Chapter 42
Lukas lays on his bed. He had just told Jesse that he had made a mistake choosing for her to be his wife. He had just told the guards that when the see her, she should clear up all her stuff. Tears roll down his face as he holds the ring he had given Jesse then took away from her, "Oh Jesse... I'm so sorry. I miss you so much." He sits up when he hears his door open, "Jesse?" He asks but he only sees the figure of his mom, Solar. "Oh.. Hey mom." Solar says nothing then she sits on his bed. She just watches him. Soon, however, she places a hand on his cheek.
"Lukas, hon. We need to talk." Solar says to him.
"...About?" He sniffs, before looking down at his feet. He already knew what his mom would say.
"Jesse. We need to talk about Jesse and what happened." Queen Solar hugs her son but Lukas pulls away.
"Whats there to talk about?" He asks while hiding his true emotions.
Queen Solar watches him before saying, "I need to know why you did it."
"...I was scared." Lukas looks down at his feet.
"Scared of what?" She looks at Lukas and holds his hand.
"Scared Jesse was gonna leave me. Scared she was... is gonna die." Lukas hugs him mom.
She slowly strokes his hair, "You were scared you was gonna go... So you left instead?"
"I was scared I was gonna end up alone. I wasn't thinking straight and I... I..." Lukas looks down, "Mom I don't know what to do. I need your help. Please."
"The best thing you can do is make up with her and... Hope for the best."
"Thanks mom." He says and stands up.
Before another word can be said, there is a giant explosion heard from downstairs. Lukas freezes up before sprinting out of his room and downstairs. Lukas makes it to the door that leads to the corridor that leads to the mirror room. King Sean is already at the door, waiting for Lukas and his wife. "Dad, what happened?!" Lukas asks, wanting to know. He felt suddenly worried because a thought just occurred to him. 'What if it's Jesse?!' He opens the door as his mom walks in and runs down the corridor. He couldn't see a thing because of the darkness but he didn't care. King Sean and Queen Solar follow, close behind. Their foot steps echo through the corridor then Lukas opens the birch door that leads to the mirror room.
Jesse whimpers and whines as the birch door opens. She could feel a slight breeze on her skin. "D-daddy.." She whispers then she hears Lukas' voice, "Oh my God! Jesse!" Lukas runs over and gets on his knees. He didn't care about the mirror shards cutting him. King Sean and Queen Solar look around before one of then grabs a torch and lights it. Queen Solar holds the torch and looks around. The room is smokey black and the glass mirror shards are everywhere. She slowly lowers the torch and the light shines on Jesse. There is snow in her hair and cuts on her face from the glass. Lukas puts her head in his lap and wipes some of the blood off her face, along with removing some glass. "Jesse, are you okay?" He asks as he runs his hand through her golden locks. Some snow falls out of her hair. Lukas keeps running his hand through her hair. Jesse closes her eyes, "...daddy..."
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