~Four Months Later~
"Hey doll?" Bucky sauntered into their brightly lit wooden kitchen.
Davina glanced away from her cup of special tea, Clint had reluctantly traded his tea recipe in exchange for her secret coffee ingredient just a few weeks ago.
"Hi." She smiled.
He chuckled softly, walking around the kitchens island to lean down and place a kiss on Davina's head. "Why are you smiling?"
She looked up at him from the stool she was sat at next to the island. "Because things I love make me smile." She whispered.
His smile only grew as he reached down to attach his lips to hers, fingers grazing against her cheek.
They broke apart, gazing into each others eyes for a few moments before Bucky placed another gentle kiss on her cheek bone.
Ever since the man had found out about the baby growing inside her, he'd been acting as if she was delicate glass, like she may break at the even the softest touch.
She leant into his touch slightly, awaiting what he had to say.
"Steve calls.. Constantly, he wants to know why we won't see him."
His words caused the girls body to still. Every night, she left nothing but guilt because of the way they had ran. It was all she knew how to do.. Run. Run away from everything, the only difference was that this time she seemed to be running towards something. Something good.
When she was a little girl, innocent and completely unaware of the horrors HYDRA held, her mother had sung her the same Russian song every night before bed.
It had been so long since those days, though Davina still remembered one line from the song.
'когда ты бежишь, я побегу с тобой.'
'When you run I will run with you.'
That was the line, sung in her mothers voice, that kept her going, kept her fighting. It was funny really, how after all this time, her mind would still travel back to her days at HYDRA.
The Penton girl shook away her clustered thoughts, focusing her attention back to Bucky and quickly coming up with a response to his words.
Her mind was blank, only allowing a small "Oh?" to escape her lips.
Bucky sighed, clearly hesitant to say something.
"I told him I would see him today Vina.." He spoke anxiously, as if awaiting her to lash out.
She smiled at him. "That's nice."
He frowned at her, resting his metal hand on her shoulder. "T-that's it? It's okay? I mean, I didn't want to leave you here alone-"
Davina's laughter cut him off. "James, i'm not your mother, honestly.. I think I'll enjoy the house alone for a couple days."
Bucky cringed at her words. "Yeah.. About that-"
"MY ENTIRE HOUSE COULD FIT IN YOUR ENTRANCE HALLWAY!" A loud, feminine, screaming voice erupted from the other side of the house, causing Davina to sink her head into her arms and groan in fake annoyance.
"Kitchen Wanda!" Bucky yelled back, a guilty smile playing across his face as the chirpy red-head bounced into the room.
Davina couldn't stop the large smile that grew on her face at the sight of her best friend. She jumped off the chair and bounded over to the other girl, causing Wanda to squeal in excitement.
"Ahh! Oh my god you really are pregnant!" Wanda gasped after removing herself from their hug to gaze at Davina's stomach.
"No Wanda, I faked that pregnancy test and stuffed a pillow under my dress. Yes! I REALLY am pregnant!" Davina chuckled.
Whilst Wanda's gaze was distracted by the variety of kitchen decorations, Davina turned around slightly to lock eyes with Bucky. She mouthed a thank you, before turning back to her best friend and dragging her further into the house, laughing and smiling like small children.
"Hold up hold up hold up, sis! You seriously haven't even discussed baby names? You can't be serious." Wanda shook her head, laughing in astonishment.
Bucky had left several hours ago to go see Steve, leaving his love alone with Wanda. The pair sat on the floor across from each other, throwing popcorn into the other persons mouth.
"We haven't really gotten that far.." Davina spoke cautiously.
"Vinnie! Your eight months pregnant! There isn't much farther you can get!" Wanda's eyes seemed to be exploding out from her face in shock.
Davina's wild laughter was cut off from a searing pain rushing through her stomach. The girl laughed it off, her nails digging into her palms.
"I-I'm going to the bathroom."
She stood up, hurrying towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, relief flooding through her as Wanda turned up the volume of a sitcom, clearly distracted by it.
Davina gripped sides of the sink, her knuckles turning white. The girl couldn't stop her body as she slowly lowered herself onto the bathroom floor, pulling down her phone with her. She wasn't stupid, she knew what was happening.
Why now. Why why why did it have to be the only time Bucky wasn't here. She checked her phone, calculating how far away Bucky would be by now.
He wouldn't have arrived at the compound yet, but he would be at least a two hour drive away.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
She didn't want Wanda to be here, the only person she needed right now was Bucky-
"Hey Vinnie..? Y-you can come out.. I'm sorry, I couldn't control my mind, I saw your thoughts, I know what's happening. Please, let me help." Wanda's shaking voice occured from the other side of the door, her sitcom no longer playing in the background.
"I-It's fine Wanda.. Just go." Davina choked out, clutching her stomach in pain.
She saw a faint red glow from under the door before it was pushed open, revealing Davina's shaken state to the concerned red head.
"Come on, lets move you to the bed before this baby shoots out of you and bangs their head on the toilet bowl." Wanda spoke, awkwardly helping her best friend move towards the bed.
"I don't think it works like that-" Davina gasped as another contraction hit her.
"I-I'm gonna call Bucky-"
"NO!" Davina yelled.
Wanda spun around to face her. "What? Why not? He needs to be here!"
"No! He n-needs to see Steve! I-I can't take that away from him! It's fine! I can do it alone." Davina panted heavily.
"Vinnie! Your going through labour! Most likely going to give birth on this very bed! Bucky needs to be here!"
"No! Please Wanda!" Davina reached out, grabbing Wanda's hand in her own. "Please, don't call him."
The Maximoff girl hesitated before giving in. "Dammit Penton! Fine."
"It hurts."
"Yeah I gathered that from all your screaming! When do you start pushing?" Wanda asked cautiously, standing from next to her whimpering friend.
"Not for a while! I just want this to be over!" Davina let out another blood curdling scream, thanking the air in front of her that they didn't have any neighbours.
Wanda's foot tapped impatiently on the wooden floor boards. "I'm getting you a drink of water, hold on."
She raced down the stairs, dialling Bucky's number in a hurry.
"Bucky!" She whisper shouted, urgency lacing her tone.
"Wanda? What's happened? Is she okay?"
"Uhm... She-"
"Wanda what's going on?"
"Dammit Barnes! Your girls gone into labour! You need to get back here ASAP!"
The line went dead quiet as Bucky comprehended what she had just said.
"Wha- Are you sure?"
"Yes Bucky! I'm pretty damn sure! She went into labour two hours ago-"
"WHAT?! Why didn't you call me? I could have been there by now!"
"She told me not too, the saint didn't want to ruin your time with Steve-"
"I'm turning around, tell her i'm coming."
Wanda hung up, racing back up the stairs with a glass of water. She pounced into the room and locked eyes with the brunette, who's eyes were wide in fear.
"W-Wanda.. P-please I need you to leave-"
"Holy shit it's coming isn't it?" Davina nodded quickly, discomfort clear on her face. "Bucky's on his way-"
"I told you not to call him!"
"Well too bad! You giving birth to your child Davina Penton, he should be here!" Wanda shot back, yanking her friends skirt off.
"Listen Vinnie- We're taking our friendship to a whole knew level-"
"WANDA! SHUT. UP." Davina screamed, half in annoyance, the other half in pain.
Wanda winced, rolling her eyes at the same time. "Man I never thought i'd be the one to say this to you but.. Girlfriend it's time to start pushing.."
Word Count : 1482
Note - I most likely won't actually write when she'd giving birth, it'll probably be a little time jump, just warning you guys so it isn't too much of a cliffhanger.
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