"i think you have a bit of a problem, peter parker"
STANDING IN FRONT OF THE LARGE BUILDING, Isabella is awfully intrigued by the sight before her. Security guards surround the entries and exits to the school, watching carefully as the students begin to leave. Without a doubt, Peter Parker has been hurled with insults and threats which is why this has been put into place but it seems a little excessive — the kid is a superhero after all. Then again, perhaps it's him who they are trying to keep an eye on in order to protect the other students – who knows?
There is no sign of the boy who she had seen on the large screens, meaning he's either left early or is stuck inside. All of these students probably know where he is, meaning she could ask anyone of them but there is a boy who catches her eyes. Holding a book in his hands with the word 'Flashpoint' written on the front.
"Yeah, Peter and I go way back. He's one of my close friends, my best friend," The boy almost brags to the media. There is no doubt in Isabella's mind that this kid is not Peter's best friend and judging by the name of his book, this is Flash.
The Flash she knew didn't like Peter, and only came around to him quite late in their adolescent lives.
When Flash is finished his chatter, he begins to walk out of the school grounds with a proud grin evident on his face. Isabella springs into action, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him around the corner. He fights against her grip as she goes.
"Hey! Spider-Man is my best friend! He'll kick your ass if he finds out you did this," Flash protest, earning a soft snort from the brunette who shakes her head.
"I highly doubt that. Look, tell me where he is and I'll let you go," Isabella speaks, pushing him up against the brick wall with her hand.
He continues to struggle against her strength. "I'm not telling you anything, I don't even know Peter Parker, I swear,"
Scoffing, Isabella allows her eyes to glow for a few seconds and watches as his smug face disintegrates into fear. Flash looks at her for a few more seconds before giving in.
"He's probably with MJ and Ned! They always hang out at that place she works at," Flash spills their location after this, obviously fearful. She gives him an almost frightening smile before dropping him and walking away.
It's strange how different parts of New York look now, shops that she used to love visiting now vanished and replaced by others. The cafés are quite similar, yet they have other names and are not run by the same people. It is almost as if she's stumbled into some parallel universe that she can't get back from.
Stopping before the Pastry shop, Isabella raises her eyebrows. It's practically empty, from what she can see through the window anyway. There is a girl with beautifully curly hair standing near the cash register, boredom plastered all over her face as she waits for more customers. Deciding to put her out of her misery, Isabella enters the store.
"Hi, what can I get for you today?" The girl, who's name tag reads Michelle, asks Isabella.
"I'm actually looking for a somebody," Isabella begins and the girl seemingly puts her guard up, almost as if she thinks the brunette girl is a threat. It confuses Isabella greatly, unable to decipher why somebody, who she has never met mind you, would fear her. "Wow, uh I just need help. I promise I'm not here to cause any trouble,"
"Who are you looking for?" The hostility in her voice is almost alarming.
"An MJ? Apparently she works here,"
Isabella surveys the other girl's face and quickly catches on to why she seems so guarded. "That's you, isn't it?"
Michelle takes step back, obviously cautious. Isabella can definitely understand why now, probably believing that the girl is somebody here to threaten Peter Parker. Holding her hands up to show she's not here to cause trouble, Isabella takes a step backwards as well.
"I promise you, the last thing I want to do is hurt Peter. I just need his help," Isabella speaks to the younger girl who does not look impressed in the slightest.
"Why should I trust you?" Michelle almost spits out, and Isabella admires her courage. "Everybody seems out to get Peter these days,"
"But I'm not. Look, my name is Isabella Stacy, and well I don't think I'm from around here. Your Peter Parker, is not the Peter Parker I know,"
"You know Peter?"
"Not this one,"
Michelle exhales, going to speak again before her phone rings. Not taking her eyes off of Isabella, the girl picks it up and answers. "Hello?"
Isabella wishes she could hear what was going on, intrigued by what is happening on the other end. The way Michelle's features constantly morph with each word she hears from the other end is enough to give away that something is going down. The conversation continues for a few minutes before Michelle mentions the brunette.
"Uh do you know a Isabella? No, no she said she knows Peter Parker," Michelle explains to the person, who Isabella can now assume is Peter. "But uh not you. Yeah, really? Okay, yeah I'll see you there,"
Hanging up the phone, Michelle walks away from the front counter and to the back. There is quiet chatter before the girl appears again. "I'll take you to Peter,"
"Really?" Isabella doubts. "Just like that?"
"Apparently you're not the first person to show up who knows a different Peter,"
Arriving at what MJ had referred to as the 'Wizard's House', Isabella is immediately on alert. Whilst Michelle seems nice enough, she doesn't know her nor does she truly know this Peter. She has no doubt about the fact she could take them down in seconds, but this Peter has been branded as a murderer by the media, so who knows. He could be capable of more than the boy she knew back home.
"Do you have wizards in your world?"
Isabella turns her head to see Ned, looking at her in interest. They'd picked him up along the way, apparently Peter needed both their help with whatever his problem is. He reminds her a little bit of Harry Osborn, at least the younger version of him, smiley and talkative. The last time she saw Harry Osborn, he was locked away.
"I guess," Isabella shrugs.
Would she count as a Wizard? Maybe not to the extent that this guy is, but just maybe she is.
"Does the Peter you know have a Ned?"
Isabella snorts softly and shakes her head. "Not that I'm aware of. He didn't have many friends,"
Ned notices the way her voice has fallen into softness, almost as if she's reminiscing. She doesn't take any notice of his gaze, looking at the large doors as they finally open up. On the other side is a man, the very man who must be the 'Wizard'.
His eyes immediately find her and he shoots something in her direction. Managing to hold her hand up at the last second, she stops the ball with her magic. Her eyes glow as she throws it back, catching him off guard. The Wizard disappears before them.
"You're the Wizard!" Ned says enthusiastically.
Isabella pays him no more attention, instead turning her eyes to the face she's been seeing everywhere. He's weary, that much she can tell.
"I think you have a bit of a problem, Peter Parker,"
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I think the next will be a flashback chapter, the gif will be grey when this occurs - just for future reference. Hope to see you next time!
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