▻ Nobody Knows
"Nobody Knows"
from album UNLOCK (Japanese album)
aruki nareta kono kaerimichi
This return path I walked on
nijimu gaitou no akari
Illuminated by the blurry streetlights
涙 堪えては 見上げてた
namida taete wa miage teta
I held my tears and looked up
ばからしくて 笑ってた
bakara shikute waratteta
Laughing like an idiot
Oh please I don't wanna cry
dousureba ii?
What do I do now?
Please I don't wanna be どうせなら
Please I don't wanna be dousenara
Please I don't wanna be, at any rate
今すぐ此処で 叫び散らせば
ima sugu koko de sakebi chiraseba
I want to scream wildly right here and right now
きっとラクなのに Yeah yeah
kitto raku nanoni Yeah yeah
Even though I will definitely cry
[Young K]
散らかったままの 想いすべて
chirakatta mama no omoi subete
Each and every single difficult memory
誰も知らない涙が 胸の中
daremo shiranai namida ga mune no naka
In the middle of shedding tears that no one knows
土砂降りの雨を降らせて(Hey! Ho!)
doshaburi no ame o fura sete (hey! ho!)
I'm letting the downfall pour
崩れそうな心で 歩いてきた
kuzure souna kokoro de aruite kita
Walking with my heart that is on the verge of crumbling
Say, Nobody nobody knows(Hey!)
Nobody nobody knows(Ho!)
[Young K]
nijimu hikari no naka
In the middle of the blurry lights
sashidasu te o motomete
I'm looking for the outstretched hand
Walking on and on
朝の光さえ 憂鬱なまま
asa no hikari sae yuuutsuna mama
With the morning lights feeling a bit melancholic
in o hikizutte aruita
I walk along dragging my shadows
眠ることを忘れ 探しても
nemuru koto o wasure sagashite mo
Even if I searched for it forgetting how to sleep
まだ正解(こたえ) 見つからない
mada seikai (kotae) mitsukaranai
I still can't find the answers
Oh please I don't wanna cry
kono mama ja
Just like this
Please I don't wanna be いっそ もう
Please I don't wanna be isso mou
Please I don't wanna be, once more
僕は無理だと 泣き出せたなら
boku wa murida to naki dasetanara
If I can't hold it back anymore and cry, I wonder
許されるかな Yeah yeah
yurusa reru ka na Yeah yeah
If I will be forgiven
[Young K]
明日も見えない 日々の中で
ashita mo mienai hibi no naka de
In the middle of days where I can't even see the next day
誰も知らない痛みを 抱いたまま
daremo shiranai itami o daita mama
Embracing the pain that no one knows
明けない夜 何度も越えて(Hey! Ho!)
akenai yoru nando mo koete (hey! ho!)
Passing nights where I can't even live
過去に変わるその日を 信じながら
kako ni kawaru sonohi o shinjinagara
While believing in the day that will change in the past
Say, Nobody nobody knows(Hey!)
Nobody nobody knows(Ho!)
譲れない 孤独がある
yuzurenai kodoku ga aru
There's the loneliness I would never hand over
闘いは 続いてゆく
tatakai wa tsudzuite yuku
And the battles continue
誰も知らない涙が 胸の中
daremo shiranai namida ga mune no naka
In the middle of shedding tears that no one knows
土砂降りの雨を降らせて(Hey! Ho!)
doshaburi no ame o fura sete (hey! ho!)
I'm letting the downfall pour
崩れそうな心で 歩いてきた
kuzure souna kokoro de aruite kita
Walking with my heart that is on the verge of crumbling
Say, Nobody nobody knows(Hey!)
Nobody nobody knows(Ho!)
[Young K]
nijimu hikari no naka
In the middle of blurry lights
sashidasu te o motomete
I'm looking for the outstretched hand
Walking on and on
Walking on and on
Walking on and on
cr. AZ lyrics, lyrics everywhere, onionleader TWT
(may contain inaccuracies)
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