Chapter 55
Lukas face is still wet with tears and more tears are forming as he says, "Goodbye..." He closes the door and everything is silent. Jesse lays on the bed she had been laid upon and her body lays limp and lifeless. A golden glow slowly appears on Jesse's chest. It is the locket her father had given her in the mirror world. The gold starts flashing on and off like a heart beat. Jesses heart beat. The beating gets faster and faster until it suddenly stops. The golden light sinks into her chest then a golden glow leads from her chest to her left arm. "..." Jesse suddenly sits up and gasps for air. She coughs and looks around, "L-Lukas?!" She looks around before trying to get off the bed. As her feet touch the ground, she suddenly collapses. Jesse grabs the edge if the bed and slowly stands up. She looks around before putting a hand on her stomach because she feels sick. "Ugh.... what... What happened?" Jesse looks around before stumbling over to a dresser. She opens a drawer and coughs. There are no clothes, "Great..." She coughs before sitting down on the floor. Slowly, Jesse stands up and heads out the door. She stumbles out of her room and everyone who is in the castle gasps in shock. As she goes to open castles tall dark brown doors, she fails. They were way to heavy for her to open right now. James walks over with his mother and looks at her. "Your not dead, right? Your not a ghost?" The young boy asks. "Huh?" Jesse slowly looks down at James. James looks up at his mother and nods then his mother opens one of the doors so Jesse can get through.
Lukas holds himself and starts sobbing again. He hears the door open behind him. "Lukas, why are you crying...?" Jesse asks. Lukas wipes his tears but more just keep on coming. He sighs, "I... I don't wanna talk about it, Maya..." He looks down at his feet. "Okay... How many times are you gonna get ME confused with maya?" Jesse asks and stands up at straight as she can. Lukas raises an eyebrow before realizing something. "Wait..." He turns around and is shocked to see Jesse.
Lukas looks down at Jesse with a shocked expression. "J-Jesse? Is it really you?" He reaches his hand out to her and Jesse looks up at him. "What happened?" She asks. "Jesse, you were dead! I watched you die!" Lukas exclaims. Jesse looks at him before tackling and hugging him. They both fall down the stairs and Lukas grabs onto Jesse to protect her, because it is obvious how weak she is. They both fall onto their back on the grass and look at each other. Jesse giggles then they both start laughing. Jesse lays her on Lukas' shoulder then looks up and Lukas. He smiles and pecks her lips then they both sit up. "Never do that to me again." He says before standing up. He looks down at Jesse who is rubbing her left arm. "ow.." She says and Lukas helps her up, "Whats wrong?" He asks and she rolls up her sleeve to reveal a black, blue and yellow tattoo that looks like a yin and yang and on the yang side is little black and yellow sun streaks. Lukas looks at it before remembering the pain he had on his right arm. He rolls up his sleeve to reveal the same exact tattoo. Jesse blushes and looks up at him. "So, we really are bound for life." She says and goes to kiss him. Lukas picks her up by the waist and spins her around. "Woah!" Jesse exclaims before laughing with joy. Lukas slowly stops spinning her and starts to put her down but before he did, he says "I love you, Jesse." Then he kisses her lips. He holds her waist and makes sure to not drop her. Jesse puts her hands on his arms and kisses back. The two of them did not care who was watching. All they cared about was each other.
After a minute, he slowly puts her down and they look at each other before Lukas puts a hand on Jesse's stomach. He feels a small heart beat and pulls away. A grin is on his face. "What?" Jesse looks up at him. "I did what you said." He grins wider. "Huh?" Jesse has a puzzles look on her face. "I found love again, This family is just getting started and... I will need somebody to be by my side when WE become rulers this kingdom deserves." He kisses her head. Jesse was speechless. "Jesse, I don't care what happens. We have done so many things together and I wanna marry you. Tonight. I want to make sure that no matter what, we will never be separated again." He smiles then closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe. He slowly opens his eyes, "Jessica Rose Anderson, will you become my wife and help rule over the kingdom?" He looks at Jesse as she says, "Yes!" Then he grabs her face. "I love you, so much." They were both about to cry tears of joy. "I love you too." Jesse stands up on her tippy toes and they both lock lips, again, not caring about anything but each other.
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