Is this a double update I see?🤯
Yes it is😂 I know I'm not as consistent as I want, but I'll improve😌
Enjoy the chapter...
"What do you want?" Damien's voice was stoic.
"Ifechi..thank God I found you" the girl said totally ignoring the boy beside her.
"How did you know we were here?" He asked again, this time a hint of disdain laced in his voice as he folded his arms and leaned against the table staring, no glaring at the nerdy looking girl in his front.
Temi turned to him and rolled her eyes before replying "saw the both of you walking to this building together, so I came here to look for you, I checked all the other labs and classes but you weren't there so I figured to come here, since it was the last place I hadn't checked. Plus I heard your voices a little"
Ifechi looked from the girl to Damien by her side, she caught him muttering what sounded like 'weirdo' before he peeled his eyes away from the girl. She frowned at his attitude before turning to face a passive looking Temiola.
"I dunno if I came at the wrong time" Temi said, a hint of sarcasm mixed with boredom in her tone.
Ifechi smiled at her "no it's okay what happened?"
The girl returned Ifechi's smile once she saw it "Mr Udochie is calling you"
"Oh" Ifechi replied, she guessed it must be something relating to the competition. With a sullen look she turned to face Damien who was already busy on his phone she didn't know he carried.
"I have to go now...it was nice hanging out with you"
His face met hers and he beamed widely, showing off his perfect dentition "me too"
"Bye" Ifechi said before leaving with Temi, he stared at her retreating figure, admiring the view of her backside shamelessly as she walked when he caught Temi staring at him. He gave her a 'what' look, the girl only shook her head before following Ifechi leaving him alone in the room.
Ifechi and Temi arrived at the staff room, which wasn't very far away from the building they'd just left. She glanced often at Temi who spared a glance every now and then as well, both walking into the staff room of the stern maths teacher together.
"What is she doing here?" A voice spoke and that was when she noticed Grace sitting ever so poised on one of the wooden seats in front of the teacher's desk, her arms entwined with each other, back straightened and chin up in her usual magnificent posture that made Ifechi to begin to wonder if she attended elegance lessons or something.
Temi let out a sigh only Ifechi noticed. "She's with us, she's going for the competition"
Grace looked shocked for some seconds but she quickly composed herself, putting on an indifferent look as she turned back to her front, the teacher emerged from the adjoining convenience immediately.
"Oh you're both back, you're complete then, perfect!" He said adjusting his seat, Temi and Ifechi took seats beside Grace, borrowing another chair from the teacher's desk next to his.
"Good afternoon sir" Ifechi greeted, peering into the expensive watch on Grace's hand to confirm the time being just a few minutes past noon.
He handed them a bunch of questions each and they took it and glanced through it while he explained.
"I know that your midterm break starts tomorrow, permit me to borrow one of your holidays, we have just a day to revise" he said specifically to Ifechi as the other girls didn't seem to mind and she appeared to be the one new to all of these.
She nodded.
"Temi and Grace, you two have represented the school in competitions before and you followed us last year for this one, even if it was just to watch, but Ifechi.." he said turning to the girl "...this is your first time and I'll have you know that this is one of the biggest competitions held in the state, numerous schools especially top schools will be there, the competition is quite tough..."
"Exactly sir..." Grace interrupted, the man turned to her not seeming to mind that she cut him off mid sentence
"Yes Grace?"
"You've said it yourself, this competition is one of the toughest, top schools like Graceland, Stemfield, Hale High, Royal College and more will be there...Temi and I have been going for competitions since our junior days, but she...." She said the last part motioning to Ifechi.
"I don't think she's ready for this sir" Grace blurted not oblivious to the heated look that Ifechi sent her way.
"Sir I...." Ifechi started to protest but stopped when the man raised a hand to shut her off, she turned to glare at Grace who had a small smirk on glossed lips.
The man seemed to be thinking for a moment before he raised his head and looked Grace square in the eye.
"Did you see her maths script?" He asked suddenly surprising them, Ifechi's heart leaped in joy when she saw the smirk vanish from the girl's lips.
"Did you?" He asked again, Grace looked astounded but soon recomposed herself as she answered with a thick "no"
"Good." The man said straightening himself "her script...is the first script I'm marking without seeing a single mistake, you my friend have gotten excellent scores, you've reached the 99 point once, but there was always one silly mistake keeping you away from that 100 mark" he said refering to Grace who fumed quietly in her seat.
"Don't underestimate her miss Williams, she's just as good as you, maybe even better" he finished giving Grace a stern look, Ifechi felt like she could die of happiness at that point. She turned to Grace who looked like someone had just jabbed a fist at the part of her body that stored her ego, she wanted to laugh.
Serves you right...rubbish!"
She thought as she sank back into her seat comfortably, Temi beside her was smiling as well, obviously enjoying the savage response the teacher gave the snotty girl.
"We will do some revisions tomorrow, starting from 8 sharp, so be here on time"
"Yes sir" they all chorused except for Grace.
"You can go, remember to study those questions" he said and they got up to leave.
"Its good for her, I don't know why she likes doing that...putting others down as if she's better than everybody" Temi spat once they were outside the building.
Ifechi only shrugged in response.
"By the way I'm happy for you, you really deserve a spot in this competition after your outstanding performance" Temi spoke, Ifechi smiled delightfully having gotten a commendation from someone she seemed so smart.
"What did you get in your maths test" she blurted out without thinking twice. She was very curious to know what the smart girl who she always saw in her books got, she only regretted asking the question seconds later when the girl hadn't replied, she didn't want it to look like she was prying.
"You don't hav...."
"93" the girl seemed downcast, Ifechi wondered why she looked sullen, her score was good.
"That's a great score!"
"Yeah...well compared to your and Grace's, it's pathetic...I should have done better, I'm still surprised Mr Udochie chose me for this competition"
Ifechi felt bad for her "it's okay, I guess it's because he knows you still have potential, after all, you're one of the smartest girls in our class" she assured.
Temi looked at her and smiled a little, she wanted to protest, to beat herself up more for scoring what she deemed so poor but she decided to honour the light skinned girl beside her. "Thanks...you're really sweet"
Ifechi blushed "sure thi....." She was cut short by someone shoving her shoulder forcefully, she didn't have to turn as Grace walked past them, her nose in the air, swaying her hips confidently as if she didn't just bump into Ifechi intentionally in a bid to make her move out the way.
Ifechi felt her blood boil with rage, she was about to walk up to Grace when Temi dragged her back. "Its not worth it"
She exhaled deeply, letting all the anger go.
The girl in front just kept walking as if nobody else mattered, her black Chanel bag swung over one shoulder stylishly as she approached the school's parking lot where Ifechi and Temi saw a sleek, black jeep parked in the spacious arena. It was the latest model mercedes Benz, a young man in suit waited beside the door and pulled it open when Grace got closer.
The two girls stared in awe as she got into the flashy vehicle, the black suited man closing the door after her, after which he ran to the driver's side and got in. The car moved a few seconds later and zoomed out of the pathway and out the school premises.
Maddo Ifechi wanted to exclaim but Temi beat her to it.
"Some people just got to be born lucky ain't it"
Ifechi could only nod in agreement
The afternoon was still young when Ifechi arrived home. She pulled out the question booklet from her bag before dumping both on the bed and plopping down on it, not even bothering to change out of her uniform.
She had to win this competition.
If not for anything, to prove to Grace that she was better than she thought and make her regret what she said about her.
She knew anger and revenge wasn't a good fuel for studying but she waved the thought aside opening the past questions with a pencil in her hand. The booklet has questions and then answers to all the questions behind the book so she was going to mark herself when she was done.
A beep from her phone tore her eyes away from the paper, she reached her bedside table and retrieved the small techno phone she barely ever used. She double tapped on the screen to unlock it and tapped on the new SMS she'd received, it was an unknown number.
Unknown number: come online!
That was it?! Hissing, she returned the phone to its position when another message from the same number came in.
Unknown number: it's me Damien
Her eyes widened in shock and she immediately saved his no, before turning on her data and going to her WhatsApp. His message was the first thing she saw, having being sent just a minute ago.
Damien❣️😊: pretty girl😚
She didn't know why she giggled, she didn't even realise she was giggling until she typed a response
Her: who is this?
She typed, pretending like she hadn't saved her no, his reply came in almost immediately.
Damien❣️😊: haa..she's finally online....
Damien ❣️😊: wait...didn't you see my text message but it showed read...
She rolled her eyes typing back a response but his came in faster
Damien❣️😊: it's Damien btw
Her: How did you get my no?
Damien ❣️😊: AHH nawa o, it's that the good afternoon I get?😂
Her: ans joorh
Damien ❣️😊: lol okay... someone gave it to me..
Her: 🙄duhh, obviously genius, someone most have given it to you, unless you're a serial stalker that is good with hacking people's account.
Damien ❣️😊: ahhh wahala😂😂😂😂 all these girls and their problem sha...
She rolled her eyes still awaiting his response. Though she didn't mind, she still felt like knowing how he got her number, even though her sixth sense told her who it was.
Her: oga I'm waiting o😏
Damien ❣️😊: 😳ok ok it's Damilola.. happy now?😂
Her: okay😊
Damien ❣️😊: lol..what's with girls and asking all these questions sef..is it necessary sef
Her: Ehen na, how do we know the person chatting with us is not one serial killer like that
Damien❣️😊: ah no na...fine boy like me..I don't do such,
She rolled her eyes at his reply when another one came in
Damien ❣️😊: you should even be happy I'm chatting with you, on a normal fine boys like me na girls dey rush me
She scoffed even if she believed it was true
Her: I never knew you were this humble...😏
Damien ❣️😊: 😂😂😂😂
Her: ..besides, you should also be happy that a fine girl like me is entertaining you...do you know how many guys are begging in my Dm? 😌
She sent the reply giggling to herself. If only they were boys in her DMs. The only males she had in her contact list was her father and some of her other relatives. Her friend from church was the only teenage guy in her WhatsApp with Damien being the second.
Damien❣️😊: oshey🙌 I forgot you're a spec😍, forgive me your highness.🙇
She blushed at his reply..did he just call her a spec
Damien ❣️😊: Am I forgiven?
Her: for apologising like a gentleman, yes..you're forgiven 😌
Damien ❣️😊:😂😂😂
Damien ❣️😊: so what could a pretty girl like you doing by this time?
Ifechi threw a glance at her study materials before sending a reply.
Her: studying.
His reply was fast and automated, she wondered how quickly he typed.
Damien ❣️😊: studying😳 when exams are over....o I forgot I'm talking to Albert Einstein here🙌🙇
She let out a loud laughter while typing.
Her: no...well yes, it's actually for a competition.
Damien ❣️😊: 😳a competition?! When is it?
Her: this Saturday
Damien ❣️😊: Holy shit! I must be disturbing you, sorry dear lemme go offline...
Ifechi frowned not wanting him to leave and cringing at his choice of words.
Her: 😏which one is holy _ must you swear
Damien ❣️😊: lol...forgive me, Holy Mary, mother of God.
She rolled her eyes at his immature response.
Her: Children of God don't use foul language, check Ephesians 4:29
Damien ❣️😊: lol...I've heard ma, I'll not do it again.
Her: 😌good
Her: so what are you doing?
Damien ❣️😊: oh me...nothing o, just chatting with one very fine girl like that.
She felt heat creeping up to her cheeks.
Her: hmmm...which girl is this? Do I know her?
Damien ❣️😊: maybe, maybe not, maybe she's you..maybe she's not😌😌🤷🙈
Her: ode!😂
Damien ❣️😊: but you like this ode😌
"What the..." She found herself saying out loud while her fingers danced happily across the keypad typing her next reply. As usual, his own came in first.
Damien ❣️😊: don't worry, this ode likes you too.
She bit her lips to stop them from smiling too much.
Her: I'm blushing o🙈🤭😂😂
His reply was a brief 'lol'. They kept on chatting, few minutes turned to hours and before she knew it, Ifechi was lying down with her whole attention on her phone. The maths questions and pencil sprawled across the other side of her bed, now completely abandoned.
She didn't seem to mind.
After all, she still had Friday....
And that ladies and gentlemen is how I choose to end this chapter.
Adiós amigos...God bless you❣️❣️
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