Bad Blood, Taylor Swift.
Now we got problems and I don't think we can solve them.
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McGonagall takes us to a classroom being taught by Quirell. Some third year class. I look inside impatiently, scanning around the class.
My eyes meet the confused and judging eyes of Fred Weasley. He gives me a questioning look to which I just shrug.
"Is it alright if I borrow Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint for a moment?" McGonagall requests.
Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood leave class.
The five of us march down the corridor in silence. McGonagall speaks to Oliver Wood and Harry Potter first, in private.
I bounce on the balls of my feet impatiently. "Stop that." The much taller boy hisses, his hair glued back off his face.
"Stop what?" I reply innocently, bouncing even faster on purpose when I determine it is annoying him.
Soon the three reemerge from the hallway they were down. The two pupils returning to their classes. Marcus and I stay and begin talking to McGonagall.
"I'd like Bronwyn Lupin to join the Slytherin Quidditch team, so I'm requesting your assistance in teaching her." She settles with her wavering old lady voice.
"What's quidditch?" I raise a brow. "You're joking right?" The older boy glances between the older woman and me.
"Deadly serious Mr Flint." McGonagall tells. "There has never been a girl on the Slytherin team and we're very firm believers of tradition. We can't just let her in either, she'd have to try out like the rest of the team. Quidditch is a dangerous sport, too dangerous for a girl like her." Marcus spits with disgust.
"I'm happy to try out, I wouldn't want to get in on charity. It may be dangerous but I'm a big girl, I can take it." I say sternly, despite not even knowing what quidditch is.
The boy towering over me rolls his eyes and nods begrudgingly, trotting his way back to class.
"Congratulations Miss Black, I'm sure you'll make your Uncle Remus very proud." McGonagall smiles fondly before walking away. I stand in the corridor starstruck, Miss Black? How could she know who I am?
I make my way to the great hall where everyone is already sitting down indulging in a meal. I jog to where my friends sit and take a seat beside them.
"Did you get a detention?" Pansy hisses, I shake my head no. "Then what was that all about?" She pushes. "Nothing." I dismiss.
Pansy huffed unhappily and we all return to eating in quiet.
The tryouts begin – a solo tryout just for me of course – and everything is perfect. I was previously taught the rules of the game by a kind third year girl after being turned down by every single Slytherin member. Angelina Johnson is a third year chaser, I had seen her at the Gryffindor practice and sheepishly approached her. She had been very open about telling me all about quidditch, it became apparent I had chosen the right mentor when I discovered how mastered she truly was in quidditch. Of course I hadn't told anyone about my interaction with a Gryffindor and I'm assuming she didn't either.
I was trying out for seeker after Angelina had helped me practice several positions and discovered I worked best as a seeker.
For tryouts we split in half and played a mini game where I was up against a boy named Terence Higgs. I raced desperately for the shiny golden ball with wings.
The score is close and we don't have much time left. I'm already coated in buckets of sweat that could replenish the Sahara desert.
I turn my head to the left to be met with the angry face of Higgs as he reaches out for the same ball as me. His arms are ultimately longer but I'm a little ahead.
My fingers graze over the golden snitch. He barges into me aggressively but I persist, I could have let him push me around and win but instead I suck it up and keep reaching for the snitch.
Once it's in my grasps I know I've won. I'm on the team!
My celebrations are cut short by an infuriated Higgs who barges his whole body weight into mine. The sixth year pushes me so hard I hurtle over and fall off my broom, holding on with only one hand.
I groan in desperation as I try to pull myself up. With one pull I'm back on and guiding the broom smoothly back to the ground without trouble. I hold the snitch up in the air with a proud smile, sweat making my hair stick to my forehead.
"I've been on this team for five years, you can't just kick me out for some first year girl. They aren't even allowed to play!" My opponent yells, joining the herd of Slytherins on the ground.
"McGonagall said we had to!" Flint replies furiously. "I won fair and square. If you can't accept that then I'm sorry." I shrug with a smirk.
The older boy tries to approach me as if looking for a fight but two of his team mates pull him back, "You can't fight a girl." His friend spits.
"Especially one that would beat you." I add with a cunning smile.
Flint aggressively pushes green and silver quidditch robes onto my chest. "You're in. You got what you want, now scram." One of the third year teammates yells with a smirk.
I take the robes and walk off happily, making sure to drop my robes and broom off in my dorm on the way to the great hall.
I enter the great hall looking like death, I'm bright red with sweat dripping down every crevice of my body, my hair glued to my forehead.
Everyone stares at me, even more stares come my way when I start jogging towards the Gryffindor table. I jog towards Angelina with a bright smile. Everyone around her watches me with confusion and sceptics. I notice the Weasley twins, Ron, Harry, Hermione and some more of the Gryffindor first years sitting around her.
Angelina doesn't notice me until I'm right behind her, she smiles and places her fork down on her plate again. "How'd it go?" She asks me. I smile brightly. "I'm the new Slytherin Seeker!" I tell her. She gives an excited smile and jumps to her feet, giving me a huge proud hug. I see faces of the two twins behind her drop in horror.
"You won against Higgs?" She asks me excitedly. "Yeah, he tried to knock me off my broom twice though, bloody sore loser. He even tried to pick a fight with me when I got the robes and he got sent away. I bet a sixth year!" I say proudly.
"I'm so proud of you. You bet someone who's been on the team for five years after only two days of practice, before that you didn't even know what quidditch was!" She tells me.
"Imagine how good I'll be after even more practice." I smile.
One of the twins – I'm not sure which one – speaks up. "First years aren't allowed to play. And Slytherin don't let girls on." He tells me.
"Well Fred or George, I'm just so good they made an exception." I tilt my head with a smirk.
"It's Fred." He scoffs and rolls his eyes, he goes back to playing with his food in disappointment. I'm guessing they get that a lot but I never thought they would care about a stranger like me getting it wrong.
"Noted." I frown with a little sympathy. I walk away back towards my own table and sit down. "Why are you talking to them?" Pansy hisses.
"Because I wanted to Pansy. What you gonna do about it?" I threaten, my eyes becoming two angry slits. She raises her hands in surrender and continues eating.
I made my first mistake here at Hogwarts when I decided to skip dinner to study the history of quidditch. I needed to use the restroom. I was minding my own business, heading towards the dungeon lavatory when all of a sudden I'm met with a huge troll blocking the toilets.
I slowly try to creep out backwards but the ugly monster swings it's bat and smashes up all the top of the stalls. I let out a loud scream only to realise I'm not the only one screaming. Hermione Granger is ducking away from the bat in front of me.
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley come bursting in to save their friend.
"Move." Harry warns. Hermione gets the memo and jumps out the way. Yet again I stay standing cluelessly on the spot. Thankfully Ron comes to the rescue once again and pulls me by the arm.
"Not got the best reflexes do you?" Ron jokes bluntly, referring to the other day when he did the exact same thing to protect me from Neville Longbottom on his broom.
Harry starts pelting wood at the troll. Ron and I immediately sense his plan and start to join him. "Hey, pea brain!" Ron yells as he lobs a bit of wood right at the trolls head. Hermione runs and hides under a sink, unfortunately for her the troll sees her and smashes the sink. It's hit only just misses Hermione's body.
The Gryffindor continues screaming for help.
Harry whips out his wand and charges for the trolls bat, being lifted up and swung along with it. He's hurtled onto the trolls head and gets thrown back and forth ultimately resulting in his wand sliding up the trolls nose.
The troll gets Harry off its head and is holding him by one leg between its fingers. It swings its bat at him but Harry pulls himself up to dodge it.
"Do something!" Harry begs. "What?" Ron asks in desperation. The troll keeps swatting at Harry and he keeps doing pull ups to dodge.
"Anything! Hurry up!" The boy in the glasses begs.
Ron grabs his wand and looks to Hermione, "Swish and flick!" She yells him. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He recites.
Just in time the bat floats above the trolls head and when it looks up the bat falls right on its face.
Harry drops and Hermione approaches us again carefully. "Is it...dead?" She asks.
"Just knocked out." I confirm. Harry approaches it and pulls his wand from its nose, "Ew. Troll bogies."
McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell all walk in and gasp. "Oh! Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves." McGonagall orders.
"Well, what it is..." Harry and Rom start trying to justify. "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall."
"Ms. Granger?" Our professor asks unsurely. "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." She lies.
"And as for you? Miss Lupin?" McGonagall asks me furiously, "I just needed a wee." I shrug innocently.
"Well as for your heroic act of bravery... it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck. Miss Lupin– Did you help?" She adds hopefully.
"Pretty sure I brought more trouble than I disposed of." I smile sarcastically with a shrug. McGonagall sighs and leaves the bathroom with Snape.
"Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh." Professor Quirrell chuckles with his stutter.
As we're walking out I feel a sharp pain in my lower forearm and wince loudly. "What is it?" Hermione asks me despite us not being friends.
"I'm not sure." I shake it off and keep walking away from them towards Slytherin common rooms. I pause in the corridor and do a double take.
"Thank you, Ron." I give a genuine smile. He furrows his brows. "You could have left me there to be killed by that bloody bat but you pulled me out the way just in time, so thank you."
Ron nods with a comforting smile in return. I walk off and hear them whispering about the weird interaction when I'm gone.
I'm geared up and ready for my first quidditch game. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. The new Gryffindor seeker is Harry, the new Slytherin seeker is me.
As my team walks out onto the large open field. "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!" Lee Jordan speaks enthusiastically.
I mount my broom and float slowly up to the sky like everyone else. Both teams get into positions in a circle, Harry and I weaving into the middle. He gives a polite tight lipped smile which I return.
"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game." Jordan says.
"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you." Hooch says, looking to the Slytherins. She sets the bludgers free.
"The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." The commentator explains.
The snitch zooms around Harry and I's heads but suddenly disappears. Hooch releases the quaffle and the game begins. "The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!" Jordan yells.
"Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!"
I grunt and then get ready to start chasing the snitch, wherever it may be. "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint."
Right as Marcus Flint throws for the Gryffindor hoop, Oliver Wood comes out of nowhere and deflects the quaffle. Angelina and Katie pass the quaffle between them strategically before Angelina shoots perfectly through the hoop.
"Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee announces. Every growing second fills me with fury.
I notice as I soar through the pitch to find the snitch that my teammates have gotten aggressive with their tactics. Oliver Wood falls to the ground after an unfair hit from Flint by a bludger.
Slytherin scores once again.
My eye catches a shiny golden ball right as I pass it. I immediately swerve my broom around and soar towards it quickly. Harry notices it at the same time and we race towards it. The snitch slides away from us both and we end up flying straight into each other. I brush it off and head for the snitch again, that is until I notice Harry's broom throwing him around all over the place.
Everyone gasps and watches anticipating something. He falls and is holding onto the broom by one hand.
I'm so close to the snitch now, i can practically feel it. But the tiny voice in the back of my head whispers to me to help him.
I fight the urge until my fingers are basically touching the snitch. That is until I take a bludger to the gut. I barrel to the ground and look to see one of the Weasley twins holding his bat proudly.
Everyone gasps as I fall down. Right at the perfect time before I can hit the ground I soar straight back up to the sky at triple speed, making time to give the Weasley boy the finger before chasing after the snitch again. The crowds roar at my clever and difficult move.
I reach my hand out and chase the snitch down to the ground, side by side now with Harry. We could almost be touching the ground if not for the brooms, he makes the clever choice to stand on his broom and reach out. I however make the decision to speed up and move a little higher.
Harry and I both have our hands nearly touching the snitch. However its Harry who trips up off his broom and touches the broom upon his fall.
When he's on the ground he lurches. Everyone gasps and watches carefully. Harry gags and the snitch pops out his mouth. He catches it in his hands.
"He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Lee Jordan celebrates
"Gryffindor win!" Hooch announces. Everyone flies down to celebrate. I kick the sand in anger.
"This is why we don't let girls on the team." Marcus Flint grits angrily. I whip my head around to him and all the other older boys looking down at me.
"Me?" I gasp. "Yes, you." One of them spits.
"My fault? This was my first game and I played better than all of you 'experts' combined. Maybe if you had taught me how to play instead of ignoring me every time I asked for help practicing all week? Or actually scored some goals in the first place? Or warned me about that bludger? Or not cheated?" I rant loudly.
"You're trying to blame us?" One of them scoffs.
"Well it was your fault wasn't it? I almost had it but that bludger hit me. Who's job is it to stop the bludger from hitting the team? Not me. If one of you wankers had actually played the game right maybe I could've won." I yell.
All the boys are left speechless as I storm off to the changing rooms. "Just like her uncle." Hooch shakes her head with a reminiscent grin. My Uncle Remus never told me he played quidditch.
On the way, I pass Angelina. She stops me in my tracks and smiles down at me. "You did great. Especially considering it was your first ever game. And you've never played with them before." She tells me, bringing me in for a small hug.
"If it was a good game I would've won." I grit. "You're really competitive aren't you." She chuckles.
"I heard you absolutely humbling those boys into shape back there. They've been needing that for a while but nobodies had the balls to do it." She tells me.
Fred or George Weasley jogs toward Angelina with a bright smile.
"Sorry about that bludger." He apologises to me with a manipulative smirk.
"You will be sorry when I win the next game out of pure spite for you." I reply with a cunning smirk in return.
"I'd like to see you try. I'll send a bludger through your head before you can say quidditch." He fires back.
"Play nice Fred." Angelina warns.
"Is that a threat?" I ignore Angelina, "You want it to be?" He challenges.
Angelina interferes before the fighting can get too serious. "Okay that's enough. Go Fred! You smell." She teases.
He gives her a sarcastic smile back and walks off slowly.
"Is he your boyfriend?" I ask her after a moment when he's gone. Angelina bursts out laughing at the mere thought, "No! Definitely not. I've had a crush on his brother for years." She tells me.
"Which one?" I ask her. In response she simply taps the side of her nose and winks before walking off to the changing rooms.
I head to the girls Slytherin change rooms which lays dormant. Dust chocking anyone who enters, the air thick. No girls had been permitted on the girls quidditch team for Slytherin in like a million years.
I cough harshly as I step inside. I get dressed despite feeling like the air pollution might kill me.
The desolate change rooms have an eery silence and reek of staleness. It makes me want to vomit.
I manage to get changed quickly and head back out with my stuff, making my way back to the castle leisurely. I've never actually taken the time to fully appreciate the school in all its glory. It truly is magical.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Hey, guys. I still don't know hat to write here, I guess just stay tuned for the Christmas part next week. Thanks for reading <33
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