Dedicated to Isaopata and Marsfootball234
Christmas carol was forthcoming.
Ifechi smiled as she stepped out of her last paper- further maths, always the last subject to be taken during exams.
She sighted Dami and a group of girls not too far off but she didn't walk up to them.
Anita was there.
She decided to walk to the school field, her favourite hang out spot as of recent. The bleachers were almost always empty. Students preferred to hang around the school block or in the canteen seats, or for some of her elite mates, the game room.
She missed hanging out in the extra spacious, exclusive room, Damien told her she could always come whenever, but she wasn't stupid to. As much as they had reconciled, the sight of him and his bae still ached her. Plus with the likes of Grace, and some of those busy body girls in SS3B, the game room was her least favourite spot.
As she walked to a safe spot on the bleachers, she saw a familiar figure resting along the rails a few feet away. Her feet paused involuntarily.
She turned to run.
Too late.
She squeezed her hands into a fist and let out a deep breath before turning.
"What do you want?"
"Hey chill child, I just want to talk"
"Talk? To me...since when"
P.G run his hand over his bushy hair.
"I'm sorry"
She folded her hands. "Well it's about time you apologized"
"Yeah I know, that's why I said I'm sorry"
"Why would you even kiss me out of nowhere"
"Hey shh shh, your voice is too loud, do you want the whole school to hear us? Plus if I remember correctly, you kind of had your revenge when you slapped me, in front of everyone for that matter. Do you know how many guys you can slap and get away freely. I think I deserve an apology too, even if half" he mocked with arms folded, not minding the deep scowl etched on her face.
Ifechi was shocked to the core. "Are you being serious right now?I should apologize to you? Wow...you're such a...infact.. you know what..nevermind....gosh I really really dislike you"
"Awwn thanks" he said and burst out laughing.
"Mtchew" she hissed, turning to leave but he pulled her back.
"Ah ah na, where are you going?"
"Don't touch me!" She spat yanking her hands away. "People like you are the reason I get irritated with most guys"
"Ahh, I was just trying to..."
"I don't even get your P with me! Sometimes you act like we're cool, then you act like I disgust you, now you act like a freaking pervert, what in the world is wrong with you Pedro Godswill?!" She said furious
He stared at her bewildered "I...wow, I didn't know that...."
"Save it" she said and walked off.
The hallway was filled with noise while she was going back to her class. Many students waved at her as she passed. She nodded and smiled at them almost bumping into someone.
"Ah ah" the tiny voice said and Ifechi got ready to apologize but the small frown on the girl's face transformed to a smile when she recognised who it was.
"Oh hi Ifechi"
"Hi Theresa"
Her eyes lit up in surprise. Ifechi sighed inwardly, why did most people seem to be surprised that she knew their names, even the school's nightingale who led the school's anthem at assembly everyday.
Ifechi slipped past thinking their brief interaction was over, but the petite girl called her back.
"Sorry to interrupt you, I am heading to the music room now for rehearsals, we are practicing for Christmas carol"
"Okay?" Ifechi raised a brow.
"..I was wondering if you would like to join choir" Theresa replied.
"Me?" Ifechi said looking around and pointing at herself.
"Do I look like I can sing?" She laughed lightly.
"Voice isn't written on face na, and actually yes you look like you can sing"
Ifechi hmmed. "Oya na, let's go"
The music lab was well furnished, spacious and modern looking. Ifechi wondered why she'd never been there.
"well done" the music teacher/ choir mistress told the nightingale when she brought Ifechi for auditions.
"Fishers of men" a short boy teased them, grinning when Ifechi took the seat in front of him while they waited for the rehearsals to start.
As per fish na. Ifechi snorted.
The teacher tested each of the new members– which were only 5 including herself, in order to assign them to voice categories.
She was put in soprano.
"You have an incredible voice" the teacher told her to her amazement.
"Um..thanks, thanks ma" Ifechi said shyly. She didn't think she was much of a singer, her best concerts were the ones that she– just like most teenagers– had in their bathrooms.
"You'll sing lead" the woman blurted.
"Me?" She turned to look at nightingale and the rest of the choir members who looked at the music teacher, equally shocked.
"Yes, I like your voice, its unique, exactly what I'm looking for, it'll fit the song"
"Ma, she's just a newcomer" a voice spoke up, others murmured in agreement.
"And so? She has a good voice, that's what matters"
"What about Theresa, she always sings lead" a junior student said.
"Theresa will sing the duet with Francis" the woman said dismissively.
"But that's my role!" The previous voice whined and Ifechi turned to look at the owner of the voice.
"Keep quiet before I kick you out of here completely" the woman scolded the girl. Marvelous, who was in SS2 hissed and rolled her eyes folding her arms. Ifechi was amazed at her outright rudeness, and even suspected that she would leave, but the girl stayed, only that she began murmuring and throwing scornful looks at Ifechi.
"It's settled then"
When rehearsals were over, Ifechi threw Theresa an apologetic look, but the girl smiled back at her.
"You don't have to feel guilty, you're good and that's what matters" the humble girl responded.
Ifechi respected and admired her more from that moment.
She felt like a princess when she got on stage during the Christmas carol. The stage was beautifully decorated, just like the rest of the hall. The red ribbons matched the red flowers on her red Christ gown. Amanda even lent her a white tiara to compliment the look. Where her sister had gotten such an acccesory from still marvelled her but that was beyond the point.
Christmas spirit was everywhere, her mum even attended the event.
After the school's choir had sang, with Ifechi doing a solo of O holy Night, the crowd was raging in applause.
"So you can sing, dance, are very pretty and still happen to be super smart on top. Is there anything that you can not do Ifechi?" Korede sighed dramatically in the midst of their friends including Theresa. She threw her head back in light laughter.
"Take it easy o, let your head not sha start blowing" Dami added with a smirk.
She saw Damien not too far away. She waved and became tensed when he began walking up to her.
"Your performance was amazing" he complimented
"Thanks" she said blushing and they stared at each other oblivious to their surroundings for a few seconds till someone cleared their throat.
"I also sang o" Theresa said light heartedly and he smiled at her as well. "You did amazing too"
"Normally" the petite girl said holding her hands up beside her and the rest of the gang laughed freely.
Ifechi smiled at all of them while they gisted happily about the forthcoming holiday, na so first term don finish like this o.
She sighed satisfactory. One down, two to go.
"That's my daughter" her mum smiled deeply, giving Ifechi a proud look.
Ifechi took back her report card, a laminated yellow sheet, that had just come in. She glanced at the reflection of her hardwork.
9 A's. Plus, most of her A's were in the 90th percentile and she had a perfect score in math, the only black sheep was Chemistry. Despite her persistent effort and practice, Mr Paul, the strict chemistry teacher still had the mind to give her 81/100.
And at the top of her sheet was the ultimate win, Position: 1st.
Take that Grace! Her subconscious snickered and Ifechi reprimanded herself for being so petty.
"So mummy, where's my gift?"
"Which gift"
"For coming first na, didn't you see my result, no single B, my average is even more than 90"
"Ehen...I've congratulated you na, or should we buy house or car for you to say well done?" Her mum joked.
Ifechi rolled her eyes smiling. "You gave Chimdi and Kingsley 500 for coming second and third this term, I came first o"
"are you a child...abeg shift joorh" her mum laughed throwing another piece of groundnut in her mouth. Ifechi stomped her feet playfully before walking back to her room.
"These people are clowns o" Amanda blurted scrolling through her phone, Ifechi crawled towards her on the bed.
"What happened?"
"Imagine o, these people have called off the strike."
"For real? Ah ah that's good news na"
"On the 21st? who calls off strike 3 days to Christmas? Worse is, Unilag is busy telling students to resume immediately..who is doing that one with them..Shey it's me they want to deprive of Christmas chicken this year, me that did not eat Easter chicken..God forbid, it's not me and them abeg"
Ifechi shook her head in laughter.
"Ify!" Her mum called.
"Yes ma" she ran to the parlour.
"I forgot to tell you, we are going somewhere on Monday"
Ifechi's face lit up and then a quizzical look took over. "Where?"
"Your dad's friend, your sponsor wants to see you, we are going to his house." Her mum replied eyes fixed on the television
"On Christmas Day?"
"Yes, so go and prepare"
"Bring out your best dress o, I don't want you looking like we don't have money"
"Ah ah mummy, what do you mean na"
"She means you like dressing like a goat sometimes, better wear something reasonable" Amanda yelled from inside, Ifechi rolled her eyes and hissed.
For the next two days she anticipated the visit. For the man to comfortably pay her fees in a school like D.C.A, no one needed to tell her that his family was well to do. She only hoped that the generous man would be more impressed when she showed him her grades.
"Hope you remembered to put your result in your bag?" her mum asked again.
Ifechi did a mental eye roll before answering. "Yes"
Her mum was being extra pushy that day, bossing her unnecessarily, telling her what and what not to do, even what to wear.
'Don't pack your hair that way'
'I don't like the way that earring looks on you, ask Amanda to give you one of hers'
Her dad was twice as bad.
'Is that the only shoe you have to wear?, Wear something better'
'The place we are going to is not a small place o, you better behave yourself'
'Trim your long nails, it makes you look unkempt'
'mtchew...nails that were not even that long' she hissed.
Perhaps she underestimated his wealth. Whoever this man and his family were, they had to be very affluent for her parents this jittery on a simple visit.
When they began the drive to the house, she pulled out her phone and checked WhatsApp, reading messages and responding to some chats. She let out a low sigh when she came across Anita's number. The girl still hadn't replied her text.
'she can be very petty sometimes, just give her some time, she'll come back to herself" Dami had assured her the previous day.
"Mr Okigbae is a very good man o" her mum spoke drawing her attention.
"Do you know much he's paying as school fees for both of you?"
"Both of us?" Ifechi asked.
"Yes na, he has a daughter in your school, Chinaza, do you know her?"
Ifechi thought for a while. "nope, never heard of her"
Her mum turned back to face her. "Really? She's in your class o, SS3"
Ifechi thought again. "She must be in another arm, there are three arms in SS3"
"Okay" the older woman replied shrugging and she faced her husband.
"E ma na umuaka ya na-ocha US na UK?"
(Do you know that most of his kids are abroad?) She said facing the old man who only hmmed in response.
"It's only Chinaza that still schooling in this country o" she added throwing Ifechi another look.
"I'm sure he's also sending her abroad soon, maybe after WAEC" she continued.
"Probably" her dad replied dryly.
When they entered the estate, Ifechi felt a strong sense of familiarity. There were pine trees lined up at the sides of the dual lane road, well trimmed bushes adorning some corners, fancy fences and gates at the front of each house.
She felt like she had been there before, but when?
"Senator Okigbae owns many houses in this estate. Infact, he was among those that built the place" her dad said. They hummed in response.
It was another minute drive when they pulled into a long drive way and Ifechi sat up.
She knew this drive way.
"Is this another road?" Her mum asked, the man beside her shook his head as they came to a stop when a man in black suit halted them.
Her dad had a small conversation with the man and showed him some ID, after which they were allowed to advance.
Ifechi's tension grew steadily as they got closer and closer to the main gate. Her heart race increased as recognition built up in and all around her and her brain became clouds of different emotions: nervousness, fear, excitement and little doubt.
Immediately they entered the wide compound, her mother screamed "Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is this his house?!"
And Ifechi knew she was doomed.
For the mansion in front of her was no other than the one she'd been to three weeks ago for a certain birthday party.
Grace's mansion.
Who is shivering like I am 😬😬😂😂
So Chief Okigbae's house is also Grace's house, what does this mean?
The answer may not be as obvious as you think, or it may🤔 we'll find out in the next chapter.
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