face, this Sophia girl was really gorgeous, of course making her befitting to be a model.
After minutes of scrolling through seemingly endless aesthetic ig posts, she returned to the search bar and typed in the second name.
Ifechi still couldn't believe those eyes were real. Her eyes moved up to the follower count and she jerked back physically.
5 million followers???
How could someone this young have such a following? Shade Onam looked not more than 18 if she was even up to that age. Ifechi liked some of her pics before going to the next person.
She stalked many teen celebrities from Sophia to Shade to Triple-J to Kosi and even Irene. Soon she was lost in a sea of teen influencers and celebrities, the more she searched, the more Instagram recommended while she kept clicking on verified accounts, checking profiles and even following some of them. It surprised her how teenagers like herself could have such a strong social media presence. She thought most teenagers were normal like her. It had to be the luxury and beauty that made them better.
She squinted in confusion when she saw the next recommended profile.
Apparently Instagram thinks the two are related too. Ifechi said while tapping on Grace's profile. The follower count surprised her.
29, 811 followers!
Thirty thousand people were following Grace Okigbae! Who in their right senses would follow someone as mean as that bully. Ifechi thought and then felt stupid when she remembered that many of her followers probably didn't know her in real life.
It was the problem with social media. Someone may appear sweet and perfect on the internet but when you meet them in person you'll find out the real jerks they were.
She hissed but scrolled down nevertheless taking in each post with a mixture of curiosity and fake indifference. Many of her pictures were in places like bars, malls and swimming pools. There was one with her family on an island and another, which by the location at the top of the post was Paris.
She scrolled up to the most recent picture which was the one Grace took on her birthday. Grace looked like a princess, her pink fluffy gown giving her a classy and elegant look. The first picture was when she was stepping into the hall that evening looking flawless. She swiped to the second when Grace was cutting her cake, then to the third with Rachel and Aliyah, the fourth with a few more friends.
There were several other pictures but the last was the best. The picture was probably taken unawares. Grace's lips were parted slightly as she seemed to be laughing at what someone said. It was the time her friends were showering her with money and other gifts. Some bundles of thousand naira notes were in her hand and several other notes on the floor around her. The other hand gripped a bottle of champagne holding it up, the whitish liquid already dirpping from the top to the sides of the bottle. Grace looked so happy, the picture was perfect.
Ifechi was jealous.
She hissed and rolled her eyes concluding that she'd overstayed her welcome on the page and was about to leave when Aliyah's profile also popped up.
Urrghhh! Curse you AI!
She tapped on the profile anyway. Aliyah had a good amount of followers too even if it were little compared to Grace. Her feed was less aesthetic too. There were a few pictures of her, mostly selfies, then the full body pictures where she posed flaunting her voluptuous curves.
Ifechi felt a knot in her chest when she saw a pic of her and Damien, the pretty couple that they were. It was on cultural day, both looking genuinely happy as they faced each other smiling like hypnotized people struck by Cupid.
She switched her phone off.
That's enough social media for one day.
Okay, so I know some of you may be confused about the names mentioned in this chapter. These are all celebrities and influencers here in the Nigeria wattpad sphere😂
Sophia Williams is my favourite fictional influencer from one of my favourite books on this app which is 'Perfectly Imperfect' by Rihanna_Adedeji. You can find the story on her profile or even look for it in my "100% recommend for anyone" reading list.
Next we have Shade Onam from 'Those little things' by lovetori_xo You'll definitely love the drama that surrounds Giwa and her friends😂 the ending is a bit sad though 😥 but I don't want to give any spoilers, read it for yourself.😁
Kosi Dike is from 'When Golden souls collide' which is one book that I can not explain. Everything about the book from the story to the writing itself is just beautiful and it's the handiwork of dheenmah. Triple-J as mentioned earlier is from 'Shattered Heartstrings' by I_am_Jazzy while Irene Coker is from "Runways and Deception" by Qhupid_247
The remaining celebrities are from other fictional stories here on wattpad that I haven't read but I've seen their names mentioned in the ones I've read. Be sure to check out these books I mentioned, Nigerian wattpad authors are incredibly talented.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and yeah watch out for some dramaaaa. The next chapter is a whole vibe of its own 😂😂 let me not say more than necessary.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share.😁
God bless you ❣️
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