Chapter 38
"Jesse, be honest. Do you think Luna recognized you?" Lukas asks as he helps Jesse off of his horse. "For the last time, Lukas. No." Jesse holds onto the book before looking down, "How sure are you?" Lukas puts a hand under Jesses chin. "I dunno, how sure are you that the days will win the war?" Lukas sighs as she says that. "We will win. We have to." Lukas grabs the book and Jesse gulps, "Lukas, can I talk to you now?" Jesse bites her quivering lip and Lukas smiles, "Sure love. Whats up?" He pokes her nose. "You... and you parents. Please? It's important." Lukas looks at Jesse with slight confusion then he nods, "Alright."
The sun rises as they both walk into the castle, and Jesse seems to get more nervous with each oncoming second. Lukas looks at Jesse, "I'll go get my parents." He kisses her head before walking out of the room. Jesse walks over to a giant portrait of King Sean, Queen Solar and Prince Lukas when Lukas was just three years old. King Sean and Queen Solar have a smile on their face while Lukas is smiling wider than they are. One of his front teeth is missing and he looked like any other normal kid in that portrait. Jesse smiles and puts a hand on her stomach. "I hope we will be that happy.. All of us." She examines the photo and keeps her hand on her stomach. "All of who?" King Sean asks and Jesse's hands drop to her side. "King Sean, sir, Queen Solar, ma'am, Lukas. I really have to tell you something." Jesse takes a really deep breathe then Lukas walks up to her.
"What is it Jesse?"
"I... I..." Jesse looks down while blinking back tears.
"Jesse, hon?" Lukas grabs her face and wipes some tears that are rolling down her cheek.
"I..." Jesse takes a deep breathe.
"Jesse, you can trust us." Queen Solar smiles before looking at her husband.
"I'm pregnant, and its Lukas' kid." Jesse bites her lip and Lukas' jaw drops. He was in shock and awe.
"Wait, but I thought you two just did it. How can you know already?" King Sean raises an eyebrow.
"Funny story actually. Remember when Lukas and I came back when my hair was black and said we went on a nature hike and swimming?" Jesse gulps, hard and rubs her neck.
"...Welp. This explains a lot." Queen Solar looks at Lukas and Jesse, "Congratulations you two!" She grins.
Lukas stares at Jesse, his right twitching. "Jesse, tell me. how long." He growls. "What...?" "How. Long?!" He crosses his arms. "Three days." She looks down. "So, you went on the suicide mission for a STUPID book while you were pregnant?! You put three lives at risk! Yours, mine and the baby's!" He starts turning red in the face. "L-Lukas... I don't care about my own life right now! What was important was the day kingdom! That is still the main priority!" Jesse growls at Lukas, "And on top of that, you kept THIS of all things from me! I expected you to be truthful and honest with me but you kept this a secret, Jesse!" "Maybe I kept this a secret because I felt you would leave if I didn't!" Tears burn Jesses eyes. Lukas freezes up and looks down at her, "Jesse..." "The day kingdom is still MY main priority. Let me know when its yours." Jesse whimpers and runs out with tears running down her cheeks. Lukas stands there and sighs, "Jesse..." He closes his eyes before following after her.
Jesse stops under a tree, her breathing is very hard. She could feel her heart ripping into two from the argument that was just had. She closes her eyes and breathes, "How could I be so stupid... I am trying to saving a kingdom. I cannot add love into the mix right now. The day kingdom is still my main priority. They are counting on me. On us. We can do this, together." Jesse puts a hand on her stomach then she closes her eyes. 'We can do this...'
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