This chapter is for louange1st. Thank you for pushing me to update and inspiring such discipline 😂❤️
She glanced at the mirror once again.
"Now that's how its done" Amanda said smiling to her reflection in the mirror. Ifechi's skin glowed, her scarce pimples covered in brown powder, lips lined boldly in black liner and smoldered with shiny lipgloss.
Taking a deep breath, she lowered herself on the bed and began doing the lace of her shoe.
"You're wearing that?" Amanda scrunched her face distastefully.
Ifechi looked at her white sneakers before looking back at her sister. "yeah why?"
"I don't like it! You need something more fancy"
She rolled her eyes. "The theme is casual"
"Classy casual" Amanda corrected and Ifechi felt a slight regret for telling her every single detail about the party.
"You know I'm the one in charge baa, so you better listen to me unless I'll not allow you to go to the party" she sassed.
Ifechi let out a soft hiss. "Peele o, oya what do you want me to wear?"
Amanda walked to the small shoe rack and pulled out a pair of nude pumps.
Ifechi's eye widened "heels?"
"Hm.. mph and they're not that high" Her sister nodded. "Oya wear them sharp sharp"
Ifechi sighed but she sat back nonetheless, pulled off her sneakers which she found nothing wrong with anyways and slipped on the shoes.
Amanda smiled satisfactorily
"that's my sis right there, you're going to slay this party, trust me everyone's eye will be on you"
Ifechi rolled her eyes "the celebrant nko? shey I told you I want to steal her shine ni"
Amanda hissed playfully "abeg..oya come and be going"
"With pleasure."
Some ten minutes later she was standing at a junction two streets away from her house. Her friends were going to meet her there, she'd given them the location specifically where the junction was. She didn't want anyone to know where she lived or what her home looked like, not even her closest friends.
She didn't know why.
As she watched cars drive by, a group of three women passed her, she greeted them, only one responsed. Rolling her eyes at their back she caught a bunch of passers-by staring at her. Perhaps they thought she was one of those girls that waited at the junction for their boyfriends, or worse did runs.
'children of this generation' she could almost hear their judgemental voices.
A boy whistled at her while she crossed to the other side of the road, deciding it would be easier for her friends to spot her there.
While she waited patiently for another five minutes, her mind wandered to her parents in Imo. They would be enjoying themselves now not knowing that their daughter had sneaked out of the house. Although technically she didn't sneak, as Amanda, the acting head of the house was very much aware of her going out and had supported every bit of it. She'd even assured Ifechi that she would take care of their two younger siblings to ensure that none of them would go snitching when their parents returned the next day.
A sleek black jeep pulling right beside her brought her out of her thoughts. The tinted glass rolled down to reveal a handsome guy with brown shades"
"Good evening gorgeous"
"Don't even think about it Kingsley, she's taken" someone said before she could speak, a female, familiar voice. She heard the door click open before Anita stepped out.
The good looking guy glanced back swiftly before facing her again. "Well I don't see no ring on her finger"
"Werrey.." Anita said giving him a stink eye before turning to her, a wide smile instantly came on.
"Ifeechii!" She cooed.
"I didn't know I was taken"
Anita rolled her eyes then paused dramatically. "Oh my God you look so dazzling"
Ifechi didn't know what else to say so she smiled and nodded. "Thank you, you look beautiful too"
Anita giggled. "I know right....I'm so glad you changed your mind about the party, this night is going to be so fun"
Dami poked her head from the window. "Let's be going ni"
"Wait joorh" Anita hissed before turning and giving Ifechi a big smile. "This night is gonna be so fun" she said again which made Ifechi let out a small sigh.
"I hope so" she muttered.
Grace's house was worth every hype it got from Anita and more.
The driveway into the compound was long enough, made Ifechi wonder if they were going to another street but it was just the entrance.
Her jaw dropped when she saw the house in the center of the huge compound.
A literal mansion.
Na so her papa money reach? She thought.
"Her dad's a senator, what do you expect" Dami said beside her and Ifechi realised she'd thought out loud.
She marvelled at the house once more as she processed Dami's words. Most people knew that Senators in Nigeria were one of the richest people in the country. Their monthly salary counted in tens of millions, plus the numerous extravagant allowances they received. Ifechi even heard there was a "newspaper" allowance for them.
what the hell?
"Call me when you guys want to leave" Anita's brother told her while Ifechi and Dami waited.
"Don't do anything stupid, you hear?" He said to Anita whose face was marred with a frown.
"..don't let her do anything stupid, make sure she doesn't drink or smoke shisha or do any of that nonsense" he said to both of them, although more to Dami.
"And you my gorgeous new friend, have fun iyee, and take care of my mumu sister" he said to Ifechi and gave her a wink before turning back to Anita.
"Bye fish"
Ifechi wanted to burst out laughing but Anita's face didn't show any sign of humour.
"Get out abeg"
"I love you, muaah" Anita sent him off with the middle finger which he replied with the middle finger as well and drove off.
They were led by a man in white and blue suit.
Ifechi became more impressed with each corridor they passed. Whoever did the interior decoration must have gotten a first class in his degree.
"Welcome to the party" the man said as he opened a big door to reveal a very large hall.
"Enjoy!" He said, bowed and left.
"Wowww!!" The three of them said at the same time. The hall was decorated perfectly with white and pink balloons, ribbons, candy sticks and even Christmas lights as the season was nearby. A huge gold chandelier hung in the middle of the wide ceiling that was at least 30 feet. Black and white cushions were arranged at different corners of the hall and a bunch of chairs were piled up in another corner. A buffet stand stood at the end of the right wing with the famous chocolate fountain standing tall, while the middle floor was left empty for dancing. There was a DJ setup at the front where a stage was mounted and a soft music was playing at the background.
"Grace outdid herself as usual" Dami said.
"Outdid? She has maids to do it na" Anita said with a chuckle. Different men and women in white and blue outfits stood at different points, taking orders from the guests and making sure everything was good.
Is this a birthday party or a freaking ball Ifechi thought instantly feeling underdressed.
Anita looked around before sighting a bunch of people at one end. "Oh there's PG and co, let's go" she said to Dami and Ifechi and they trotted along with her passing some of their classmates, exchanging greetings and compliments at one another. A group of C girls eyed them as they walked by, mostly Ifechi who was rather too occupied with admiring her surroundings to notice.
They came to the 'IT' table where most of their popular classmates were seated. Anita plopped down on an empty space next to PG who gave her a small smile and went back to sipping from a black bottle he held.
Ifechi wondered if it was alcohol but her questions were cut short when she saw Damien sitting at the far edge of the seat. He stared at her too and none of them looked away from each other until Ifechi broke the staring contest to search for Aliyah with her eyes. The fair girl was no where to be found, rather a bunch of his classmates including his friends sat with him gisting and drinking whatever were in their hands.
"I'm leaving this side" she told Dami who was talking to a girl from B class, a certain Bisola or so.
"Ah ah why" Dami said cutting her convo short, her eyes followed that of Ifechi's which were involuntarily at her cousin's side and she nodded in understanding. "Okay, don't go too far though and me and Anita will be here"
"No p"
Ifechi walked aimlessly looking at everything and everybody. She didn't even know when she'd reached the food stand.
"Oh hi" she said to one of the workers shyly. The older lady responded with a stiff nod, Ifechi felt like hissing.
She met Jimmy scooping some jollof rice into a red plastic cup.
"What the heck?"
He turned to face her, his cheek swollen from his mouth full of rice. "maf fween, so you fan..yami fay u fuldin maywhe"
"Pls swallow your food before talking" Ifechi said breaking into a fit of laughter, he gave her a weird grin.
"I'm surprised to see you, Dami said you weren't coming" he spoke clearly after swallowing his food.
Ifechi shrugged. "Changed my mind last minute"
"Well it's good you're here, have you tasted the food in this place, it's maaaddd!" he pulled Ifechi with his free hand and she didn't resist. They stopped at the front of the snacks table where he placed some sticks of Samosas on a small plate.
"This one is the best I've eaten this night"
She chuckled "how many things have you eaten already? the party hasn't even started"
Jimmy rolled his eyes "forget that one, try this first" he pushed the plate to her which she took gladly. "heavenly" she said after her first bite
"Abiiii" he sighed dramatically and shoved another spoon of food into his mouth.
They moved to the chocolate fountain, she picked a chocolate cookie and threw it in her mouth, moaning once the delightful flavour melted on her tongue.
"Easy o" Jimmy teased, then he did the most absolutely crazy thing Ifechi could imagine at that point.
He scooped some chocolate into his cup of rice.
"Jimmy!" She shrieked earning a few stares from those around and the boy burst into laughter.
"Wetin na, allow me make I chop" he said laughing while she only shook her head, daring herself to look away from the food blunder he was committing.
"I sha hope you know where the toilet is"
He scrunched his face. "Ew Ifechi"
"So that word is disgusting to you but this isn't?..I tire for you o"
They were cut short by someone tapping the mic and they looked up to see a young guy, probably in his early twenties, with blonde dreadlocks and a hoodie worn over crazy jeans, he gave off the typical "wild teen" look. He yelled into the microphone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for...please welcome the celebrant, our gorgeous, super ravishing, intelligent, beautiful, elegant, classy and amazing girl, give it up for Graceee"
Everyone burst into applause as another door, bigger than the main entrance were opened by two men in blue suits. Party lights danced around the entrance and smoke shot up from the ground before spotlight was placed to reveal Grace in a beautiful fluffy pink gown and golden heels. Her two friends stood behind her, both looking gorgeous in their matching pink outfits, though a different shade. It was an apt definition of picture perfect.
Everyone gasped as the trio walked passed to the special seat reserved for the celebrant.
A birthday song began playing and everyone gathered in a circle facing the celebrant's seat to sing along.
Once Grace had cut her cake, the party was declared open immediately and noise filled the ear as the DJ blasted 'In my Masserati" in the highest volume.
"Na now party don start!" Someone shouted and everyone cheered.
The party was actually dope. The MC was funny as heck, they played tons of fun games, both creative ones that made Ifechi wonder who came up with such brilliance, and the perverted ones like "truth or dare" that she wasn't a fan of.
She stayed at the far end for majority of the event, sipping a bottle of chilled Fanta and watching the rest of the guests have fun.
Once, a tall handsome boy that Ifechi had never seen before was dared to sing a love song to any girl from the crowd. He chose Emmanuella, who became a blushing mess by the time he was done.
Too bad the guy didn't attend their school.
She was told by Dami, that he and a bunch of other posh looking kids were Grace's friends from the estate- her fellow ajebo kids.
She wondered what it would be like to be Grace, to be rich and have rich friends that can spray her 1000 notes on her birthday.
"Children of the most high are you ready?" The MC screamed snapping her back to reality.
"Yesssssss" they screamed in response.
Ifechi found herself in a frenzy as people rushed towards the middle to grab their dancing spots. It was time to dance and dance and dance some more.
Or as the MC had said, time to shake body.
She decided to remain at the corner and brought out her phone to play games when an unexpected visitor came.
"Never pegged you as a party person"
She felt an urge to hiss and roll her eyes but decided otherwise so she forced a small smile.
"Contrary to popular belief, I have a social life" She replied. PG chuckled softly revealing his teeth which she rarely saw.
"You look good though" He said running his eyes over her body in one glance. "Very good"
"Thanks, same" she said in a monotone even though she had to admit that he looked good too, hot even.
"Ah ah na, are we fighting?"
"See how you replied me.." he said laughing and she looked at him weirdly wondering what was funny, had he been drinking?
"You know what, let's dance"
She eyed him warily. "Ehh? Dance?"
He shrugged. "Yes"
"Me and you?"
He looked at her weirdly. "I mean there's no other person here so it's obviously you I'm talking to"
She hissed. "No thank you, I don't want to dance" she brought her phone to her face deciding to ignore him if he continued.
"Oh come on" he said snatching her phone away in one swipe.
"What the hell Pedro..I mean PG, give me my phone back"
He grinned at her frowning face"Not until you say yes"
"Look I don't have time for this, as you can see girls plenty here, I no get your strength"
"So she speaks pidgin" PG said, a mischievous smirk on his lips.
Ifechi scrunched her nose. "What's wrong with you this night?"
"What's wrong with me?" He asked playing dumb.
"Give me my phone abeg"
"Say please"
"Stop na!" She yelled but her voice was drowned by the loud music. She reached closer to take her phone but Pedro only dragged it farther away, extending his hand until she could not reach it as he was taller. He laughed as she struggled, moving his body from side to side.
Ifechi was not finding it funny.
"What is all this nonsense? since when did this rubbish play start, are we friends ni? Give me my phone joorh"
He paused and his face was drained of the teasing smile. Ifechi sighed thinking it was over and she'd succeeded in offending him, they could now go back to disliking each other, but just when she was about to collect the phone from his hand, he raised it up again.
"Ohhhmmm PG!!!"
"If you want to collect it say yes first"
"Yes to what"
"Dance with me"
She eyed him scornfully, hissed and eyed him some more.
"That face doesn't fit you, you're much more beautiful when you smile"
Surely he had to have drank, perhaps that thing he was drinking had alcohol in it. But he didn't look drunk, not to her at least.
"Oya fine" she said after struggling in vain for another minute. "let's go and dance"
He stopped and looked at her. "Are you sure?"
"Shey you'll not give me my phone unless I do so?"
He smiled satisfactorily then to her amazement, moonwalked stylishly till he was some feet away from her. His sleek moves earned him a few stares, everyone knew he was good at dancing, Ifechi felt a slight uneasiness as she walked closer to meet him on the dance floor, she wasn't looking for any attention this night.
They danced, well he danced, she just stood looking at him with her arms crossed.
"You know you're not dancing right? I guess you don't want this" he said showing her the phone and Ifechi grabbed the opportunity and snatched her phone back from him. He laughed at her sneaky attitude.
"What's funny?"
"You're gorgeous"
She could not take it any more. "Ahhh, I dunno what is wrong with you this night but it's really weird, pls stop, it's making me uncomfortable"
"Stop what?" He said, he was still moving his body in swift dance moves.
"Calling me beautiful and gorgeous"
"Aren't you beautiful and gorgeous"
"That's not the point.."
'Beginning" by Joeboy came on next and Ifechi's countenance switched up in a second, PG noticed immediately.
"You like this song I guess?"
She forced a frown back on, annoyed at her self for letting him know. "No"
"Your body says otherwise"
She stopped her head from bobbing but her disobedient feet wouldn't stop tapping to the beats. "I don't like the song....I love it!"
PG looked like he had just won a lottery.
"Alright, lemme see some moves then"
Ifechi rolled her eyes, but she couldn't stop the smile that spread on her lips even if she wanted to.
Soon she found herself moving her body to the beat and Pedro was beside her in a second and then the both of them started to dance, Pedro making up the moves while she followed, it was like a planned choreography, except it was spontaneous and she couldn't find the will power to stop.
"Special type of feeling that I feel when I'm with you...."
"You can dance o" PG said bobbing his head to the rhythm as he did the shaku shaku.
Ifechi rolled her eyes with a smile"Of course I can"
By the time the song had ended, they had become the center of attention and the crowd cheered for them to continue when the next song came on.
"We no know say we get Michael Jackson and Khafi for house o" the MC hollered and Ifechi giggled at their new nicknames.
"Ooohhh, I love this one!" Ifechi cooed when the next track came on. It was 'Dumebi' by Rema, one of her favourites.
By now the middle of the dance floor was almost empty as everyone had cleared to the side to see the both of them dance.
So much for not staying unnoticed. Her subconscious teased but at that point she was too high to care.
They danced and danced and danced till the music was halfway and then the DJ switched to "Fall" by Davido and the atmosphere became more soft. Everyone grabbed a dance partner and closed in on the dance floor once more.
He pulled her close and to his surprise Ifechi didn't resist.
"I was wrong about you" he said as he wrapped an arm around her back. She slid hers around his neck.
"About what?"
"You're not as boring as I thought"
She rolled her eyes. "Gee thanks, I'm so flattered"
He chuckled softly and she found herself smiling involuntarily. "You can dance sha"
He raised a brow. "Me? You're the one that was killing it out there, see how everybody is looking at you"
"Well its not my fault, you're the one that made me dance"
"And I don't regret it, you literally stole the show, I just hope you didn't offend her royal Highness Miss Williams"
She felt her cheek turn red as she chuckled. "thanks"
"You're welcome" he smiled at her, their eyes held briefly before she looked away.
"My leg is paining me, I just remembered that I'm wearing heels"
"Awwn should I carry you to your seat?"
She hissed playfully "Werrey"
They danced slower than they were doing before. Ifechi noticed a few people were still staring at them, but many had become occupied with something else.
"Can I kiss you?"
She paused to look at him. "Wha..."
But he didn't let her finish before claiming her lips.
It took Ifechi five whole seconds to register what was happening. His lips felt warm, she tasted bullet and something else, so that was what he was drinking?
Wait what the heck?
Realising herself she jerked away suddenly breaking the kiss and giving herself two seconds to regain her senses before...
Phew, what a weird way to end a party right?
I'm not good at describing parties, never actually been to a teen birthday party so most of what I'm writing are from other stories I've read so please bare with me.
What would you have done if you were in Ifechi's shoes?
And what would you do if you were PG.
Comment below😁
And please vote and share
God bless you❤️
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