It had been three days since they had resumed and Ifechi still hadn't said a word to her seat neighbor. The tall, buff, rough looking guy didn't seem to be bothered either but Ifechi decided to be the bold one so she turned to him when the English teacher had left that Thursday.
She looked around the class, some students were gisting and lazying about since it was break time, Damilola was reading a novel.
"Hello" she said to him. He was buried into a book doodling away and it took a look from her to realise he was sketching some figures on his note.
She cleared her throat and he turned to her "sorry I've been...."
She started but he got up and left instead leaving her shocked at his rudeness
"Wow" she could only mutter.
"Wanna grab lunch?" Anita asked
"Sure" Ifechi said grateful to the latter for saving her from such embarrassment.
They walked to the canteen and bought their snacks, Ifechi decided to buy a bottle of Fanta that day. They started coming back to the class and Ifechi was already sipping her drink from the bottle when she bumped into someone.
"Jesus!" A girly voice shrieked, they had collided and the bottle of Fanta spilled a little. Everyone turned to watch the show that was about to happen.
"I am soooo sorry" Ifechi said not even looking at the person, she put the cap of the plastic bottle lightly before looking at the person. It happened to be Aliyah, a fair, pretty girl; One of the short skirt girls as Ifechi had nicknamed them.
Aliyah sat in the front row and hung out with the likes of Grace.
No one needed to tell Ifechi she wasn't her friend.
"Are you mad?!" She screamed again, the whole class was quiet now even the guys that were watching something on a phone they had sneaked in stopped to watch the two girls.
"I said I'm sorry" Ifechi sighed
"Sorry my foot, look at what you've done to my uniform, what am I supposed to do about this and you're telling me sorry, sorry for yourself" she gushed out, Ifechi looked at her, the contents of her Fanta had formed a small orange blotch on her white shirt
"it was a mistake and the stain isn't that bad" Ifechi replied hastily, all she wanted to do was go to her seat and eat her snacks in peace.
"when you go home just wash it immediately small hypo will do the trick" she added shrugging, this made some people to laugh.
"You must be insane!" Aliyah spat "you poured your useless drink on me and all you can say is when I get home I should wash it yen yen yen"
"Aliya she has said sorry na" one of their classmates started to say but the a look from the mean girl was enough to shut her up
"what else do you want me to do?" Ifechi asked irritatedly "Should I wash your clothe for you?" She asked sarcastically.
The series of things that happened next occured so fast that she didn't have time to think about it.
Aliya yanked her loosely closed Fanta out of her hand and emptied the entire contents on Ifechi's body. Everyone's eyes widened.
Ifechi stood there numb for a second barely able to speak
"Are you crazy?!!!!" She finally shrieked staring daggers at a smirking Aliya. A few students passing stopped to watch the drama.
"Now you go and wash your own clothe, small hypo will also do the trick" she said and was out of the class.
"Ifechi..." Anita said coming from behind, no one had noticed her since she stood at the side of the door
"Sorry... iyee" she said patting Ifechi who still looked dazed staring at her white uniform shirt which was now soaking orange, the Fanta had poured all over the middle of her shirt and only few places were left white, some of it had even dripped down to her skirt.
"Let's go and sit down" Anita said softly but Ifechi didn't want to move, all she wanted there and then was for the ground to open up to swallow her, she still had 4 periods and about 3 hours before school would close. To think this sort of thing would happen to her today was just unbelievable
And it was just her first week of school
"Wow, you're calm o, if I'm the one I would have given her a dirty slap there" Dami said when she finally mustered up the courage to return to her seat.
"No you wouldn't" Anita sighed, Dami gave her a bad look that seemed like a 'whats that supposed to mean?' before hissing and turning to Ifechi.
"Thanks" she replied weakly not knowing what else to say, part of her wanted to break down and start crying and the other wanted to find Aliyah and throw punches at her, but she knew she couldn't do any
The next week Monday, school had officially resumed. More teachers started coming to classes bombarding them with notes and assignments and more students resumed as well.
The dark, skinny girl on afro low cut that just couldn't keep her mouth shut caught Ifechi's attention the most.
Her name was Joyce.
Asides being a noisemaker and trouble maker, she was also a wannabee, mingling with the likes of Aliyah and Grace, anyone could tell she was a suckup.
Ifechi began to question why she had become interested in the business of those girls. She was always looking at their seat, wondering what they were gossiping about when they were all hurdled together, wondering if she could actually be friends with them one day. What was wrong with her?
"Are you going to canteen?" Dami interrupted her racing thoughts during break time.
"No why?"
"Nothing, please come and escort me lemme buy something" she said again.
"Ooommm" Ifechi groaned
"Pleaaassee" She pushed pressing her palms together.
"Ok fine fine" Ifechi said and got up "urgh,my legs are so weak" she groaned dramatically looking around.
"See, that's why you should move it, you've been sitting down for too long since morning" Dami said snapping her fingers twice as she spoke. She pulled Ifechi with her and they got to the canteen, unlike before, there was a big queue as many students had now resumed and they stood by the wall at the corner and waited for the line to reduce.
Two tall figures passed them briefly walking straight into the canteen probably to bypass the line since it was full with mostly junior students. Dami's eyes caught sight of the familiar figure- broad shoulders, tall and very light skinned, he was now at the front of the line having chanced some of the junior students who eyed him scornfully but let him pass anyway.
"Chukwuma!" She shrieked, the boy turned around instantly and looked around for the source of his name when their eyes met, a small smile crept into his lips and he tapped the boy besides him and gave him his money before sauntering out of the food line.
Dami smiled while Ifechi gawked at him.
He was handsome. With a pretty face and tall, tall enough that even if she wore heels he would still be taller but neither huge nor stick slim.
And Fair!
And God knew fair boys were her thing.
She took a deep breath when he reached where they stood.
"Dami baby" he cooed engulfing her in a bear hug. Ifechi's heart almost shrunk at the word 'baby'. Were they dating? Dami never mentioned having a boyfriend to her but then again, she never asked plus it had only been one week.
"Ah ah it's ok na do you want to squeeze me?" Dami said shoving him slightly, he chuckled softly and the butterflies in Ifechi's stomach sprang up in joy
'get over yourself, there's no rubbish butterfly, this is not American love movie' she thought to herself
"I missed you o" he said poking Dami, she slapped his finger away and he laughed still not acknowledging the girl besides her. They chatted for some minutes, Ifechi's legs grew weary from standing too long and she nudged her friend's arm drawing his attention as well.
His eyes widened at the sight of the pretty unfamiliar face.
"Hello" he said staring at her, his voice taking on a more polished accent.
"Hi" she squeaked mad at her voice for suddenly betraying her, he chuckled.
"Are you new?"
"Obviously dummy.." Dami answered in a 'duh' tone interrupting whatever Ifechi was about to say "...have you seen this fine face before?" She added and he rolled his eyes playfully
"Yes" Ifechi replied blushing slightly from Dami's remark "I uh, I resumed last week" she stated, he smiled.
"Nice. So you're in SS3?"
"Jamb question!" Dami said in the same 'duh' tone as if she wouldn't be caught with someone that wasn't in the same class as she.
He nudged Dami.
"Don't mind her, she likes looking for trouble"
Ifechi smiled "I'm in SS3A".
"Too bad, I'm in C" he replied and even though she already knew he wasn't in her arm, she felt a bit dissapointed. She shrugged her arm and put her face in a mocking scowl
"Yh sad"
"So what's your name?"
"Ifechi and you're Chukwuma right?"
"Naa, that's just for this fish over here.." he said patting Dami's head who scowled at him and shoved his hand.
"To many, it's Damien" he smiled with his full teeth on display. Ifechi felt heat creep to her cheek.
"Alright nice to meet you Damien"
"My pleasure gorgeous"
"Hey" his friend called from the other end where he stood signalling for him to come.
"I have to go, guess I'll see you both later" he said.
"bye smallie", Dami rolled her eyes as she stood in line "Be going to class joorh"
He chuckled and turned to Ifechi "see you later beautiful" he said with a wink.
Ifechi blinked twice He just winked at her. She shook her head and blushed.
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