Ifechi wasn't used to changing schools. Throughout her life, she had switched schools just once and that was in primary and only because they moved from their previous house and now, her memories of how she had coped with the new environment were almost inexistent that she didn't know how to feel about the new environment.
Having been a boarder in an all girl's secondary school since her jss1, she was used to the stress of of an all girl's boarding school. The numerous female drama, junior and senior student wahala and just the entire culture of living with about two thousand other girls for 5 years had rubbed off on her. She had gotten used to waking up at 4am, dressing her bed in the compulsory white bedsheet and dorm color bed-end and fetching at least 6 buckets of water every day for both herself, and the two seniors or 'school mothers' that she had to serve.
She had also gotten used to being walked on and bullied by senior students who thought they had arrived because they were classes above and staying quiet because it was an unseen tradition to do so in hope that you would also get your revenge on the junior students during your senior years, a tradition she never really understood and one she definitely didn't conform to.
She was somewhat glad to leave what she called a 'hell hole' and the life in it and move forward, only that her excitement would have been much more if only this change had come about 3 to 4 years ago.
Her new school was beautiful though, it was quite big for a private secondary school, with buildings painted yellow and blue. The only thing that made it not to look like a police station were the streaks of white writing "D.C.A" on each of the walls. Few students also roamed the premises in their white shirt and yellow and blue checked skirts. Very few wore the school's blazer which was a blue and yellow striped jacket. Although, she liked their uniform, she still preferred the white and blue of her previous school.
"Good morning ma'am, how may I help you?" A young fair woman greeted Ifechi and her mother when they stepped into a one story building labelled as 'ADMIN'. It was the only one storey building within the vicinity.
"Good morning dear, please I'm here to see Mr Powers, the principal" her mom replied
Principal Powers see name na Ifechi thought to herself stiffling a chuckle.
"Ok, please what is your name ma?"
"Mrs Okereke, just tell him Mr Okigbae sent us"
"Ok, please have a seat while I ring his secretary" The receptionist said motioning to the black couch by the side of the wall.
"Alright, thank you" Ifechi's mother said smiling clearly pleased at the respectfulness of the administrative clerk
'Well it's a reputable school, their staff may as well be good' she thought while letting herself sink into the soft leather with her daughter taking the spot besides her, the reception was very quiet as they were the only ones there, infact, it was as if the entire office was empty but considering the fact that it was the first day of the session, it wasn't surprising.
They both admired the interior of the reception, the walls were painted white and there was a mini chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Black cushions were placed at both sides of the room with a small polished wooden table in the middle. Ifechi looked at the medium sized picture frames with some aged faces on it and their labels. She assumed them to be past principals or at least some important members of the school administration.
The other pictures didn't need labelling. The embroidered sashes along with the respective crowns that adorned the heads of the teenage boys and girls told Ifechi it was pictures of the past or present parade winners of the school. One was a beautiful slim ,dark skinned girl wearing a green and white floral dress. To her left was a tall, fair boy dressed in a white tuxedo with green tie, the sashes across their bellies read "Mr and Miss independence respectively" . There were also a Mr and miss commonwealth, miss cultural week and the glorious 'Mr and Miss D'Champions' which was obviously the most honourable title given how big the crown and picture was compared to the others.
One thing was for sure, the school did do a lot of fashion parades.
"Mrs Okereke" the young lady called out after a while bringing Ifechi out of her thoughts "You can go to his office now, it's on the top floor, the last by the right"
"Ok thank you" the woman said standing up and walking towards the stairs with Ifechi tagging along. They got to the top floor with ease since it was just two floors in the building. Like the ground floor, everywhere was painted white and had a good interior. Ifechi's mother walked to the last door by her right as directed, opening it, she met a room similar to that of the reception but smaller with a short dark man sitted at the corner answering his phone. When he saw her, he quickly mouthed something into the receiver and removed the phone from his ear to greet them
"Good morning, Mrs Okereke right?" He said in a thick Hausa accent
"You can go in"
"Thank you" and with that they opened another door which led them to a much bigger room and a much better interior. At the side of the entrance was a huge, empty space, a large window at the end which gave a nice view of the entire school compound, beside it was a long white fridge and a black shelve.
At the opposite side of the room were brown leather cushions that formed a small quadrangle with a glass table in the center and some magazines on top. Next to the last cushion by the end was a big plant in brick vases and at the other end of the large room was a large black office table, two chairs at one side and at the opposite sat Mr Powers talking loudly over the phone, his office chair turned towards the window so that his back was to the visitors who he was still oblivious of their presence. He turned his seat laughing at whatever business he had on the gadget on his hand when he saw his guests.
"Ok Honey, I'll call you later. Bye" he whispered to his mobile before switching it off and turning to the two ladies..well one actually who were still standing by the door.
"Mrs Ngozi Okereke" he said, a big smile plastered on his face while he walked towards them his hands extended out for a handshake "it's a pleasure to meet you, I've been expecting you, come on in" he spoke in fine English with a slight accent.
"Nice to meet you too sir good morning sir" Mrs Okereke said bowing her head slightly in greeting while bending her knees a little, something she did when she greeted people she felt were well above her. She motioned to her daughter who greeted also
"Good morning sir" Ifechi said and the man's eyes turned to her
"And you must be Ifechi, the brilliant girl" he said smiling at her "
"So how are you two doing" the principal said addressing them while taking his seat across
"We are fine o, how's the family?" Her mom replied while Ifechi looked around shamelessly admiring the beauty of the office
"Oh good good, we are doing good" he said then turned to the teenager beside the woman
"Ifechi how was your summer holiday?" He asked the amazed looking girl still staring at walls of his office
"Fine sir, it was fine sir" she answered not taking her eyes off the weirdly patterned ceiling which she was now admiring till her mother pinched her lightly making her jerk a little
"I take it you're happy to be in your final year of secondary school aren't you?" He asked
" Oh yes, very very happy" she said truthfully, she wasn't sure of what SS3 was like in her new school but she was sure of one thing and that was wanting to graduate and leaving this stage of life
"Great then, I know you're a very smart girl so there's nothing to be worried about, just keep up with the good work and you're good to go, alright?" He said and she nodded happy that the man in front of her wasn't one of those adults that would legit sit you down for four hours all in the name of advice.
"This..." He said bringing out a folder from one of his drawers "....is all the files you need"he added dropping them in front of Ifechi's mum
"I talked to Mr Okigbae earlier this morning and he already made the transfer so all the charges are covered, all that's left for her is to get her books, timetable for her class and take measurements for her uniforms" Principal Powers said gesturing to them while going through some of the contents of the black folder. "Um...she also has to fill in her medical detail as well" he added flipping through the pages
Ifechi looked over trying to grasp some of its contents while Mrs Okereke nodded in understanding.
"Ok sir thank you" She replied
"You're welcome, usually we don't admit new students into the exam classes but we made an exception for your daughter". Ifechi's mother smiled proudly while she just rolled her eyes. grateful that she did not have to write any test
"Thank you sir"
"Well then, you take this..." he said passing the folder to Mrs Okereke "....I'll have my secretary print her timetable as well a copy of the school's calendar and then take her to the school's clinic to get her medical information and then the tailor for her uniforms, Mister Ali will show you the way" he said dismissing them
"Ok sir thank you very much sir" Mrs Okereke replied
"...and Ifechi, welcome to the D'Champions Academy, I wish you a sucessful school year"
Half an hour later, Ifechi was done with everything she had to do, she had collected all she needed including the timetable, school calendar and most importantly, her uniform. She was really impressed at the speed things were done around her.
Ifechi sat on a pavement outside the building laying her new clothes on the space besides her grateful that they were still in their white nylons as she wouldn't want to make them dirty. She was staring into space wishing she brought her phone to keep her busy.
Her mum appeared seconds later with a short man who was carrying a blue bag filled with books.
"I've collected everything let's be going" she said to Ifechi and motioned to the man carrying the books.
"Thank God"
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