Double update 🎊🎊🎊 first time in history😂😂
Random fact- I'm listening to "Roju" by Chike as I'm writing this chapter 🤗
This chapter is dedicated to peppey_ar as my new follower, thank you Girl🤗
She felt like she was dreaming
But when Ifechi opened her eyes, the stinging pain that instantly engulfed her left eye reminded her that she wasn't.
Wincing in pain, she shut them back immediately, deciding to keep it shut when she felt hands tapping her.
"Hey wake up"
"Is she sleeping?" Someone else asked. Ifechi flung her eyes open, just as someone muttered 'i swear I saw her move just now,'
"Oh she's awake thank God"
She saw faces above her, all of which were blurry. Someone extended a hand to her. She hesitated at first, the cold floor suddenly becoming comfortable for some weird reason. She accepted it a few seconds after, helping herself into a sitting position against her body's wishes.
"We thought you fainted" it was a girl's voice "Well you did, that's why we brought you here...." The girl said causing Ifechi to look around.
She wasn't in the sports arena. The walls of the room were blue, light blue, has curtains, some white wooden tables. It didn't take two brain cells for her to know she was in the school's clinic.
She fainted?
She'd never fainted in her life before, well until then..
'No wonder the floor suddenly seemed comfortable' she thought looking at the bed she was on. It had blue bedsheets, same pattern as the curtains.
".....Mr Segun wanted to carry you but we said no cause yunno," the girl continued as Ifechi carried on in scrutiny of her surrounding.
"...so me, Boma and Chisimdi brought you" Ifechi turned to the girl just as she finished her sentence. She recognised the tall girl as the server from the other team, besides her was her own teammate, the one who was friendly to her and then another face she didn't find familiar.
"Thank you...all of you" was the first thing she replied. The girl smiled "you're welcome"
"What of the others?"she found herself asking
"Oh they stopped the game, but I think they've started again, I'm not sure" she replied half heartedly, Ifechi's heart sank.
They started the game back? After what happened to her.
The girl started saying something but was cut short when the school nurse, a fair, chubby woman walked into the room.
"Girls, you can go now, thank you for bringing her" she spoke softly to the three girls that had accompanied her to the clinic
"Okay ma" the tall girl replied, she turned to the girl on the bed "Bye bye" they all waved at her and Ifechi smiled in response waving too.
"Good afternoon ma" she found herself greeting the woman who was at the wooden table taking something out of a plastic drug bottle.
Hope those pills aren't for me
She cringed looking at the tiny, white solids on the spoon which she held. "Good afternoon dear, how do you feel?"
"My eyes are still paining me"
The woman sighed, it was a soft sigh free from any harshness. "They told me what happened" she said coming towards the bed with a small cup and a bottle of water.
"Those girls need to be careful with the way they play, see how terrible the injury is...thank God it's only swollen a little, imagine if they made you blind" she said finally.
Wait! Her face was swollen?
She acted spontaneously, moving her hands to her face, her eyes specifically...she flinched at how awful the pain was when her hand touched the slightly elevated part, about a centimetre away from her eye lids.
"Don't touch it!" The nurse shrieked, sounding harsher than she wanted to. "Touching it will make it worse..." She explained extending the plastic cup and water in her hands.
"Drink this...to help with the pain" she said, Ifechi took it from her hands, peering into the two white tablets of painkillers.
Oh how she hated paracetamol.
"There is an oil that will help with the swelling, I've already instructed someone to call the sanitary prefect. He is the one with it" she said draping her handbag over her shoulder.
Ifechi frowned, was she leaving her alone?
"Its 1:47, but I need to be somewhere before 2:30" the woman explained as if reading her thoughts.
Ifechi did a mental eye roll at the excuse.
"He will soon be here though...."
He? The Sanitary prefect? It was a he?
Her question got answered almost immediately when a boy walked in. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was. Tall, not-too-lanky, fair skin, very black hair and those eyes she couldn't be mistaken about.
She knew it was him even before she got a complete view of his face.
So Damien was a prefect?
Is that why he was hoarding that small box around the field?
Did he do that everyday?
"Oh you're here, thank God..." the nurse said to him, bringing Ifechi out of her thoughts. ".....Remember to lock up once school is over, don't attend to any other student after that"
He nodded and watched her leave, before turning to meet the patient on one of the two beds in the clinic. He paused.
"I never knew you were the sanitary prefect" she blurted before she could stop herself.
He composed himself, shrugging in response as he dragged a chair beside the bed and sat on it.
"Whoa" he said at once acknowledging the big red bump on her left eye.
Ifechi stated at him weirdly, before the realisation hit her. She suddenly became self conscious. "Is it that bad?"
"You have no idea" he scoffed playfully, almost chuckling.
She rolled her eyes "gee thanks!"
He stopped laughing when he noticed the sarcasm accompanied by the frown on her face
She didn't reply.
"I'm not joking though, here take, see for yourself" he said passing a small mirror from inside the first aid box he opened.
"Geeeezzzz" Ifechi exclaimed upon seeing her face in the mirror.
"No no no, this is bad.. this is really bad" she half cried into her reflection. Her fair face looked pale and the swollen area was a deep shade of red, it made her left eye look half closed and it definitely didn't make her look cute....at all.
How was she going to go home like this? Or even come to school for that matter?
"You could rock an eye patch" Damien replied, she snapped her head at him wondering if she'd said her thoughts loud.
He confirmed her thoughts "you asked how you will come to school abi?"
"Ehen so which one is rock an eye patch...does this look like it's funny?" She said scowling with confusion which caused him to laugh.
"I'm just joking" he said "well not really....you could still do it, I mean it would be hilarious" he joked, his humour didn't match hers as she hissed and turned back to the mirror.
His face fell and he immediately recalled his main job for being there "Take"
She looked at the tube in his hand, it was the oil or balm or whatever, that was supposed to help with the swelling.
"Thank you" she said taking it from his hands, she squeezed a tiny bit from the tube and rubbed it on the boil lightly, moving her finger in a circular motion
"You're doing it wrong"
"Huh?" She said scowling at the pretty boy.
"You're wasting the ointment...you're supposed to massage it into the injury, to let it sip through" he said as she looked at him in confusion, going back to massaging the wound just as he had taught when he added "...plus you're using way to little"
She dropped the tube on the bed frustratingly and turned to him. His lips were in a small smirk, as if seeing her confused figure amused him.
"Let me help you" he said and grabbed the tube before Ifechi could object. She exhaled softly when he moved closer to her, squeezing some of the balm into his index finger.
She closed her eyes expecting it to be very painful. Surprisingly, it wasn't. It did sting because his hands were firm, massaging it better than she was, but it was also kind of soothing...like when you popped a pimple and then felt relief immediately.
"Thanks" she said when he was done, he nodded
"Did she give you any painkillers?"
Ifechi suddenly remembered the plastic cup and water she'd abandoned on the stool near the bed, she reached for it throwing the tablets into her mouth and gulping down water immediately.
She raised her eyebrows as she wiped her lips dry with the back of her palm "what?"
"Nothing, it's just...the way you swallowed that drug like..heeegg" he made a weird shivering noise that sent her giggling.
"You hate drugs?"
"I detest them"
"Me too"
He quirked an eyebrow "but you just downed them now like a pro, without even thinking twice... this girl I'm beginning to fear you ooo you sabi murder person" he said causing her to laugh even more.
"Seriously" he spoke while she was still laughing.
"Well I do, I hate drugs...that's the more reason why I'd rather swallow them quickly than let them stay in my mouth long. I prefer injections"
"Me too!" He drawled.
"Ehhh? You that look like someone that'll start crying even before the needle even gets in" she mocked as she watched him grin
"Taarh" he retorted "lemme hear word..look at who is accusing me, small ball that hit you, your whole body is already red" he joked, her smile faded at the memory.
Grace hit her...she saw it in her eyes, it was as if she did it purposely.
It was sad that everyone else saw it as an accident, which she also would have believed it was, if she didn't know how much the girl seemed to hate her.
"I'm sorry, don't mind me" Damien apologized when he noticed the girl's mood had changed, his words snapped Ifechi back to reality and she took a few seconds comprehending his apology.
"No oh, no...don't apologize" she rushed. He looked back at her before she shook her head softly
"I mean, it's me that should be apologizing"
He became confused "For what?"
"yesterday...yunno yelling at you and all, I was rude"
"Oh" he said when the memory came back. He'd even forgotten their unfriendly encounter the previous day. He was used to ignoring the past and looking to the future. "Its alright"
"Really? You forgive me?"
"Sure" he smiled "it's no biggie, I barely even remembered sef"
"Oh....um thank you"
"You're welcome".
They became quiet after that, both sitting opposite each other, him on the chair while she remained on the bed.
"If I may ask why were you so angry though?" He said breaking the silence.
"I was in a bad mood"
She sighed about to reply when he cut her off "oh you were...erm..were you on your....yunno" he scratched the back of his neck, blushing slightly.
He was talking about her period
"Noo" she whined embarrassingly
"Sorry sorry" he said laughing "I just thought so cause I heard girls are usually in a bad mood when going through their menstrual cycle"
"That's not true...well it is....somehow...but no I wasn't, I'm not on my period, I just..."
He looked at her edging her to go on but she just sighed "nevermind, I dunno what to say" she admitted and he smiled, tilting his head a little and staring at her intently as if he was trying to figure something out of her face. She looked away from him, too shy to meet his eyes.
"What's the time?" She asked when his stares were getting too uncomfortable. He turned to his watch "1:52"
So all this while, they'd spent only five minutes!
"Time is going slowly" he voiced her thoughts
"I know right!" She groaned, he laughed as he shut the red box close and stood up. Ifechi watched him soberly as he pulled the seat he was on to its former position.
"Are...are you going?" She asked, half regretting it afterwards when she heard how desperate she sounded.
"Do you want me to stay?"
She bit her lips, looking at his extremely handsome face, his pink lips somewhat pulled into a smirk. "Yes" she admitted "at least till it's school over"
He thought for a few seconds then took out the seat once more and plopped down on it.
She didn't hide her smile.
Incase you've not noticed, I'm horrible at describing people😂😂 it just feels weird writing all those
"he had eyes like honeycomb, hair like silver, his sharp jaw line could slice through diamond" and the rest😂😂
Not that they're bad though, but they feel too cheesy to write.
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God bless you ❣️
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